local function snext(t, state) local key if state == nil then t.__sorted = {} for k in pairs(t) do if k ~= "__sorted" then table.insert(t.__sorted, k) end end table.sort(t.__sorted) key = t.__sorted[1] else for i, v in ipairs(t.__sorted) do if v == state then key = t.__sorted[i + 1] break end end end if key then return key, t[key] end t.__sorted = nil end function spairs(t) return snext, t, nil end local function parse_pair(pair, value_first) if pair:sub(1, 1) == "#" then return end local idx = pair:find(" ") if idx then local first, second = pair:sub(1, idx - 1), pair:sub(idx + 1) local c = first:sub(1, 1) if value_first and c ~= "{" and c ~= "%" then return second, first else return first, second end else return pair end end function parse_spec(name, value_first) local f = io.open("spec/" .. name, "r") local spec = {} local top for l in f:lines() do if l:sub(1, 1) == "\t" then local key, val = parse_pair(l:sub(2), value_first) if val then top[key] = val elseif key then table.insert(top, key) end else local key, val = parse_pair(l, value_first) if val then spec[key] = val elseif key then top = {} spec[key] = top end end end f:close() return spec end local casemap = parse_spec("casemap") function camel_case(snake) if casemap[snake] then return casemap[snake] end local camel = "" while #snake > 0 do local idx = snake:find("_") or #snake + 1 camel = camel .. snake:sub(1, 1):upper() .. snake:sub(2, idx - 1) snake = snake:sub(idx + 1) end return camel end function apply_prefix(fields, str) return (fields.prefix or "") .. camel_case(str) .. (fields.postfix or "") end