--don't crash if not in crafter client for _,r in pairs(minetest.get_csm_restrictions()) do if r == true then return end end if not minetest.get_node_def("client_version_checker:this_is_the_signature_of_crafter00111010010001000011110000110011") then return end function initialize_all() --declare globals for now --next we load everything seperately because it's easier to work on individual files than have everything jammed into one file --not into seperate mods because that is unnecessary and cumbersome local path = minetest.get_modpath("crafter_client") dofile(path.."/player_input.lua") dofile(path.."/weather_handling.lua") dofile(path.."/environment_effects.lua") dofile(path.."/nether.lua") dofile(path.."/aether.lua") dofile(path.."/waila.lua") dofile(path.."/music_handling.lua") dofile(path.."/version_send.lua") dofile(path.."/colored_names/colored_names.lua") dofile(path.."/fire_handling.lua") end --we must delay initialization until the player exists in the world local function recursive_startup_attempt() local ready_to_go = minetest.localplayer if ready_to_go and minetest.get_node_or_nil(minetest.localplayer:get_pos()) then --good to begin initialize_all() else --try again minetest.after(0,function() recursive_startup_attempt() end) end end --begin initial attempt recursive_startup_attempt() --leave mod channels on shutdown --[[ minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() weather_intake = nil weather = nil weather_type = nil player_movement_state = nil nether = nil aether = nil name = nil version_channel = nil fire_handling_channel = nil end) ]]--