function math.clamp(min, max, v) return math.max(max, math.min(min, v)) end function string.split(str, delim, include_empty, max_splits, sep_is_pattern) delim = delim or "," max_splits = max_splits or -2 local items = {} local pos, len = 1, #str local plain = not sep_is_pattern max_splits = max_splits + 1 repeat local np, npe = string.find(str, delim, pos, plain) np, npe = (np or (len+1)), (npe or (len+1)) if (not np) or (max_splits == 1) then np = len + 1 npe = np end local s = string.sub(str, pos, np - 1) if include_empty or (s ~= "") then max_splits = max_splits - 1 items[#items + 1] = s end pos = npe + 1 until (max_splits == 0) or (pos > (len + 1)) return items end function table.copy(t, seen) local n = {} seen = seen or {} seen[t] = n for k, v in pairs(t) do n[(type(k) == "table" and (seen[k] or table.copy(k, seen))) or k] = (type(v) == "table" and (seen[v] or table.copy(v, seen))) or v end return n end