local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local S = minetest.get_translator("lmz_opening_hours") opening_hours = {} local opening_hours_default = { version = 2, day0_start_hour = 8, day0_start_minute = 0, day0_end_hour = 21, day0_end_minute = 0, day1_start_hour = 14, day1_start_minute = 0, day1_end_hour = 21, day1_end_minute = 0, day2_start_hour = 14, day2_start_minute = 0, day2_end_hour = 21, day2_end_minute = 0, day3_start_hour = 14, day3_start_minute = 0, day3_end_hour = 21, day3_end_minute = 0, day4_start_hour = 14, day4_start_minute = 0, day4_end_hour = 21, day4_end_minute = 0, day5_start_hour = 14, day5_start_minute = 0, day5_end_hour = 21, day5_end_minute = 0, day6_start_hour = 8, day6_start_minute = 0, day6_end_hour = 21, day6_end_minute = 0, warn_offset = 15, warn_interval = 5 } local warn_cooldown = 0 local function get_date() return os.date("*t") end local function get_date_formated() return os.date("%d.%m.%y") end local function upgrade_configuration(old) local new = { version = 2, day0_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekend_start), day0_start_minute = 0, day0_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekend_end), day0_end_minute = 0, day1_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_start), day1_start_minute = 0, day1_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_end), day1_end_minute = 0, day2_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_start), day2_start_minute = 0, day2_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_end), day2_end_minute = 0, day3_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_start), day3_start_minute = 0, day3_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_end), day3_end_minute = 0, day4_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_start), day4_start_minute = 0, day4_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_end), day4_end_minute = 0, day5_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_start), day5_start_minute = 0, day5_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekday_end), day5_end_minute = 0, day6_start_hour = tonumber(old.weekend_start), day6_start_minute = 0, day6_end_hour = tonumber(old.weekend_end), day6_end_minute = 0, warn_offset = tonumber(old.warn_offset), warn_interval = tonumber(old.warn_interval) } if old.today then new.exception_today = old.today new.exception_start_hour = old.today_start new.exception_start_minute = 0 new.exception_end_hour = old.today_end new.exception_end_minute = 0 end return new end local function save_data() storage:from_table({fields = opening_hours}) end local function load_data() opening_hours = storage:to_table().fields if opening_hours.weekday_start then opening_hours = upgrade_configuration(opening_hours) elseif not opening_hours.version then opening_hours = opening_hours_default end for k, v in pairs(opening_hours) do if k ~= "exception_today" then opening_hours[k] = tonumber(v) end end end local function reset_execption() opening_hours.exception_today = nil end local function opening_today() local exception = opening_hours.exception_today local day_key if exception and exception == get_date_formated() then day_key = "exception" else local d = os.date("%w") day_key = "day" .. d end return { start_hour = opening_hours[day_key .. "_start_hour"], start_minute = opening_hours[day_key .. "_start_minute"], end_hour = opening_hours[day_key .. "_end_hour"], end_minute = opening_hours[day_key .. "_end_minute"] } end local function create_exception() local today = opening_today() opening_hours.exception_today = get_date_formated() opening_hours.exception_start_hour = today.start_hour opening_hours.exception_start_minute = today.start_minute opening_hours.exception_end_hour = today.end_hour opening_hours.exception_end_minute = today.end_minute end local function tick(dtime) local d = get_date() local exception = opening_hours.exception_today if exception and exception ~= get_date_formated() then reset_execption() end local today = opening_today() local end_time = today.end_hour * 60 + today.end_minute local now_time = d.hour * 60 + d.min local minutes_remaining = end_time - now_time if 0 < minutes_remaining and minutes_remaining <= opening_hours.warn_offset then if warn_cooldown <= 0 then minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize("#FF4D00", S("The server will close in @1 minutes.", minutes_remaining))) warn_cooldown = tonumber(opening_hours.warn_interval) * 60 else warn_cooldown = warn_cooldown - dtime end elseif minutes_remaining <= 0 then for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() if not minetest.check_player_privs(name, {server = true}) then minetest.kick_player(name, S("The server is closing!")) end end end end local function on_join(name) if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {server = true}) then return end local today = opening_today() local d = get_date() local start_time = today.start_hour * 60 + today.start_minute local end_time = today.end_hour * 60 + today.end_minute local now_time = d.hour * 60 + d.min local diff = start_time - now_time if diff > 0 then return S("You visited outside of the opening hours") .. ". " .. S("The server will open again in @1 hours", math.ceil(diff / 60)) .. "." elseif end_time <= now_time then return S("You visited outside of the opening hours") .. ". " .. S("The server has already closed and will open again tomorrow") .. "." end end local minute_step = 5 local function show_gui(name) local fld_w = 0.88 local fld_h = 0.82429501084599 local fld_sz = fld_w .. "," .. fld_h local inline_off = 0.2427394885132 local lab_close_y = 6.3935847420893 local fld_close_y = lab_close_y + 0.2427394885132 local pre_colon_off = 0.4 local minute_off = 0.04 local to_off = 1.24 local day_off = 3.6 local x = { day1 = {} } x.day1.lab = 0.1 x.day1.fld_f_hour = 0.64 x.day1.fld_f_minute = x.day1.fld_f_hour + fld_w - minute_off x.day1.lab_f_colon = x.day1.fld_f_minute - pre_colon_off x.day1.fld_t_hour = x.day1.lab_f_colon + to_off x.day1.fld_t_minute = x.day1.fld_t_hour + fld_w - minute_off x.day1.lab_t_colon = x.day1.fld_t_minute - pre_colon_off local last for day = 1, 5, 1 do if last then x["day" .. day] = {} for k, v in pairs(x["day" .. last]) do x["day" .. day][k] = v + day_off end end last = day end local below_off = 1.1530125704378 local lab_b_y = 0.28175119202427 local fld_b_y = lab_b_y + below_off local lab_b_colon_y = fld_b_y - inline_off local lab_w_y = 2.0156046814044 local fld_w_y = lab_w_y + below_off local lab_w_colon_y = fld_w_y - inline_off local lab_e_y = 3.7494581707846 local fld_e_y = lab_e_y + below_off local lab_e_colon_y = fld_e_y - inline_off local o = opening_hours local day_abbreviations = { [0] = S("Su."), [1] = S("Mo."), [2] = S("Tu."), [3] = S("We."), [4] = S("Th."), [5] = S("Fr."), [6] = S("Sa.") } local player_info = minetest.get_player_information(name) local warning_config_translation_string = S( "@1 minutes before closing, warn the players every @2 minutes.", "", "" ) local warning_config = minetest.get_translated_string( player_info.lang_code, warning_config_translation_string ) .. "<" local formspec_warning = "" local warning_x = 0.34 for fragment in warning_config:gmatch("([^<>]+ v then opening_hours[k] = start end elseif k:match("_end_minute$") then local hour_k = k:gsub("_minute$", "_hour") local hour_start_k = hour_k:gsub("_end_", "_start_") local start_k = k:gsub("_end_", "_start_") if opening_hours[hour_start_k] >= opening_hours[hour_k] and opening_hours[start_k] > v then opening_hours[k] = opening_hours[start_k] end end end if not fields.quit and not fields.close then show_gui(name) end end load_data() minetest.register_globalstep(tick) minetest.register_on_shutdown(save_data) minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(on_join) minetest.register_chatcommand( "opening_hours", { privs = {server = true}, description = S("Configure the opening hours"), func = show_gui } ) minetest.register_chatcommand( "öffnungszeiten", { privs = {server = true}, description = S("Configure the opening hours"), func = show_gui } ) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(progress_gui_input)