package display import ( "strconv" runewidth "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // The BufWindow provides a way of displaying a certain section // of a buffer type BufWindow struct { *View // Buffer being shown in this window Buf *buffer.Buffer active bool sline *StatusLine bufWidth int bufHeight int gutterOffset int hasMessage bool maxLineNumLength int drawDivider bool } // NewBufWindow creates a new window at a location in the screen with a width and height func NewBufWindow(x, y, width, height int, buf *buffer.Buffer) *BufWindow { w := new(BufWindow) w.View = new(View) w.X, w.Y, w.Width, w.Height = x, y, width, height w.SetBuffer(buf) = true w.sline = NewStatusLine(w) return w } func (w *BufWindow) SetBuffer(b *buffer.Buffer) { w.Buf = b b.OptionCallback = func(option string, nativeValue interface{}) { if option == "softwrap" { if nativeValue.(bool) { w.StartCol = 0 } else { w.StartLine.Row = 0 } w.Relocate() for _, c := range w.Buf.GetCursors() { c.LastVisualX = c.GetVisualX() } } } b.GetVisualX = func(loc buffer.Loc) int { return w.VLocFromLoc(loc).VisualX } } func (w *BufWindow) GetView() *View { return w.View } func (w *BufWindow) SetView(view *View) { w.View = view } func (w *BufWindow) Resize(width, height int) { w.Width, w.Height = width, height w.updateDisplayInfo() w.Relocate() if w.Buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) { for _, c := range w.Buf.GetCursors() { c.LastVisualX = c.GetVisualX() } } } func (w *BufWindow) SetActive(b bool) { = b } func (w *BufWindow) IsActive() bool { return } // BufView returns the width, height and x,y location of the actual buffer. // It is not exactly the same as the whole window which also contains gutter, // ruler, scrollbar and statusline. func (w *BufWindow) BufView() View { return View{ X: w.X + w.gutterOffset, Y: w.Y, Width: w.bufWidth, Height: w.bufHeight, StartLine: w.StartLine, StartCol: w.StartCol, } } func (w *BufWindow) updateDisplayInfo() { b := w.Buf w.drawDivider = false if !b.Settings["statusline"].(bool) { _, h := screen.Screen.Size() infoY := h if config.GetGlobalOption("infobar").(bool) { infoY-- } if w.Y+w.Height != infoY { w.drawDivider = true } } w.bufHeight = w.Height if b.Settings["statusline"].(bool) || w.drawDivider { w.bufHeight-- } w.hasMessage = len(b.Messages) > 0 // We need to know the string length of the largest line number // so we can pad appropriately when displaying line numbers w.maxLineNumLength = len(strconv.Itoa(b.LinesNum())) w.gutterOffset = 0 if w.hasMessage { w.gutterOffset += 2 } if b.Settings["diffgutter"].(bool) { w.gutterOffset++ } if b.Settings["ruler"].(bool) { w.gutterOffset += w.maxLineNumLength + 1 } w.bufWidth = w.Width - w.gutterOffset if w.Buf.Settings["scrollbar"].(bool) && w.Buf.LinesNum() > w.Height { w.bufWidth-- } } func (w *BufWindow) getStartInfo(n, lineN int) ([]byte, int, int, *tcell.Style) { tabsize := util.IntOpt(w.Buf.Settings["tabsize"]) width := 0 bloc := buffer.Loc{0, lineN} b := w.Buf.LineBytes(lineN) curStyle := config.DefStyle var s *tcell.Style for len(b) > 0 { r, _, size := util.DecodeCharacter(b) curStyle, found := w.getStyle(curStyle, bloc) if found { s = &curStyle } w := 0 switch r { case '\t': ts := tabsize - (width % tabsize) w = ts default: w = runewidth.RuneWidth(r) } if width+w > n { return b, n - width, bloc.X, s } width += w b = b[size:] bloc.X++ } return b, n - width, bloc.X, s } // Clear resets all cells in this window to the default style func (w *BufWindow) Clear() { for y := 0; y < w.Height; y++ { for x := 0; x < w.Width; x++ { screen.SetContent(w.X+x, w.Y+y, ' ', nil, config.DefStyle) } } } // Relocate moves the view window so that the cursor is in view // This is useful if the user has scrolled far away, and then starts typing // Returns true if the window location is moved func (w *BufWindow) Relocate() bool { b := w.Buf height := w.bufHeight ret := false activeC := w.Buf.GetActiveCursor() scrollmargin := int(b.Settings["scrollmargin"].(float64)) c := w.SLocFromLoc(activeC.Loc) bStart := SLoc{0, 0} bEnd := w.SLocFromLoc(b.End()) if c.LessThan(w.Scroll(w.StartLine, scrollmargin)) && c.GreaterThan(w.Scroll(bStart, scrollmargin-1)) { w.StartLine = w.Scroll(c, -scrollmargin) ret = true } else if c.LessThan(w.StartLine) { w.StartLine = c ret = true } if c.GreaterThan(w.Scroll(w.StartLine, height-1-scrollmargin)) && c.LessThan(w.Scroll(bEnd, -scrollmargin+1)) { w.StartLine = w.Scroll(c, -height+1+scrollmargin) ret = true } else if c.GreaterThan(w.Scroll(bEnd, -scrollmargin)) && c.GreaterThan(w.Scroll(w.StartLine, height-1)) { w.StartLine = w.Scroll(bEnd, -height+1) ret = true } // horizontal relocation (scrolling) if !b.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) { cx := activeC.GetVisualX() rw := runewidth.RuneWidth(activeC.RuneUnder(activeC.X)) if rw == 0 { rw = 1 // tab or newline } if cx < w.StartCol { w.StartCol = cx ret = true } if cx+w.gutterOffset+rw > w.StartCol+w.Width { w.StartCol = cx - w.Width + w.gutterOffset + rw ret = true } } return ret } // LocFromVisual takes a visual location (x and y position) and returns the // position in the buffer corresponding to the visual location // If the requested position does not correspond to a buffer location it returns // the nearest position func (w *BufWindow) LocFromVisual(svloc buffer.Loc) buffer.Loc { vx := svloc.X - w.X - w.gutterOffset if vx < 0 { vx = 0 } vloc := VLoc{ SLoc: w.Scroll(w.StartLine, svloc.Y-w.Y), VisualX: vx + w.StartCol, } return w.LocFromVLoc(vloc) } func (w *BufWindow) drawGutter(vloc *buffer.Loc, bloc *buffer.Loc) { char := ' ' s := config.DefStyle for _, m := range w.Buf.Messages { if m.Start.Y == bloc.Y || m.End.Y == bloc.Y { s = m.Style() char = '>' break } } screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, char, nil, s) vloc.X++ screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, char, nil, s) vloc.X++ } func (w *BufWindow) drawDiffGutter(backgroundStyle tcell.Style, softwrapped bool, vloc *buffer.Loc, bloc *buffer.Loc) { symbol := ' ' styleName := "" switch w.Buf.DiffStatus(bloc.Y) { case buffer.DSAdded: symbol = '\u258C' // Left half block styleName = "diff-added" case buffer.DSModified: symbol = '\u258C' // Left half block styleName = "diff-modified" case buffer.DSDeletedAbove: if !softwrapped { symbol = '\u2594' // Upper one eighth block styleName = "diff-deleted" } } style := backgroundStyle if s, ok := config.Colorscheme[styleName]; ok { foreground, _, _ := s.Decompose() style = style.Foreground(foreground) } screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, symbol, nil, style) vloc.X++ } func (w *BufWindow) drawLineNum(lineNumStyle tcell.Style, softwrapped bool, vloc *buffer.Loc, bloc *buffer.Loc) { cursorLine := w.Buf.GetActiveCursor().Loc.Y var lineInt int if w.Buf.Settings["relativeruler"] == false || cursorLine == bloc.Y { lineInt = bloc.Y + 1 } else { lineInt = bloc.Y - cursorLine } lineNum := strconv.Itoa(util.Abs(lineInt)) // Write the spaces before the line number if necessary for i := 0; i < w.maxLineNumLength-len(lineNum); i++ { screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, ' ', nil, lineNumStyle) vloc.X++ } // Write the actual line number for _, ch := range lineNum { if softwrapped { screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, ' ', nil, lineNumStyle) } else { screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, ch, nil, lineNumStyle) } vloc.X++ } // Write the extra space screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, ' ', nil, lineNumStyle) vloc.X++ } // getStyle returns the highlight style for the given character position // If there is no change to the current highlight style it just returns that func (w *BufWindow) getStyle(style tcell.Style, bloc buffer.Loc) (tcell.Style, bool) { if group, ok := w.Buf.Match(bloc.Y)[bloc.X]; ok { s := config.GetColor(group.String()) return s, true } return style, false } func (w *BufWindow) showCursor(x, y int, main bool) { if { if main { screen.ShowCursor(x, y) } else { screen.ShowFakeCursorMulti(x, y) } } } // displayBuffer draws the buffer being shown in this window on the screen.Screen func (w *BufWindow) displayBuffer() { b := w.Buf if w.Height <= 0 || w.Width <= 0 { return } maxWidth := w.gutterOffset + w.bufWidth if b.ModifiedThisFrame { if b.Settings["diffgutter"].(bool) { b.UpdateDiff(func(synchronous bool) { // If the diff was updated asynchronously, the outer call to // displayBuffer might already be completed and we need to // schedule a redraw in order to display the new diff. // Note that this cannot lead to an infinite recursion // because the modifications were cleared above so there won't // be another call to UpdateDiff when displayBuffer is called // during the redraw. if !synchronous { screen.Redraw() } }) } b.ModifiedThisFrame = false } var matchingBraces []buffer.Loc // bracePairs is defined in buffer.go if b.Settings["matchbrace"].(bool) { for _, bp := range buffer.BracePairs { for _, c := range b.GetCursors() { if c.HasSelection() { continue } curX := c.X curLoc := c.Loc r := c.RuneUnder(curX) rl := c.RuneUnder(curX - 1) if r == bp[0] || r == bp[1] || rl == bp[0] || rl == bp[1] { mb, left, found := b.FindMatchingBrace(bp, curLoc) if found { matchingBraces = append(matchingBraces, mb) if !left { matchingBraces = append(matchingBraces, curLoc) } else { matchingBraces = append(matchingBraces, curLoc.Move(-1, b)) } } } } } } lineNumStyle := config.DefStyle if style, ok := config.Colorscheme["line-number"]; ok { lineNumStyle = style } curNumStyle := config.DefStyle if style, ok := config.Colorscheme["current-line-number"]; ok { if !b.Settings["cursorline"].(bool) { curNumStyle = lineNumStyle } else { curNumStyle = style } } softwrap := b.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) wordwrap := softwrap && b.Settings["wordwrap"].(bool) tabsize := util.IntOpt(b.Settings["tabsize"]) colorcolumn := util.IntOpt(b.Settings["colorcolumn"]) // this represents the current draw position // within the current window vloc := buffer.Loc{X: 0, Y: 0} if softwrap { // the start line may be partially out of the current window vloc.Y = -w.StartLine.Row } // this represents the current draw position in the buffer (char positions) bloc := buffer.Loc{X: -1, Y: w.StartLine.Line} cursors := b.GetCursors() curStyle := config.DefStyle for ; vloc.Y < w.bufHeight; vloc.Y++ { vloc.X = 0 currentLine := false for _, c := range cursors { if bloc.Y == c.Y && { currentLine = true break } } s := lineNumStyle if currentLine { s = curNumStyle } if vloc.Y >= 0 { if w.hasMessage { w.drawGutter(&vloc, &bloc) } if b.Settings["diffgutter"].(bool) { w.drawDiffGutter(s, false, &vloc, &bloc) } if b.Settings["ruler"].(bool) { w.drawLineNum(s, false, &vloc, &bloc) } } else { vloc.X = w.gutterOffset } line, nColsBeforeStart, bslice, startStyle := w.getStartInfo(w.StartCol, bloc.Y) if startStyle != nil { curStyle = *startStyle } bloc.X = bslice draw := func(r rune, combc []rune, style tcell.Style, highlight bool, showcursor bool) { if nColsBeforeStart <= 0 && vloc.Y >= 0 { if highlight { _, origBg, _ := style.Decompose() _, defBg, _ := config.DefStyle.Decompose() // syntax highlighting with non-default background takes precedence // over cursor-line and color-column dontOverrideBackground := origBg != defBg for _, c := range cursors { if c.HasSelection() && (bloc.GreaterEqual(c.CurSelection[0]) && bloc.LessThan(c.CurSelection[1]) || bloc.LessThan(c.CurSelection[0]) && bloc.GreaterEqual(c.CurSelection[1])) { // The current character is selected style = config.DefStyle.Reverse(true) if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["selection"]; ok { style = s } } if b.Settings["cursorline"].(bool) && && !dontOverrideBackground && !c.HasSelection() && c.Y == bloc.Y { if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["cursor-line"]; ok { fg, _, _ := s.Decompose() style = style.Background(fg) } } } for _, m := range b.Messages { if bloc.GreaterEqual(m.Start) && bloc.LessThan(m.End) || bloc.LessThan(m.End) && bloc.GreaterEqual(m.Start) { style = style.Underline(true) break } } if r == '\t' { indentrunes := []rune(b.Settings["indentchar"].(string)) // if empty indentchar settings, use space if len(indentrunes) == 0 { indentrunes = []rune{' '} } r = indentrunes[0] if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["indent-char"]; ok && r != ' ' { fg, _, _ := s.Decompose() style = style.Foreground(fg) } } if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["color-column"]; ok { if colorcolumn != 0 && vloc.X-w.gutterOffset+w.StartCol == colorcolumn && !dontOverrideBackground { fg, _, _ := s.Decompose() style = style.Background(fg) } } for _, mb := range matchingBraces { if mb.X == bloc.X && mb.Y == bloc.Y { style = style.Underline(true) } } } screen.SetContent(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, r, combc, style) if showcursor { for _, c := range cursors { if c.X == bloc.X && c.Y == bloc.Y && !c.HasSelection() { w.showCursor(w.X+vloc.X, w.Y+vloc.Y, c.Num == 0) } } } } if nColsBeforeStart <= 0 { vloc.X++ } nColsBeforeStart-- } wrap := func() { vloc.X = 0 if w.hasMessage { w.drawGutter(&vloc, &bloc) } if b.Settings["diffgutter"].(bool) { w.drawDiffGutter(lineNumStyle, true, &vloc, &bloc) } // This will draw an empty line number because the current line is wrapped if b.Settings["ruler"].(bool) { w.drawLineNum(lineNumStyle, true, &vloc, &bloc) } } type glyph struct { r rune combc []rune style tcell.Style width int } var word []glyph if wordwrap { word = make([]glyph, 0, w.bufWidth) } else { word = make([]glyph, 0, 1) } wordwidth := 0 totalwidth := w.StartCol - nColsBeforeStart for len(line) > 0 { r, combc, size := util.DecodeCharacter(line) line = line[size:] loc := buffer.Loc{X: bloc.X + len(word), Y: bloc.Y} curStyle, _ = w.getStyle(curStyle, loc) width := 0 switch r { case '\t': ts := tabsize - (totalwidth % tabsize) width = util.Min(ts, maxWidth-vloc.X) totalwidth += ts default: width = runewidth.RuneWidth(r) totalwidth += width } word = append(word, glyph{r, combc, curStyle, width}) wordwidth += width // Collect a complete word to know its width. // If wordwrap is off, every single character is a complete "word". if wordwrap { if !util.IsWhitespace(r) && len(line) > 0 && wordwidth < w.bufWidth { continue } } // If a word (or just a wide rune) does not fit in the window if vloc.X+wordwidth > maxWidth && vloc.X > w.gutterOffset { for vloc.X < maxWidth { draw(' ', nil, config.DefStyle, false, false) } // We either stop or we wrap to draw the word in the next line if !softwrap { break } else { vloc.Y++ if vloc.Y >= w.bufHeight { break } wrap() } } for _, r := range word { draw(r.r, r.combc,, true, true) // Draw any extra characters either spaces for tabs or @ for incomplete wide runes if r.width > 1 { char := ' ' if r.r != '\t' { char = '@' } for i := 1; i < r.width; i++ { draw(char, nil,, true, false) } } bloc.X++ } word = word[:0] wordwidth = 0 // If we reach the end of the window then we either stop or we wrap for softwrap if vloc.X >= maxWidth { if !softwrap { break } else { vloc.Y++ if vloc.Y >= w.bufHeight { break } wrap() } } } style := config.DefStyle for _, c := range cursors { if b.Settings["cursorline"].(bool) && && !c.HasSelection() && c.Y == bloc.Y { if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["cursor-line"]; ok { fg, _, _ := s.Decompose() style = style.Background(fg) } } } for i := vloc.X; i < maxWidth; i++ { curStyle := style if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["color-column"]; ok { if colorcolumn != 0 && i-w.gutterOffset+w.StartCol == colorcolumn { fg, _, _ := s.Decompose() curStyle = style.Background(fg) } } screen.SetContent(i+w.X, vloc.Y+w.Y, ' ', nil, curStyle) } if vloc.X != maxWidth { // Display newline within a selection draw(' ', nil, config.DefStyle, true, true) } bloc.X = w.StartCol bloc.Y++ if bloc.Y >= b.LinesNum() { break } } } func (w *BufWindow) displayStatusLine() { if w.Buf.Settings["statusline"].(bool) { w.sline.Display() } else if w.drawDivider { divchars := config.GetGlobalOption("divchars").(string) if util.CharacterCountInString(divchars) != 2 { divchars = "|-" } _, _, size := util.DecodeCharacterInString(divchars) divchar, combc, _ := util.DecodeCharacterInString(divchars[size:]) dividerStyle := config.DefStyle if style, ok := config.Colorscheme["divider"]; ok { dividerStyle = style } divreverse := config.GetGlobalOption("divreverse").(bool) if divreverse { dividerStyle = dividerStyle.Reverse(true) } for x := w.X; x < w.X+w.Width; x++ { screen.SetContent(x, w.Y+w.Height-1, divchar, combc, dividerStyle) } } } func (w *BufWindow) displayScrollBar() { if w.Buf.Settings["scrollbar"].(bool) && w.Buf.LinesNum() > w.Height { scrollX := w.X + w.Width - 1 barsize := int(float64(w.Height) / float64(w.Buf.LinesNum()) * float64(w.Height)) if barsize < 1 { barsize = 1 } barstart := w.Y + int(float64(w.StartLine.Line)/float64(w.Buf.LinesNum())*float64(w.Height)) scrollBarStyle := config.DefStyle.Reverse(true) if style, ok := config.Colorscheme["scrollbar"]; ok { scrollBarStyle = style } for y := barstart; y < util.Min(barstart+barsize, w.Y+w.bufHeight); y++ { screen.SetContent(scrollX, y, '|', nil, scrollBarStyle) } } } // Display displays the buffer and the statusline func (w *BufWindow) Display() { w.updateDisplayInfo() w.displayStatusLine() w.displayScrollBar() w.displayBuffer() }