=== Random personal notes === ==================================================================== This is my persistent *scratch*. There are random notes, in random languages, unstructured, out of date, generally unexploitable. Don't expect anything here to make sense. ==================================================================== This distribution of metalua tries to favor ease of install over saving a couple of kilobytes; therefore it directly embeds pieces of useful other free software rather than letting users fetch and configure them, and it installs separately from a regular lua install, instead of messing it up. Open source code used by metalua Metalua current sources include (possibly slightly modified versions of) these open source projects: - Lua, of course. - Yueliang, a Lua compiler in written in Lua: this is the base of metalua's bytecode dumper. - Rings, a part of the Kelper project, which lets handle multiple Lua states from within Lua. - Editline, an interactive command line editor, very similar to GNU readline but with a more permissive licence. - bitlib for bitwise manipulations (especially useful for bytecode dumping) How to make it: 1 - make lua compiler and VM 2 - make bitlib and rings 3 - compile metalua .lua files 4 - compile metalua .c files modifications to mlc/mlr: - when several files are compiled with mlc, each chunk receives the command line arguments in '...' - luaL_loadfile() and luaL_loadstring() try to call debug.getregistry().loadfile() and debug.getregistry().loadstring(). It affects Lua functions loadstring(), loadfile(), dostring(), dofile(), require(). steps: - take back std libs into metalua - take back compiler - put metalua compilation in separate rings - rework lexer: allow lexer subclassing, changing lexer dynamically in mlp - change AST - rework code generator with bitlib Functions to patch - pairs/ipairs - type/rawtype Comment gerer le bootstrap: - si ca foire, j'emets un warning mais je ne crashe pas - a la compil initiale, ca va pas le faire evidemment - je compile tous les fichiers de metalua en un seul package mlc.luac au debut, je tente un "require 'base'" mon probleme: je voudrais eviter de charger metalua si je cherche juste a executer du bytecode. donc le chargement de mlc.lua se fait s'il y a une source a compiler, dans loadstring. Ici une variable booleenne statique peut faire gagner du temps, sans etre indispensable Au et puis merde, on s'en fout, si le bloc est precompile c'est vraiment pas la mer a boire Changing luac into mlc ---------------------- The first step is to patch luaL_loadfile() and luaL_loadstring(), so that they attempt to run a custom compiler provided in Lua. That compiler is taken from the registry's "loadfile" (respectively "loadstring") entry, which should be a function. If absent, we just fallback to the original compiler that comes with Lua. This takes little extra resources, and dramatically simplifies the bootstrapping process: you don't need some bytecode nor some external Lua distribution to compile metalua (Fixes happen in "lauxlib.c") There also are some extra options handled, -a to show the AST, -b to cause parsing failure to appear as Lua parser crashes (instead of trying to produce a sensible syntax error message: useful when your compile-time parts are buggy). The mlc module -------------- This module contains all of the compilation stuff. The version available after compilation is heavily based on the pattern matching extension, so it isn't used in the code required for bootstrapping (which has to be in lua inter metalua. That is, then, Lua) Libraries --------- The mechanism of metalua libraries is exactly the same as Lua's, except that the environment variable names ahve been changed to allow peaceful cohabitation with Lua. FIXME: il faut pouvoir verifier la presence, chargeable, d'une librairie sans reellement la charger. findfile() dans loadlib.c semble etre charge de ca. Avec ca, je peux verifier, dans extension(), si la lib runtime existe ou pas, et decider de l'inclure ou pas dans le code resultant. bootstrap: ========== le but c'est de compiler les bouts en pur lua pour faire un compilo minimaliste. Puis, l'utiliser pour generer le bytecode de la version complete. Par ailleurs, je me melange entre le compilo basique et la lib. Le compilo doit s'appeler mlc tout court, et la lib mlc.luac. Autre approche: je laisse tomber le mlc en C, il est facile a implementer avec mlr. Il faut juste garder/exporter le combine(). Etancheite: =========== Il faut s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de fuites entre differents niveaux et differentes sessions de compil. Il faut donc: - repartir de zero a chaque compilation (chaque luaL_load[file/string]()). - shell interactif: * separer les niveaux * permettre de monter/descendre d'un niveau avec des commandes dediees: "+:" et "-:" - Call across stages: - on cree et garde in ring the compil pour chaque operation ML0: * mlp.lexer.newstream() l.84 * mlp.chunk() l.93-95 mlc a un champ mlc.meta_ring, le ring dans lequel la CTMP se passe. Dans ce ring, il y a metalua.compiler charge. quand on splice, le mlc.function_of_ast() a lieu dans le meta_ring, /// plus simplement: - la compilation se fait dans un ring a part (metalua.mlua) - si plusieurs fichiers sont compiles, on change de ring a chaque fois. - il peut y avoir un probleme avec l'acces au niveau -1, mais il faut d'abord voir comment ca peut arriver -{ extension 'match' function mlp.macros.log(x) match x with | `Id{i} -> return +{printf("%s: %s"-{`String{i}}, table.tostring(-{x}))} | `String{s} -> return +{print(-{s})} end end } Il faut faire la part entre la synthese de l'AST et l'evaluation. La synthese de l'AST est faite en amont de mlc.splice(). Apparemment, le lexer est commun a tout le monde... et mlp aussi. r = rings.new() r:dostring [[require 'metalua.compile']] ast = r:call ('mlc.ast_of_luafile', foo, bar) Hygiene: ======== les quotes peuvent etre hygieniques (HQQ) ou pas (QQ). les QQ sont normales, ne font rien; ca permet de capturer des variables entre morceaux. Les HQQ sont attachees a un contexte, dans lequel seront reversees leurs variables libres. +{:hexpr(CTX): foo } va alpha renommer toutes les variables libres de +{foo} et les stocker dans CTX. Autre possibilite syntaxique: une +{hexpr: foo } retourne +{foo} et son contexte. Le contexte permet de decider comment fusionner deux AST. Il ne se resume pas a une substitution ->Laurie: Your approach is to tell the user that an AST has a sense by itself: it's an autonomous piece of data that won't interfere with its environment. Then you re-introduce mechanisms to get some dangling bits back, so that you can wire the various bits (QQ and splices) together as you wish. Now, the point from which I'll draw my PoV: an AST is only hygienic relative to a context. Through gensym() we're able to craft ASTs that are hygienic in all normal contexts, but the notion of contexts continues to exist. In particular, as soon as we want to connect bits of AST in interesting ways, we start to need a finer-grained control of contexts. You offer, with $c{ } ${ } and &, ways to poke holes into contexts, but since you try pretend to the user that there's no context, the user is screwed when he does want to mess with it. He has to guess how those hidden contexts work, and find ways to use the tools mentionned above so that they have the intended effect on the stealth context. That's a good approach when there's nothing clever to do with contexts, and it falls down when users get out of the main use cases. Depending on how rare it is to need such conttext hacking capabilities, your approach might or might not be practical. The metalua-consistent approach is the opposite one: if there's such a thing as contexts, and it sometimes makes sense for (advanced) users to fiddle with them, then there must be first class AST context objects. If it can be optionally hidden in most common cases, great, but users aren't supposed to ignore their existence. Therefore, whenever you combine two pieces of AST, you specify how their context must be merged. The 2 most common defaults would be "don't touch anything" (non-hygienic macros) and "make sure there's no interference" (full hygiene, no capture). In the example we just discussed, the problem is that we have 3 AST (around, inside and usercode) and we want to splice them in a fancy way: there's only one capturing variable between around and inside, and it must not capture anything in usercode. You hack your way around to build a protective shell on usercode, then toss it with the other ASTs. I'd rather write that around and inside share the same context, and usercode has its own. Then when combining all those, the hygienizer will know what to do. if I wanted to combine around's and outside's contexts so that they'd only share "q_var", I should be able to express that as well. Bottom line is: I'd rather have 1st class context than implicit ones, which will be a hassle to interact with when I have to. KISS engineering at its best :) Restent a faire: ================ - choisir une structure definitive pour les librairies [X] - swap de lexers[X] - reflechir a l'addition automatique des mots-clef par les parsers qui vont bien. Peut-etre qu'ils sont attaches optionnellement a un lexer, et que cet attachement est transmis par defaut qd on insere un parser ds un autre - renommer x_quote/x_splice quote/splice [X] - ipairs/pairs/type -> rawipairs/rawpairs/type [X] - ajouter std au libs autochargees [X] - splitter std/table2/string2/package2 [X] - le $ pour les macros en standard [X] - extension: determiner s'il y a un runtime a la compil [X] - etancheite [X] - notation pour la generation auto de sous-tables - Voir le compilo d'EVE Bugs connus: - require qui merde -> regle - reentrance de in_a_quote dans mlp_meta.lua - refuser les flags autres qu'expr dans les splices in_a_quote Variante d'organisation: ======================== On considere le compilo comme une librairie classique, et on compte des les depart sur la presence d'un tas de libs standard. revenir a une lib plus simple ============================= Suite a discussion avec EVE, il vaut mieux distribuer metalua comme une lib que comme une VM patchee. Ca demande: - de patcher require proprement. Triturer un peu la table package.loaders permettrait de faire ca correctement, en remplacant l'entree Lua_loader. - dostring() dofile(), loadstring(), loadfile(). Je les refais en C, do*() utilisant load*(). Reste le probleme qu'en fait il y a 2 produits ds metalua: le CTMP compiler, et une baselib etendue. J'ai besoin au moins du 2nd au runtime, la plupart du temps. ==> Probleme: est-ce que je laisse les require() correspondants a la charge du developpeur? p/r a 0.3, au moins, il se rendra compte que ca manque grace a la separation des etats. il faudra encore fournir une boucle interactive, celle de lua n'est pas patchable. Idem pour le compilo. distro: il faudrait reunir tous les fichiers C (bitlib, pluto, rings, load) dans un binaire unique. Peut-etre precompiler les libs Lua de compil, et inclure le bytecode correspondant dans ce binaire. la lib compilo require la lib runtime, mais ne l'inclue pas. Propal de nom: metalua.runtime et metalua.compile (verifier les finasseries sur les namespaces de modules). autre probleme, les arguments '...' pour les scripts. Comme c'est combine() qui pose probleme, en le fixant c'est resolu. Comment lua fait pour distinguer les arguments des sources ? lua.exe ne charge qu'un script, le reste est passe en options. On peut avoir l'algo suivant: - les fichiers sont passes avec -s - les trucs sans rien sont des parametres du script - sauf le 1er truc sans rien, qui est un fichier s'il n'y a pas eu de -s avant - apres le premier truc sans rien ou --, tout est considere comme des parametres. Metalua executable manual Allows to compile and/or run metalua programs, and to use interactive loop. --compile --run --interactive --output --load-library [@metalevel] --print-ast By default, parameters are passed to all running chunks. However, if there is are parameters and no running chunk, the first parameter is taken as the running chunk. metalua --compile foo.mlua if there is an --output, all run and compiled files will be saved in it. Think about "require'metalua.runtime'" - compile all files. - displays ASTs depending on --print-ast - run all files if --run - run loop after compile and run if -i or if no file - if no -a and no -o, -x is implied - if -x and no file, first param is a file Le ML du resultat, qu'il soit execute ou sauve, est toujours 1. Le niveau 0 est au besoin relance plusieurs fois, une par compile. soucis avec clopts: l'ordre peut etre important. en l'occurence, l'ordre relatif entre libs REMARQUE WALKER: est-ce qu'il faut que la gauche de Set soit traitee comme des expr? TODO: anaphoric macros should bind 'it' to a function when it appears directly in it. it would allow anonymous recursive functions. MERGE lie info EVE: files to merge: - compile.lua - gg.lua - lexer:next() (in lexer? mlp_lexer?) - lcode.lua - ldump: separer DumpDebug Compile and/or execute metalua programs. Parameters passed to the compiler should be prefixed with an option flag, hinting what must be done with them: take tham as file names to compile, as library names to load, as parameters passed to the running program... When option flags lack, metalua tries to adopt a "Do What I Mean" approach: - if no code (no library, no literal expression and no file) is specified, the first flag-less parameter is taken as a file name to load. - if no code and no parameter is passed, an interactive loop is started. - if a target file is specified with --output, the program is not executed by default, unless a --run flag forces it to. Conversely, if no --output target is specified, the code is run unless ++run forbids it. When does it compile, when does it execute? ------------------------------------------- The result of the compilation is saved if there is a --output specifying a destination file. If not, the result is run. If both --output and --run are specified, the result is both saved and run. If the compilation must be saved, it is mandatory to have at least one file or library. How to load chunks to compile/run --------------------------------- Files can be passed, with their relative paths, with --file. Libraries can be loaded, from standard paths, with --library. Litteral blocks of code can be passed with --literal. When does it launch an interactive loop? ---------------------------------------- When --interactive is specified, or when no chunk is loaded.