#! /usr/bin/env lua local p = require "posix" local port = 54321 local short = "hp:arltq" local long = { {"help", "none", 'h'}, {"port", "required", 'p'}, {"add", "none", 'a'}, {"remove", "none", 'r'}, {"list", "none", 'l'}, {"test", "none", 't'}, {"quit", "none", 'q'} } local cmd_assoc = { a = "add", r = "remove", l = "list", t = "test", q = "quit" } local cmd local data_idx = 1 for opt, optarg, optind, longind in p.getopt(arg, short, long) do if opt == '?' then print("Unrecognized option") os.exit(1) elseif opt == 'h' then print("Usage: rulc [-h|-p PORT|-a|-r|-l|-t|-q] DATA ...") os.exit(0) elseif opt == 'p' then port = optarg else cmd = cmd_assoc[opt] end data_idx = optind end if not cmd then os.exit(1) end local msg = cmd if cmd == "test" then msg = string.format("%s {class=%q, instance=%q, title=%q, type=%q, state=%q}", msg, arg[data_idx], arg[data_idx+1], arg[data_idx+2], arg[data_idx+3], arg[data_idx+4]) elseif cmd == "add" then msg = string.format("%s {%q, %q, %s}", msg, arg[data_idx], arg[data_idx+1], arg[data_idx+2] and string.format("{%s}", arg[data_idx+2]) or "") elseif cmd == "remove" then msg = string.format("%s %s", msg, arg[data_idx]) end local fd = p.socket(p.AF_INET, p.SOCK_STREAM, 0) local s = p.connect(fd, {family=p.AF_INET, addr="", port=port}) if not s then p.close(fd) os.exit(1) end p.send(fd, msg) rsp = p.recv(fd, p.BUFSIZ) if rsp and #rsp > 0 then print(rsp) end p.close(fd)