local aether_channels = {} minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() aether_channels[name] = minetest.mod_channel_join(name..":aether_teleporters") end) local path = minetest.get_modpath("aether") dofile(path.."/schem.lua") dofile(path.."/nodes.lua") dofile(path.."/biomes.lua") minetest.register_node("aether:portal", { description = "Aether Portal", tiles = { { name = "aether_portal.png", backface_culling = true, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 0.5, }, }, { name = "aether_portal.png", backface_culling = true, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 0.5, }, }, }, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", --paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, use_texture_alpha = false, walkable = false, diggable = false, pointable = false, buildable_to = false, is_ground_content = false, drop = "", light_source = 7, --post_effect_color = {a = 180, r = 51, g = 7, b = 89}, alpha = 140, node_box = { type = "connected", -- connect_top = -- connect_bottom = connect_front = {0, -1/2, -1/2, 0, 1/2, 0 }, connect_left = {-1/2, -1/2, 0, 0, 1/2, 0}, connect_back = {0, -1/2, 0, 0, 1/2, 1/2 }, connect_right = { 0, -1/2, 0, 1/2, 1/2, 0}, }, connects_to = {"aether:portal","nether:glowstone"}, groups = {unbreakable=1}, --on_destruct = destroy_portal, }) --branch out from center local a_index = {} local aether_portal_failure = false local x_failed = false --this can be used globally to create aether portals from obsidian function create_aether_portal(pos,origin,axis) --create the origin node for stored memory if not origin then origin = pos aether_portal_failure = false end if not axis then axis = "x" end --2d virtual memory map creation (x axis) if axis == "x" then for x = -1,1 do for y = -1,1 do --index only direct neighbors if x_failed == false and (math.abs(x)+math.abs(y) == 1) then local i = vector.add(pos,vector.new(x,y,0)) local execute_collection = true if a_index[i.x] and a_index[i.x][i.y] then if a_index[i.x][i.y][i.z] then execute_collection = false end end if execute_collection == true then --print(minetest.get_node(i).name) --index air if minetest.get_node(i).name == "air" then if vector.distance(i,origin) < 50 then --add data to both maps if not a_index[i.x] then a_index[i.x] = {} end if not a_index[i.x][i.y] then a_index[i.x][i.y] = {} end a_index[i.x][i.y][i.z] = {aether_portal=1} --get_group(i,"redstone_power")} --the data to the 3d array must be written to memory before this is executed --or a stack overflow occurs!!! --pass down info for activators create_aether_portal(i,origin,"x") else --print("try z") x_failed = true a_index = {} create_aether_portal(origin,origin,"z") end elseif minetest.get_node(i).name ~= "nether:glowstone" then x_failed = true a_index = {} create_aether_portal(origin,origin,"z") end end end end end --2d virtual memory map creation (z axis) elseif axis == "z" then for z = -1,1 do for y = -1,1 do --index only direct neighbors if x_failed == true and aether_portal_failure == false and (math.abs(z)+math.abs(y) == 1) then local i = vector.add(pos,vector.new(0,y,z)) local execute_collection = true if a_index[i.x] and a_index[i.x][i.y] then if a_index[i.x][i.y][i.z] then execute_collection = false end end if execute_collection == true then --print(minetest.get_node(i).name) --index air if minetest.get_node(i).name == "air" then if vector.distance(i,origin) < 50 then --add data to both maps if not a_index[i.x] then a_index[i.x] = {} end if not a_index[i.x][i.y] then a_index[i.x][i.y] = {} end a_index[i.x][i.y][i.z] = {aether_portal=1} --get_group(i,"redstone_power")} --the data to the 3d array must be written to memory before this is executed --or a stack overflow occurs!!! --pass down info for activators create_aether_portal(i,origin,"z") else --print("portal failed") aether_portal_failure = true a_index = {} --print("try z") end elseif minetest.get_node(i).name ~= "nether:glowstone" then --print("portal failed") aether_portal_failure = true a_index = {} end end end end end end end --creates a aether portal in the aether --this essentially makes it so you have to move 30 away from one portal to another otherwise it will travel to an existing portal local aether_origin_pos = nil local function spawn_portal_into_aether_callback(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param) if calls_remaining == 0 then local portal_exists = minetest.find_node_near(aether_origin_pos, 30, {"aether:portal"}) if not portal_exists then local min = vector.subtract(aether_origin_pos,30) local max = vector.add(aether_origin_pos,30) local platform = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(min, max, {"aether:dirt","aether:grass"}) if platform and next(platform) then --print("setting the platform") local platform_location = platform[math.random(1,table.getn(platform))] minetest.place_schematic(platform_location, aetherportalSchematic,"0",nil,true,"place_center_x, place_center_z") else --print("generate a portal within aetherrack") minetest.place_schematic(aether_origin_pos, aetherportalSchematic,"0",nil,true,"place_center_x, place_center_z") end else --print("portal exists, utilizing") end aether_origin_pos = nil end end --creates aether portals in the overworld local function spawn_portal_into_overworld_callback(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param) if calls_remaining == 0 then local portal_exists = minetest.find_node_near(aether_origin_pos, 30, {"aether:portal"}) if not portal_exists then local min = vector.subtract(aether_origin_pos,30) local max = vector.add(aether_origin_pos,30) local platform = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(min, max, {"main:stone","main:water","main:grass","main:sand","main:dirt"}) if platform and next(platform) then --print("setting the platform") local platform_location = platform[math.random(1,table.getn(platform))] minetest.place_schematic(platform_location, aetherportalSchematic,"0",nil,true,"place_center_x, place_center_z") else --print("generate a portal within overworld stone") minetest.place_schematic(aether_origin_pos, aetherportalSchematic,"0",nil,true,"place_center_x, place_center_z") end else --print("portal exists, utilizing") end aether_origin_pos = nil end end local function generate_aether_portal_in_aether(pos) if pos.y < 20000 then --center the location to the lava height pos.y = 25000--+math.random(-30,30) aether_origin_pos = pos local min = vector.subtract(aether_origin_pos,30) local max = vector.add(aether_origin_pos,30) --force load the area minetest.emerge_area(min, max, spawn_portal_into_aether_callback) else --center the location to the water height pos.y = 0--+math.random(-30,30) aether_origin_pos = pos --prefer height for mountains local min = vector.subtract(aether_origin_pos,vector.new(30,30,30)) local max = vector.add(aether_origin_pos,vector.new(30,120,30)) --force load the area minetest.emerge_area(min, max, spawn_portal_into_overworld_callback) end end --modify the map with the collected data local function portal_modify_map(n_copy) local sorted_table = {} local created_portal = false for x,datax in pairs(n_copy) do for y,datay in pairs(datax) do for z,index in pairs(datay) do --try to create a return side aether portal if created_portal == false then created_portal = true generate_aether_portal_in_aether(vector.new(x,y,z)) end table.insert(sorted_table, vector.new(x,y,z)) end end end minetest.bulk_set_node(sorted_table, {name="aether:portal"}) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --the teleporter parts - stored here for now so I can read from other functions local teleporting_player = nil local function teleport_to_overworld(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param) if calls_remaining == 0 then local portal_exists = minetest.find_node_near(aether_origin_pos, 30, {"aether:portal"}) if portal_exists then --print(teleporting_player) if teleporting_player then teleporting_player:set_pos(vector.new(portal_exists.x,portal_exists.y-0.5,portal_exists.z)) end end teleporting_player = nil end end local function teleport_to_aether(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param) if calls_remaining == 0 then local portal_exists = minetest.find_node_near(aether_origin_pos, 30, {"aether:portal"}) if portal_exists then --print(teleporting_player) if teleporting_player then teleporting_player:set_pos(vector.new(portal_exists.x,portal_exists.y-0.5,portal_exists.z)) end end teleporting_player = nil end end --this initializes all teleporter commands from the client minetest.register_on_modchannel_message(function(channel_name, sender, message) local channel_decyphered = channel_name:gsub(sender,"") if channel_decyphered == ":aether_teleporters" then local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(sender) local pos = player:get_pos() if pos.y < 20000 then --center the location to the lava height pos.y = 25000--+math.random(-30,30) aether_origin_pos = pos local min = vector.subtract(aether_origin_pos,30) local max = vector.add(aether_origin_pos,30) --force load the area teleporting_player = player minetest.emerge_area(min, max, teleport_to_aether) else --center the location to the water height pos.y = 0--+math.random(-30,30) aether_origin_pos = pos --prefer height for mountains local min = vector.subtract(aether_origin_pos,vector.new(30,30,30)) local max = vector.add(aether_origin_pos,vector.new(30,120,30)) --force load the area teleporting_player = player minetest.emerge_area(min, max, teleport_to_overworld) end end end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local destroy_a_index = {} local destroy_aether_portal_failure = false local destroy_aether_portal_failed = false --this can be used globally to create aether portals from obsidian function destroy_aether_portal(pos,origin,axis) --create the origin node for stored memory if not origin then origin = pos end --3d virtual memory map creation (x axis) for x = -1,1 do for z = -1,1 do for y = -1,1 do --index only direct neighbors if (math.abs(x)+math.abs(z)+math.abs(y) == 1) then local i = vector.add(pos,vector.new(x,y,z)) local execute_collection = true if destroy_a_index[i.x] and destroy_a_index[i.x][i.y] then if destroy_a_index[i.x][i.y][i.z] then execute_collection = false end end if execute_collection == true then --print(minetest.get_node(i).name) --index air if minetest.get_node(i).name == "aether:portal" then if vector.distance(i,origin) < 50 then --add data to both maps if not destroy_a_index[i.x] then destroy_a_index[i.x] = {} end if not destroy_a_index[i.x][i.y] then destroy_a_index[i.x][i.y] = {} end destroy_a_index[i.x][i.y][i.z] = {aether_portal=1} --get_group(i,"redstone_power")} --the data to the 3d array must be written to memory before this is executed --or a stack overflow occurs!!! --pass down info for activators destroy_aether_portal(i,origin,"z") end end end end end end end end --modify the map with the collected data local function destroy_portal_modify_map(destroy_n_copy) local destroy_sorted_table = {} for x,datax in pairs(destroy_n_copy) do for y,datay in pairs(datax) do for z,index in pairs(datay) do table.insert(destroy_sorted_table, vector.new(x,y,z)) end end end minetest.bulk_set_node(destroy_sorted_table, {name="air"}) end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) --if indexes exist then calculate redstone if a_index and next(a_index) and aether_portal_failure == false then --create the old version to help with deactivation calculation local n_copy = table.copy(a_index) portal_modify_map(n_copy) aether_portal_failure = false end if x_failed == true then x_failed = false end if aether_portal_failure == true then aether_portal_failure = false end --clear the index to avoid cpu looping wasting processing power a_index = {} --if indexes exist then calculate redstone if destroy_a_index and next(destroy_a_index) and destroy_aether_portal_failure == false then --create the old version to help with deactivation calculation local destroy_n_copy = table.copy(destroy_a_index) destroy_portal_modify_map(destroy_n_copy) end --clear the index to avoid cpu looping wasting processing power destroy_a_index = {} end)