package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "runtime" "sort" "time" "" isatty "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( // Event channel events chan tcell.Event autosave chan bool // Command line flags flagVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Show the version number and information") flagConfigDir = flag.String("config-dir", "", "Specify a custom location for the configuration directory") flagOptions = flag.Bool("options", false, "Show all option help") flagDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debug mode (prints debug info to ./log.txt)") flagPlugin = flag.String("plugin", "", "Plugin command") optionFlags map[string]*string ) func InitFlags() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Println("Usage: micro [OPTIONS] [FILE]...") fmt.Println("-config-dir dir") fmt.Println(" \tSpecify a custom location for the configuration directory") fmt.Println("[FILE]:LINE:COL") fmt.Println(" \tSpecify a line and column to start the cursor at when opening a buffer") fmt.Println("-options") fmt.Println(" \tShow all option help") fmt.Println("-debug") fmt.Println(" \tEnable debug mode (enables logging to ./log.txt)") fmt.Println("-version") fmt.Println(" \tShow the version number and information") fmt.Print("\nMicro's plugin's can be managed at the command line with the following commands.\n") fmt.Println("-plugin install [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tInstall plugin(s)") fmt.Println("-plugin remove [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tRemove plugin(s)") fmt.Println("-plugin update [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tUpdate plugin(s) (if no argument is given, updates all plugins)") fmt.Print("\nMicro's options can also be set via command line arguments for quick\nadjustments. For real configuration, please use the settings.json\nfile (see 'help options').\n\n") fmt.Println("-option value") fmt.Println(" \tSet `option` to `value` for this session") fmt.Println(" \tFor example: `micro -syntax off file.c`") fmt.Println("\nUse `micro -options` to see the full list of configuration options") } optionFlags = make(map[string]*string) for k, v := range config.DefaultAllSettings() { optionFlags[k] = flag.String(k, "", fmt.Sprintf("The %s option. Default value: '%v'.", k, v)) } flag.Parse() if *flagVersion { // If -version was passed fmt.Println("Version:", util.Version) fmt.Println("Commit hash:", util.CommitHash) fmt.Println("Compiled on", util.CompileDate) os.Exit(0) } if *flagOptions { // If -options was passed var keys []string m := config.DefaultAllSettings() for k := range m { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { v := m[k] fmt.Printf("-%s value\n", k) fmt.Printf(" \tDefault value: '%v'\n", v) } os.Exit(0) } if util.Debug == "OFF" && *flagDebug { util.Debug = "ON" } } // DoPluginFlags parses and executes any -plugin flags func DoPluginFlags() { if *flagPlugin != "" { config.LoadAllPlugins() args := flag.Args() switch *flagPlugin { case "install": installedVersions := config.GetInstalledVersions(false) for _, plugin := range args { pp := config.GetAllPluginPackages().Get(plugin) if pp == nil { fmt.Println("Unknown plugin \"" + plugin + "\"") } else if err := pp.IsInstallable(); err != nil { fmt.Println("Error installing ", plugin, ": ", err) } else { for _, installed := range installedVersions { if pp.Name == installed.Pack().Name { if pp.Versions[0].Version.Compare(installed.Version) == 1 { fmt.Println(pp.Name, " is already installed but out-of-date: use 'plugin update ", pp.Name, "' to update") } else { fmt.Println(pp.Name, " is already installed") } } } pp.Install() } } case "remove": removed := "" for _, plugin := range args { // check if the plugin exists. for _, p := range config.Plugins { if p.Name == plugin && p.Default { fmt.Println("Default plugins cannot be removed, but can be disabled via settings.") continue } if p.Name == plugin { config.UninstallPlugin(plugin) removed += plugin + " " continue } } } if removed != "" { fmt.Println("Removed ", removed) } else { fmt.Println("No plugins removed") } case "update": config.UpdatePlugins(args) case "list": plugins := config.GetInstalledVersions(false) fmt.Println("The following plugins are currently installed:") for _, p := range plugins { fmt.Printf("%s (%s)\n", p.Pack().Name, p.Version) } case "search": plugins := config.SearchPlugin(args) fmt.Println(len(plugins), " plugins found") for _, p := range plugins { fmt.Println("----------------") fmt.Println(p.String()) } fmt.Println("----------------") case "available": packages := config.GetAllPluginPackages() fmt.Println("Available Plugins:") for _, pkg := range packages { fmt.Println(pkg.Name) } default: fmt.Println("Invalid plugin command") os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) } } // LoadInput determines which files should be loaded into buffers // based on the input stored in flag.Args() func LoadInput() []*buffer.Buffer { // There are a number of ways micro should start given its input // 1. If it is given a files in flag.Args(), it should open those // 2. If there is no input file and the input is not a terminal, that means // something is being piped in and the stdin should be opened in an // empty buffer // 3. If there is no input file and the input is a terminal, an empty buffer // should be opened var filename string var input []byte var err error args := flag.Args() buffers := make([]*buffer.Buffer, 0, len(args)) if len(args) > 0 { // Option 1 // We go through each file and load it for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ { buf, err := buffer.NewBufferFromFile(args[i], buffer.BTDefault) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) continue } // If the file didn't exist, input will be empty, and we'll open an empty buffer buffers = append(buffers, buf) } } else if !isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) { // Option 2 // The input is not a terminal, so something is being piped in // and we should read from stdin input, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage("Error reading from stdin: ", err) input = []byte{} } buffers = append(buffers, buffer.NewBufferFromString(string(input), filename, buffer.BTDefault)) } else { // Option 3, just open an empty buffer buffers = append(buffers, buffer.NewBufferFromString(string(input), filename, buffer.BTDefault)) } return buffers } func main() { defer os.Exit(0) // runtime.SetCPUProfileRate(400) // f, _ := os.Create("") // pprof.StartCPUProfile(f) // defer pprof.StopCPUProfile() var err error InitFlags() InitLog() err = config.InitConfigDir(*flagConfigDir) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } config.InitRuntimeFiles() err = config.ReadSettings() if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } config.InitGlobalSettings() // flag options for k, v := range optionFlags { if *v != "" { nativeValue, err := config.GetNativeValue(k, config.DefaultAllSettings()[k], *v) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) continue } config.GlobalSettings[k] = nativeValue } } DoPluginFlags() screen.Init() // If we have an error, we can exit cleanly and not completely // mess up the terminal being worked in // In other words we need to shut down tcell before the program crashes defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { screen.Screen.Fini() fmt.Println("Micro encountered an error:", err) // backup all open buffers for _, b := range buffer.OpenBuffers { b.Backup(false) } // Print the stack trace too fmt.Print(errors.Wrap(err, 2).ErrorStack()) os.Exit(1) } }() action.InitBindings() action.InitCommands() err = config.InitColorscheme() if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } err = config.LoadAllPlugins() if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } b := LoadInput() if len(b) == 0 { // No buffers to open screen.Screen.Fini() runtime.Goexit() } action.InitTabs(b) action.InitGlobals() err = config.RunPluginFn("init") if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } events = make(chan tcell.Event) // Here is the event loop which runs in a separate thread go func() { for { screen.Lock() e := screen.Screen.PollEvent() screen.Unlock() if e != nil { events <- e } } }() // clear the drawchan so we don't redraw excessively // if someone requested a redraw before we started displaying for len(screen.DrawChan) > 0 { <-screen.DrawChan } var event tcell.Event // wait for initial resize event select { case event = <-events: action.Tabs.HandleEvent(event) case <-time.After(10 * time.Millisecond): // time out after 10ms } for { // Display everything screen.Screen.Fill(' ', config.DefStyle) screen.Screen.HideCursor() action.Tabs.Display() for _, ep := range action.MainTab().Panes { ep.Display() } action.MainTab().Display() action.InfoBar.Display() screen.Screen.Show() event = nil // Check for new events select { case f := <-shell.Jobs: // If a new job has finished while running in the background we should execute the callback f.Function(f.Output, f.Args...) case <-config.Autosave: for _, b := range buffer.OpenBuffers { b.Save() } case <-shell.CloseTerms: case event = <-events: case <-screen.DrawChan: } if action.InfoBar.HasPrompt { action.InfoBar.HandleEvent(event) } else { action.Tabs.HandleEvent(event) } } }