buildbot = {} local function build_y(callback) buildbot.pos.y = buildbot.pos.y - buildbot.step.y local function step() buildbot.pos.y = buildbot.pos.y + buildbot.step.y minetest.after(0.25, (buildbot.pos.y == buildbot.goal.y) and callback or step) minetest.place_node(buildbot.pos) local player_pos = minetest.find_node_near(buildbot.pos, 2, "air") if player_pos then minetest.localplayer:set_pos(player_pos) end end minetest.after(0.25, step) end local function build_z(callback) buildbot.pos.z = buildbot.pos.z - buildbot.step.z local function step() buildbot.start.y, buildbot.goal.y = buildbot.goal.y, buildbot.start.y buildbot.step.y = (buildbot.goal.y > buildbot.pos.y) and 1 or -1 buildbot.pos.z = buildbot.pos.z + buildbot.step.z build_y((buildbot.pos.z == buildbot.goal.z) and callback or step) end minetest.after(0.25, step) end local function build_x(callback) buildbot.pos.x = buildbot.pos.x - buildbot.step.x local function step() buildbot.start.z, buildbot.goal.z = buildbot.goal.z, buildbot.start.z buildbot.step.z = (buildbot.goal.z > buildbot.pos.z) and 1 or -1 buildbot.pos.x = buildbot.pos.x + buildbot.step.x build_z((buildbot.pos.x == buildbot.goal.x) and callback or step) end minetest.after(0.25, step) end minetest.register_chatcommand("build", { func = function(param) local sucess buildbot.start = vector.round(minetest.localplayer:get_pos()) buildbot.pos = success, buildbot.goal = minetest.parse_pos(param) if success then buildbot.step = {} buildbot.step.x = (buildbot.goal.x > buildbot.start.x) and 1 or -1 buildbot.start.z, buildbot.goal.z = buildbot.goal.z, buildbot.start.z buildbot.start.y, buildbot.goal.y = buildbot.goal.y, buildbot.start.y build_x(function() minetest.display_chat_message("Done.") end) end return false, buildbot.goal end }) local keep_digging = false core.register_chatcommand("keepdigging", { params = ",,", description = "Dig node again and again", func = function(param) local success, pos = core.parse_pos(param) if success then keep_digging = true local function loop() core.dig_node(pos) if keep_digging then core.after(0.1, loop) end end loop() end end, }) core.register_chatcommand("stopdigging", { description = "Stop diggin", func = function() keep_digging = false end, }) core.register_chatcommand("digaround", { description = "Scan for one or multible nodes in a radius around you", param = " node1[,node2...]", func = function(param) local radius = tonumber(param:split(" ")[1]) local nodes = param:split(" ")[2]:split(",") local function loop() local fpos = core.find_node_near(core.localplayer:get_pos(), radius, nodes, true) if fpos then core.dig_node(fpos) end core.after(0, loop) end loop() end, })