package fscache import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "regexp" "time" ) // An arbitrary object that can be stringified by fmt.Sprint(). // // The stringification is filtered to ensure it doesn't contain characters // that are invalid on Windows, which has the most restrictive filesystem. // The "bad" characters (\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |) are replaced with _. // // On a list of CacheKeys, the last component is taken to represent a file // and all the other components represent the intermediary directories. // This means that it's not possible to have subkeys of an existing file key. type CacheKey interface{} // All "bad characters" that can't go in Windows paths. // It's a superset of the "bad characters" on other OSes, so this works. var badPath = regexp.MustCompile(`[\\/:\*\?\"<>\|]`) func stringify(stuff ...CacheKey) []string { ret := make([]string, len(stuff)) for i := range stuff { s := fmt.Sprint(stuff[i]) ret[i] = badPath.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "_") } return ret } // Each key but the last is treated as a directory. // The last key is treated as a regular file. // // This also means that cache keys that are file-backed // cannot have subkeys. func (cd *CacheDir) cachePath(key ...CacheKey) string { parts := append([]string{cd.GetCacheDir()}, stringify(key...)...) p := filepath.Join(filterDots(parts...)...) return p } var invalidPath = []CacheKey{".invalid"} // Returns the time the given key was marked as invalid. // If the key is valid, then calling IsZero() on the returned // time will return true. func (cd *CacheDir) GetInvalid(key ...CacheKey) (ts time.Time) { invKey := append(invalidPath, key...) stat, _ := cd.Stat(invKey...) return stat.ModTime() } // Checks if the given key is not marked as invalid, or if it is, // checks if it was marked more than maxDuration time ago. // // Calls UnsetInvalid if the keys are valid. func (cd *CacheDir) IsValid(maxDuration time.Duration, key ...CacheKey) bool { ts := cd.GetInvalid(key...) switch { case ts.IsZero(): return true case time.Now().Sub(ts) > maxDuration: cd.UnsetInvalid(key...) return true default: return false } } // Deletes the given key and caches it as invalid. func (cd *CacheDir) SetInvalid(key ...CacheKey) error { invKey := append(invalidPath, key...) cd.Delete(key...) return cd.Touch(invKey...) } // Removes the given key from the invalid key cache. func (cd *CacheDir) UnsetInvalid(key ...CacheKey) error { invKey := append(invalidPath, key...) return cd.Delete(invKey...) }