--first we join the necessary channels so the mod can "listen" to what the server says weather = minetest.mod_channel_join("weather_nodes") weather_type = minetest.mod_channel_join("weather_type") running_send = minetest.mod_channel_join("running_send") player_movement_state = minetest.mod_channel_join("player.player_movement_state") --we load everything seperately because it's easier to work on individual files than have everything jammed into one file --not into seperate mods because that is unnecessary and cumbersome local path = minetest.get_modpath("crafter_client") dofile(path.."/player_input.lua") dofile(path.."/weather_handling.lua") local old_node local in_water = false local old_in_water = false minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local pos = minetest.localplayer:get_pos() pos.y = pos.y - 0.1 local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node then local name = node.name if name == "main:water" or name == "main:water_flowing" then in_water = true if in_water == true and old_in_water == false then minetest.sound_play("splash", {gain = 0.4, pitch = math.random(80,100)/100}) end else in_water = false end end old_node = node old_in_water = in_water end)