local on_fire = 0 local fire_id = nil local fire_animation_timer = 0 local fire_animation_tile = 0 --receive the server states minetest.register_on_modchannel_message(function(channel_name, sender, message) if sender == "" and channel_name == name..":fire_state" then on_fire = tonumber(message) end end) minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if on_fire == 0 then if fire_id then minetest.localplayer:hud_remove(fire_id) fire_id = nil end elseif on_fire == 1 then if fire_id == nil then fire_id = minetest.localplayer:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", -- see HUD element types, default "text" position = {x=0.5, y=0.5}, name = "", -- default "" scale = {x=-100, y=-100}, -- default {x=0,y=0} text = "fire.png^[opacity:180^[verticalframe:8:"..fire_animation_tile, }) else fire_animation_timer = fire_animation_timer + dtime if fire_animation_timer >= 0.05 then fire_animation_timer = 0 fire_animation_tile = fire_animation_tile + 1 if fire_animation_tile > 7 then fire_animation_tile = 0 end minetest.localplayer:hud_change(fire_id, "text", "fire.png^[opacity:180^[verticalframe:8:"..fire_animation_tile) end end end end)