local http, env, storage local C = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence furrybot.kill_deathmessages = { "%s walked into fire whilst fighting %s", "%s was struck by lightning whilst fighting %s", "%s was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting %s", "%s tried to swim in lava to escape %s", "%s walked into danger zone due to %s", "%s suffocated in a wall whilst fighting %s", "%s drowned whilst trying to escape %s", "%s starved to death whilst fighting %s", "%s walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape %s", "%s hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape %s", "%s experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape %s", "%s didn't want to live in the same world as %s", "%s died because of %s", "%s was killed by magic whilst trying to escape %s", "%s was killed by %s using magic", "%s was roasted in dragon breath by %s", "%s withered away whilst fighting %s", "%s was shot by a skull from %s", "%s was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting %s", "%s was slain by %s", "%s was shot by %s", "%s was fireballed by %s", "%s was killed trying to hurt %s", "%s was blown up by %s", "%s was squashed by %s", } furrybot.deathmessages = { "%s went up in flames", "%s was struck by lightning", "%s burned to death", "%s tried to swim in lava", "%s discovered the floor was lava", "%s suffocated in a wall", "%s drowned", "%s starved to death", "%s was pricked to death", "%s hit the ground too hard", "%s experienced kinetic energy", "%s fell out of the world", "%s died", "%s was killed by magic", "%s was roasted in dragon breath", "%s withered away", "%s was squashed by a falling anvil", "%s blew up", "%s was squished too much", "%s went off with a bang", } function furrybot.commands.kill(name, target) if furrybot.online_or_error(name, target, true) then if name == target then furrybot.send(string.format("%s died due to lack of friends", target), furrybot.colors.roleplay) else furrybot.send(string.format(furrybot.kill_deathmessages[math.random(#furrybot.kill_deathmessages)], target, name), furrybot.colors.roleplay) end end end function furrybot.commands.die(name) furrybot.send(string.format(furrybot.deathmessages[math.random(#furrybot.deathmessages)], name), furrybot.colors.roleplay) end return function(_http, _env, _storage) http, env, storage = _http, _env, _storage end