tga_encoder = {} local image = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(self, ...) local t = setmetatable({}, {__index = image}) t:constructor(...) return t end, }) function image:constructor(pixels) self.bytes = {} self.pixels = pixels self.width = #pixles[1] self.height = #pixels self:encode() end function image:write(size, value) -- TGA uses little endian encoding local l = #self.bytes for i = 1, size do local byte = value % 256 value = value - byte value = value / 256 self.bytes[l + i] = byte end end function image:encode_colormap_spec() -- first entry index self:write(2, 0) -- number of entries self:write(2, 0) -- number of bits per pixel self:write(1, 0) end function image:encode_image_spec() -- X- and Y- origin self:write(2, 0) self:write(2, 0) -- width and height self:write(2, width) self:write(2, height) -- pixel depth self:write(1, 24) -- image descriptor self:write(1, 0) end function image:encode_header() -- id length self:write(1, 0) -- no image id info -- color map type self:write(1, 0) -- no color map -- image type self:write(1, 2) -- uncompressed true-color image -- color map specification self:encode_colormap_spec() -- image specification self:encode_image_spec() end function image:encode_data() -- ToDo end function image:encode() -- encode header self:encode_header() -- no color map and image id data -- encode data self:encode_data() -- no extension area or file footer end function image:save(filename) = or string.char(unpack(self.bytes)) local f = assert( f:write(data) f:close() end tga_encoder.image = image