------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others. -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- This program and the accompanying materials are made available -- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which -- accompanies this distribution, and is available at -- http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html -- -- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available -- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this -- distribution, and is available at http://www.lua.org/license.html -- -- Contributors: -- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Survive lack of checks if not pcall(require, 'checks') then function package.preload.checks() function checks() end end end -- Main file for the metalua executable require 'metalua.loader' -- load *.mlue files require 'metalua.compiler.globals' -- metalua-aware loadstring, dofile etc. local alt_getopt = require 'alt_getopt' local pp = require 'metalua.pprint' local mlc = require 'metalua.compiler' local M = { } local AST_COMPILE_ERROR_NUMBER = -1 local RUNTIME_ERROR_NUMBER = -3 local alt_getopt_options = "f:l:e:o:xivaASbs" local long_opts = { file='f', library='l', literal='e', output='o', run='x', interactive='i', verbose='v', ['print-ast']='a', ['print-ast-lineinfo']='A', ['print-src']='S', ['meta-bugs']='b', ['sharp-bang']='s', } local chunk_options = { library=1, file=1, literal=1 } local usage=[[ Compile and/or execute metalua programs. Parameters passed to the compiler should be prefixed with an option flag, hinting what must be done with them: take tham as file names to compile, as library names to load, as parameters passed to the running program... When option flags are absent, metalua tries to adopt a "Do What I Mean" approach: - if no code (no library, no literal expression and no file) is specified, the first flag-less parameter is taken as a file name to load. - if no code and no parameter is passed, an interactive loop is started. - if a target file is specified with --output, the program is not executed by default, unless a --run flag forces it to. Conversely, if no --output target is specified, the code is run unless ++run forbids it. ]] function M.cmdline_parser(...) local argv = {...} local opts, optind, optarg = alt_getopt.get_ordered_opts({...}, alt_getopt_options, long_opts) --pp.printf("argv=%s; opts=%s, ending at %i, with optarg=%s", -- argv, opts, optind, optarg) local s2l = { } -- short to long option names conversion table for long, short in pairs(long_opts) do s2l[short]=long end local cfg = { chunks = { } } for i, short in pairs(opts) do local long = s2l[short] if chunk_options[long] then table.insert(cfg.chunks, { tag=long, optarg[i] }) else cfg[long] = optarg[i] or true end end cfg.params = { select(optind, ...) } return cfg end function M.main (...) local cfg = M.cmdline_parser(...) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Print messages if in verbose mode ------------------------------------------------------------------- local function verb_print (fmt, ...) if cfg.verbose then return pp.printf ("[ "..fmt.." ]", ...) end end if cfg.verbose then verb_print("raw options: %s", cfg) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If there's no chunk but there are params, interpret the first -- param as a file name. if not next(cfg.chunks) and next(cfg.params) then local the_file = table.remove(cfg.params, 1) verb_print("Param %q considered as a source file", the_file) cfg.file={ the_file } end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If nothing to do, run REPL loop if not next(cfg.chunks) and not cfg.interactive then verb_print "Nothing to compile nor run, force interactive loop" cfg.interactive=true end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Run if asked to, or if no --output has been given -- if cfg.run==false it's been *forced* to false, don't override. if not cfg.run and not cfg.output then verb_print("No output file specified; I'll run the program") cfg.run = true end local code = { } ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get ASTs from sources local last_file_idx for i, x in ipairs(cfg.chunks) do local compiler = mlc.new() local tag, val = x.tag, x[1] verb_print("Compiling %s", x) local st, ast if tag=='library' then ast = { tag='Call', {tag='Id', "require" }, {tag='String', val } } elseif tag=='literal' then ast = compiler :src_to_ast(val) elseif tag=='file' then ast = compiler :srcfile_to_ast(val) -- Isolate each file in a separate fenv ast = { tag='Call', { tag='Function', { { tag='Dots'} }, ast }, { tag='Dots' } } ast.source = '@'..val code.source = '@'..val last_file_idx = i else error ("Bad option "..tag) end local valid = true -- TODO: check AST's correctness if not valid then pp.printf ("Cannot compile %s:\n%s", x, ast or "no msg") os.exit (AST_COMPILE_ERROR_NUMBER) end ast.origin = x table.insert(code, ast) end -- The last file returns the whole chunk's result if last_file_idx then -- transform +{ (function(...) -{ast} end)(...) } -- into +{ return (function(...) -{ast} end)(...) } local prv_ast = code[last_file_idx] local new_ast = { tag='Return', prv_ast } code[last_file_idx] = new_ast end -- Further uses of compiler won't involve AST transformations: -- they can share the same instance. -- TODO: reuse last instance if possible. local compiler = mlc.new() ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AST printing if cfg['print-ast'] or cfg['print-ast-lineinfo'] then verb_print "Resulting AST:" for _, x in ipairs(code) do pp.printf("--- AST From %s: ---", x.source) if x.origin and x.origin.tag=='File' then x=x[1][1][2][1] end local pp_cfg = cfg['print-ast-lineinfo'] and { line_max=1, fix_indent=1, metalua_tag=1 } or { line_max=1, metalua_tag=1, hide_hash=1 } pp.print(x, 80, pp_cfg) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Source printing if cfg['print-src'] then verb_print "Resulting sources:" for _, x in ipairs(code) do printf("--- Source From %s: ---", table.tostring(x.source, 'nohash')) if x.origin and x.origin.tag=='File' then x=x[1][1][2] end print (compiler :ast2string (x)) end end -- TODO: canonize/check AST local bytecode = compiler :ast_to_bytecode (code) code = nil ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert #!... command if cfg.sharpbang then local shbang = cfg.sharpbang verb_print ("Adding sharp-bang directive %q", shbang) if not shbang :match'^#!' then shbang = '#!' .. shbang end if not shbang :match'\n$' then shbang = shbang .. '\n' end bytecode = shbang .. bytecode end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Save to file if cfg.output then -- FIXME: handle '-' verb_print ("Saving to file %q", cfg.output) local file, err_msg = io.open(cfg.output, 'wb') if not file then error("can't open output file: "..err_msg) end file:write(bytecode) file:close() if cfg.sharpbang and os.getenv "OS" ~= "Windows_NT" then pcall(os.execute, 'chmod a+x "'..cfg.output..'"') end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Run compiled code if cfg.run then verb_print "Running" local f = compiler :bytecode_to_function (bytecode) bytecode = nil -- FIXME: isolate execution in a ring -- FIXME: check for failures local function print_traceback (errmsg) return errmsg .. '\n' .. debug.traceback ('',2) .. '\n' end local function g() return f(unpack (cfg.params)) end local st, msg = xpcall(g, print_traceback) if not st then io.stderr:write(msg) os.exit(RUNTIME_ERROR_NUMBER) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Run REPL loop if cfg.interactive then verb_print "Starting REPL loop" require 'metalua.repl' .run() end verb_print "Done" end return M.main(...)