furrybot = rawget(_G, "furrybot") or {} furrybot.commands = {} local C = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence local http = minetest.get_http_api() function furrybot.send(msg, color) minetest.send_chat_message("/me " .. C("#00FF3C") .. "[" .. C(color or "#FFFA00") .. msg .. C("#00FF3C") .. "]") end function furrybot.ping(player) return C("#00DCFF") .. "@" .. player .. C("#FFFA00") end function furrybot.ping_player(player, message) furrybot.send(furrybot.ping(player) .. ": " .. message) end function furrybot.ping_player_error(player, err, detail) furrybot.ping_player(player, C("#D70029") .. " " .. err .. " " .. (detail and C("#FF6683") .. "'" .. detail .. "'" .. C("#D70029") or "") .. ".") end function furrybot.player_online(name) for _, n in ipairs(minetest.get_player_names()) do if name == n then return true end end end function furrybot.check_online(name, target) if name == target then ping_player_error(name, "You need to specify another player") elseif player_online(target) then return true else ping_player_error(name, "Player not online", target) end end function furrybot.recieve(msg) msg = minetest.strip_colors(msg) if msg:find("<") == 1 then local idx = msg:find(">") local player = msg:sub(2, idx - 1) local message = msg:sub(idx + 3, #msg) if message:find("!") == 1 then local args = message:sub(2, #message):split(" ") local cmd = table.remove(args, 1) local func = furrybot.commands[cmd] if func then func(player, unpack(args)) else furrybot.ping_player_error(player, "Invalid command", cmd) end end end end function furrybot.commands.furhug(name, target) if furrybot.check_online(name, target) then furrybot.send(name .. " hugs " .. target .. ".") end end furrybot.commands.furcuddle = furrybot.commands.furhug function furrybot.commands.furkiss(name, target) if furrybot.check_online(name, target) then furrybot.send(name .. " kisses " .. target .. ".") end end furrybot.target_list = {} function furrybot.commands.furbang(name, target) if furrybot.check_online(name, target) then furrybot.target_list[target] = function() furrybot.send(ping(name) .. " and " .. ping(target) .. " are having sex! OwO") end, furrybot.ping_player(target, name .. " wants to have sex with you. Type !accept to accept or !deny to deny.") end end furrybot.commands.fursex = furrybot.commands.furbang furrybot.commands.furfuck = furrybot.commands.furbang function furrybot.commands.accept(name) local func = furrybot.target_list[name] if func then func() else furrybot.ping_player_error(name, "Nothing to accept") end end function furrybot.commands.deny(name) if furrybot.target_list[name] then furrybot.target_list[name] = nil furrybot.ping_player(name, "Denied request") else furrybot.ping_player_error(name, "Nothing to deny") end end function furrybot.commands.furhit(name, target) if furrybot.check_online(name, target) then furrybot.send(name .. " hits " .. target) end end furrybot.commands.furslap = furrybot.commands.furhit function furrybot.commands.help() local keys = {} for k in pairs(furrybot.commands) do table.insert(keys, k) end furrybot.send("Available commands: " .. table.concat(keys, ", ")) end function furrybot.commands.verse(name) local req = { --url = "https://labs.bible.org/api/?type=json&passage=random", url = "localhost", } local res = http.fetch_sync(req) if res.succeeded then --local data = minetest.parse_json(res.data)[1] --furrybot.send(data.text .. C("#00FFC3") .. "[" .. data.bookname .. " " .. data.chapter .. "," .. data.verse .. "]") furrybot.send(res.data) else furrybot.ping_player_error(name, "Request failed with code", res.code) end end function furrybot.reload() local f = loadfile(minetest.get_modpath("furrybot") .. "/init.lua") setfenv(f, _G) f() end if not furrybot.loaded then minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_message(function(msg) furrybot.recieve(msg) end) minetest.register_chatcommand("furrybot-reload", { func = function() furrybot.reload() end }) else furrybot.send("Reloaded") end furrybot.loaded = true