--[[ builtin/vector.lua ]]-- local function wrap(op, body_wrapper, ...) return loadstring("return function(a, b) " .. body_wrapper(op, ...) .. "end")() end local function arith_mt(...) return { __add = wrap("+", ...), __sub = wrap("-", ...), __mul = wrap("*", ...), __div = wrap("/", ...), __mod = wrap("%", ...), } end -- vec2 local mt_vec2 = arith_mt(function(op) return [[ if type(b) == "number" then return vec2(a.x ]] .. op.. [[ b, a.y ]] .. op .. [[ b) else return vec2(a.x ]] .. op.. [[ b.x, a.y ]] .. op.. [[ b.y) end ]] end) function mt_vec2:__neg() return vec2(-self.x, -self.y) end function mt_vec2:__len() return math.sqrt(self.x ^ 2 + self.y ^ 2) end function mt_vec2:__tostring() return "(" .. self.x .. ", " .. self.y .. ")" end mt_vec2.__index = { validate = function(self) assert(type(self.x) == "number") assert(type(self.y) == "number") return self end } function vec2(a, b) local o = {} if type(a) == "number" then o.x = a o.y = b or a else o.x = a.x o.y = a.y end setmetatable(o, mt_vec2) return o:validate() end -- vec3 local mt_vec3 = arith_mt(function(op) return [[ if type(b) == "number" then return vec3(a.x ]] .. op.. [[ b, a.y ]] .. op .. [[ b, a.z ]] .. op .. [[ b) else return vec3(a.x ]] .. op.. [[ b.x, a.y ]] .. op.. [[ b.y, a.z ]] .. op.. [[ b.z) end ]] end) function mt_vec3:__neg() return vec3(-self.x, -self.y, -self.z) end function mt_vec3:__len() return math.sqrt(self.x ^ 2 + self.y ^ 2 + self.z ^ 2) end function mt_vec3:__tostring() return "(" .. self.x .. ", " .. self.y .. ", " .. self.z .. ")" end mt_vec3.__index = { validate = function(self) assert(type(self.x) == "number") assert(type(self.y) == "number") assert(type(self.z) == "number") return self end } function vec3(a, b, c) local o = {} if type(a) == "number" then o.x = a o.y = b or a o.z = c or a else o.x = a.x o.y = a.y o.z = a.z end setmetatable(o, mt_vec3) return o:validate() end -- box local mt_box = arith_mt(function(op) return "return box(a.min " .. op .. " b, a.max " .. op .. " b)" end) function mt_box:__neg() return box(-self.min, -self.max) end function mt_box:__tostring() return "[" .. self.min .. "; " .. self.max .. "]" end mt_box.__index = { contains = function(a, b) if type(b) == "number" or b.x then return a.min <= b and a.max >= b else return a.min <= b.min and a.max >= b.max end end, validate = function(self) if type(self.min) == "number" then assert(type(self.max) == "number") else assert(not self.min.z == not self.max.z) self.min:validate() self.max:validate() end end, } function box(a, b) local o = {} if type(a) == "number" or a.x then o.min = a o.max = b else o.min = a.min o.max = a.max end setmetatable(o, mt_box) return o:validate() end