xdecor.box = { slab_y = function(height, shift) return {-0.5, -0.5 + (shift or 0), -0.5, 0.5, -0.5 + height + (shift or 0), 0.5} end, slab_z = function(depth) return {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5 + depth, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5} end, bar_y = function(radius) return {-radius, -0.5, -radius, radius, 0.5, radius} end, cuboid = function(radius_x, radius_y, radius_z) return {-radius_x, -radius_y, -radius_z, radius_x, radius_y, radius_z} end } xdecor.nodebox = { regular = {type="regular"}, null = {type="fixed", fixed={0,0,0,0,0,0}} } xdecor.pixelbox = function(size, boxes) local fixed = {} for _, box in pairs(boxes) do -- `unpack` has been changed to `table.unpack` in newest Lua versions. local x, y, z, w, h, l = unpack(box) fixed[#fixed+1] = { (x / size) - 0.5, (y / size) - 0.5, (z / size) - 0.5, ((x + w) / size) - 0.5, ((y + h) / size) - 0.5, ((z + l) / size) - 0.5 } end return {type="fixed", fixed=fixed} end local mt = {} mt.__index = function(table, key) local ref = xdecor.box[key] local ref_type = type(ref) if ref_type == "function" then return function(...) return {type="fixed", fixed=ref(...)} end elseif ref_type == "table" then return {type="fixed", fixed=ref} elseif ref_type == "nil" then error(key.."could not be found among nodebox presets and functions") end error("unexpected datatype "..tostring(type(ref)).." while looking for "..key) end setmetatable(xdecor.nodebox, mt)