session_incorrect_cgu_reuse_type = CGU-reuse for `{$cgu_user_name}` is `{$actual_reuse}` but should be {$at_least -> [one] {"at least "} *[other] {""} }`{$expected_reuse}` session_cgu_not_recorded = CGU-reuse for `{$cgu_user_name}` is (mangled: `{$cgu_name}`) was not recorded` session_feature_gate_error = {$explain} session_feature_diagnostic_for_issue = see issue #{$n} for more information session_feature_diagnostic_help = add `#![feature({$feature})]` to the crate attributes to enable session_not_circumvent_feature = `-Zunleash-the-miri-inside-of-you` may not be used to circumvent feature gates, except when testing error paths in the CTFE engine session_profile_use_file_does_not_exist = file `{$path}` passed to `-C profile-use` does not exist. session_linker_plugin_lto_windows_not_supported = linker plugin based LTO is not supported together with `-C prefer-dynamic` when targeting Windows-like targets session_profile_sample_use_file_does_not_exist = file `{$path}` passed to `-C profile-sample-use` does not exist. session_target_requires_unwind_tables = target requires unwind tables, they cannot be disabled with `-C force-unwind-tables=no` session_sanitizer_not_supported = {$us} sanitizer is not supported for this target session_sanitizers_not_supported = {$us} sanitizers are not supported for this target session_cannot_mix_and_match_sanitizers = `-Zsanitizer={$first}` is incompatible with `-Zsanitizer={$second}` session_cannot_enable_crt_static_linux = sanitizer is incompatible with statically linked libc, disable it using `-C target-feature=-crt-static` session_sanitizer_cfi_enabled = `-Zsanitizer=cfi` requires `-Clto` session_unstable_virtual_function_elimination = `-Zvirtual-function-elimination` requires `-Clto` session_unsupported_dwarf_version = requested DWARF version {$dwarf_version} is greater than 5 session_target_stack_protector_not_supported = `-Z stack-protector={$stack_protector}` is not supported for target {$target_triple} and will be ignored session_split_debuginfo_unstable_platform = `-Csplit-debuginfo={$debuginfo}` is unstable on this platform session_file_is_not_writeable = output file {$file} is not writeable -- check its permissions session_crate_name_does_not_match = `--crate-name` and `#[crate_name]` are required to match, but `{$s}` != `{$name}` session_crate_name_invalid = crate names cannot start with a `-`, but `{$s}` has a leading hyphen session_crate_name_empty = crate name must not be empty session_invalid_character_in_create_name = invalid character `{$character}` in crate name: `{$crate_name}` session_expr_parentheses_needed = parentheses are required to parse this as an expression