-- The hand --Create an initial hand tool minetest.register_item(":", { type = "none", wield_image = "wieldhand.png", wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 0.9, max_drop_level = 0, groupcaps = { stone = {times={[4]=32.00, [3]=26.50, [2]=20.70,[1]=16.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=0}, dirt = {times={[4]=11.0,[3]=8.4,[2]=6.40,[1]=4.2}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}, sand = {times={[4]=11.0,[3]=8.4,[2]=6.40,[1]=4.2}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}, wood = {times={[4]=11.5,[3]=8.5,[2]=6.70,[1]=5.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=1}, leaves = {times={[4]=4.5,[3]=3.2,[2]=2.20,[1]=1.2}, uses=0, maxlevel=0}, instant = {times={[1]=0.1,},uses=0,maxlevel=1}, }, damage_groups = {fleshy=1}, } }) -- This is a fake node that should never be placed in the world local def = minetest.registered_items[""] minetest.register_node("hand:player", { description = "", tiles = {"player.png"}, visual_scale = 1, wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=1}, paramtype = "light", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "hand.b3d", -- Prevent construction node_placement_prediction = "", on_construct = function(pos) minetest.log("error", "Tried to place hand at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) minetest.remove_node(pos) end, drop = "", on_drop = function() return "" end, groups = { dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1 }, range = def.range, }) --Create a hand list and then enable the hand node minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) player:get_inventory():set_size("hand", 1) player:get_inventory():set_stack("hand", 1, "hand:player") end)