package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "runtime" "sort" "time" "" isatty "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( // Event channel events chan tcell.Event autosave chan bool // Command line flags flagVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Show the version number and information") flagConfigDir = flag.String("config-dir", "", "Specify a custom location for the configuration directory") flagOptions = flag.Bool("options", false, "Show all option help") flagDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debug mode (prints debug info to ./log.txt)") flagPlugin = flag.String("plugin", "", "Plugin command") optionFlags map[string]*string ) func InitFlags() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Println("Usage: micro [OPTIONS] [FILE]...") fmt.Println("-config-dir dir") fmt.Println(" \tSpecify a custom location for the configuration directory") fmt.Println("[FILE]:LINE:COL") fmt.Println(" \tSpecify a line and column to start the cursor at when opening a buffer") fmt.Println("-options") fmt.Println(" \tShow all option help") fmt.Println("-debug") fmt.Println(" \tEnable debug mode (enables logging to ./log.txt)") fmt.Println("-version") fmt.Println(" \tShow the version number and information") fmt.Print("\nMicro's plugin's can be managed at the command line with the following commands.\n") fmt.Println("-plugin install [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tInstall plugin(s)") fmt.Println("-plugin remove [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tRemove plugin(s)") fmt.Println("-plugin update [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tUpdate plugin(s) (if no argument is given, updates all plugins)") fmt.Println("-plugin search [PLUGIN]...") fmt.Println(" \tSearch for a plugin") fmt.Println("-plugin list") fmt.Println(" \tList installed plugins") fmt.Println("-plugin available") fmt.Println(" \tList available plugins") fmt.Print("\nMicro's options can also be set via command line arguments for quick\nadjustments. For real configuration, please use the settings.json\nfile (see 'help options').\n\n") fmt.Println("-option value") fmt.Println(" \tSet `option` to `value` for this session") fmt.Println(" \tFor example: `micro -syntax off file.c`") fmt.Println("\nUse `micro -options` to see the full list of configuration options") } optionFlags = make(map[string]*string) for k, v := range config.DefaultAllSettings() { optionFlags[k] = flag.String(k, "", fmt.Sprintf("The %s option. Default value: '%v'.", k, v)) } flag.Parse() if *flagVersion { // If -version was passed fmt.Println("Version:", util.Version) fmt.Println("Commit hash:", util.CommitHash) fmt.Println("Compiled on", util.CompileDate) os.Exit(0) } if *flagOptions { // If -options was passed var keys []string m := config.DefaultAllSettings() for k := range m { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { v := m[k] fmt.Printf("-%s value\n", k) fmt.Printf(" \tDefault value: '%v'\n", v) } os.Exit(0) } if util.Debug == "OFF" && *flagDebug { util.Debug = "ON" } } // DoPluginFlags parses and executes any -plugin flags func DoPluginFlags() { if *flagPlugin != "" { config.LoadAllPlugins() args := flag.Args() config.PluginCommand(os.Stdout, *flagPlugin, args) os.Exit(0) } } // LoadInput determines which files should be loaded into buffers // based on the input stored in flag.Args() func LoadInput() []*buffer.Buffer { // There are a number of ways micro should start given its input // 1. If it is given a files in flag.Args(), it should open those // 2. If there is no input file and the input is not a terminal, that means // something is being piped in and the stdin should be opened in an // empty buffer // 3. If there is no input file and the input is a terminal, an empty buffer // should be opened var filename string var input []byte var err error args := flag.Args() buffers := make([]*buffer.Buffer, 0, len(args)) if len(args) > 0 { // Option 1 // We go through each file and load it for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ { buf, err := buffer.NewBufferFromFile(args[i], buffer.BTDefault) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) continue } // If the file didn't exist, input will be empty, and we'll open an empty buffer buffers = append(buffers, buf) } } else if !isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) { // Option 2 // The input is not a terminal, so something is being piped in // and we should read from stdin input, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage("Error reading from stdin: ", err) input = []byte{} } buffers = append(buffers, buffer.NewBufferFromString(string(input), filename, buffer.BTDefault)) } else { // Option 3, just open an empty buffer buffers = append(buffers, buffer.NewBufferFromString(string(input), filename, buffer.BTDefault)) } return buffers } func main() { defer os.Exit(0) // runtime.SetCPUProfileRate(400) // f, _ := os.Create("") // pprof.StartCPUProfile(f) // defer pprof.StopCPUProfile() var err error InitFlags() InitLog() err = config.InitConfigDir(*flagConfigDir) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } config.InitRuntimeFiles() err = config.ReadSettings() if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } config.InitGlobalSettings() // flag options for k, v := range optionFlags { if *v != "" { nativeValue, err := config.GetNativeValue(k, config.DefaultAllSettings()[k], *v) if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) continue } config.GlobalSettings[k] = nativeValue } } DoPluginFlags() screen.Init() // If we have an error, we can exit cleanly and not completely // mess up the terminal being worked in // In other words we need to shut down tcell before the program crashes defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { screen.Screen.Fini() fmt.Println("Micro encountered an error:", err) // backup all open buffers for _, b := range buffer.OpenBuffers { b.Backup(false) } // Print the stack trace too fmt.Print(errors.Wrap(err, 2).ErrorStack()) os.Exit(1) } }() err = config.LoadAllPlugins() if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } action.InitBindings() action.InitCommands() err = config.InitColorscheme() if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } b := LoadInput() if len(b) == 0 { // No buffers to open screen.Screen.Fini() runtime.Goexit() } action.InitTabs(b) action.InitGlobals() err = config.RunPluginFn("init") if err != nil { screen.TermMessage(err) } events = make(chan tcell.Event) // Here is the event loop which runs in a separate thread go func() { for { screen.Lock() e := screen.Screen.PollEvent() screen.Unlock() if e != nil { events <- e } } }() // clear the drawchan so we don't redraw excessively // if someone requested a redraw before we started displaying for len(screen.DrawChan) > 0 { <-screen.DrawChan } var event tcell.Event // wait for initial resize event select { case event = <-events: action.Tabs.HandleEvent(event) case <-time.After(10 * time.Millisecond): // time out after 10ms } for { // Display everything screen.Screen.Fill(' ', config.DefStyle) screen.Screen.HideCursor() action.Tabs.Display() for _, ep := range action.MainTab().Panes { ep.Display() } action.MainTab().Display() action.InfoBar.Display() screen.Screen.Show() event = nil // Check for new events select { case f := <-shell.Jobs: // If a new job has finished while running in the background we should execute the callback f.Function(f.Output, f.Args...) case <-config.Autosave: for _, b := range buffer.OpenBuffers { b.Save() } case <-shell.CloseTerms: case event = <-events: case <-screen.DrawChan: } if action.InfoBar.HasPrompt { action.InfoBar.HandleEvent(event) } else { action.Tabs.HandleEvent(event) } } }