-- Minetest: builtin/common/chatcommands.lua core.registered_chatcommands = {} function core.register_chatcommand(cmd, def) def = def or {} def.params = def.params or "" def.description = def.description or "" def.privs = def.privs or {} def.mod_origin = core.get_current_modname() or "??" core.registered_chatcommands[cmd] = def end function core.unregister_chatcommand(name) if core.registered_chatcommands[name] then core.registered_chatcommands[name] = nil else core.log("warning", "Not unregistering chatcommand " ..name.. " because it doesn't exist.") end end function core.override_chatcommand(name, redefinition) local chatcommand = core.registered_chatcommands[name] assert(chatcommand, "Attempt to override non-existent chatcommand "..name) for k, v in pairs(redefinition) do rawset(chatcommand, k, v) end core.registered_chatcommands[name] = chatcommand end if INIT == "client" then function core.register_list_command(command, desc, setting) local def = {} def.description = desc def.params = "del | add | list" function def.func(param) local list = (minetest.settings:get(setting) or ""):split(",") if param == "list" then return true, table.concat(list, ", ") else local sparam = param:split(" ") local cmd = sparam[1] local item = sparam[2] if cmd == "del" then if not item then return false, "Missing item." end local i = table.indexof(list, item) if i == -1 then return false, item .. " is not on the list." else table.remove(list, i) core.settings:set(setting, table.concat(list, ",")) return true, "Removed " .. item .. " from the list." end elseif cmd == "add" then if not item then return false, "Missing item." end local i = table.indexof(list, item) if i ~= -1 then return false, item .. " is already on the list." else table.insert(list, item) core.settings:set(setting, table.concat(list, ",")) return true, "Added " .. item .. " to the list." end end end return false, "Invalid usage. (See .help " .. command .. ")" end core.register_chatcommand(command, def) end end local cmd_marker = "/" local function gettext(...) return ... end local function gettext_replace(text, replace) return text:gsub("$1", replace) end if INIT == "client" then cmd_marker = "." gettext = core.gettext gettext_replace = fgettext_ne end local function do_help_cmd(name, param) local function format_help_line(cmd, def) local msg = core.colorize("#00ffff", cmd_marker .. cmd) if def.params and def.params ~= "" then msg = msg .. " " .. def.params end if def.description and def.description ~= "" then msg = msg .. ": " .. def.description end return msg end if param == "" then local cmds = {} for cmd, def in pairs(core.registered_chatcommands) do if INIT == "client" or core.check_player_privs(name, def.privs) then cmds[#cmds + 1] = cmd end end table.sort(cmds) return true, gettext("Available commands: ") .. table.concat(cmds, " ") .. "\n" .. gettext_replace("Use '$1help ' to get more information," .. " or '$1help all' to list everything.", cmd_marker) elseif param == "all" then local cmds = {} for cmd, def in pairs(core.registered_chatcommands) do if INIT == "client" or core.check_player_privs(name, def.privs) then cmds[#cmds + 1] = format_help_line(cmd, def) end end table.sort(cmds) return true, gettext("Available commands:").."\n"..table.concat(cmds, "\n") elseif INIT == "game" and param == "privs" then local privs = {} for priv, def in pairs(core.registered_privileges) do privs[#privs + 1] = priv .. ": " .. def.description end table.sort(privs) return true, "Available privileges:\n"..table.concat(privs, "\n") else local cmd = param local def = core.registered_chatcommands[cmd] if not def then return false, gettext("Command not available: ")..cmd else return true, format_help_line(cmd, def) end end end if INIT == "client" then core.register_chatcommand("help", { params = gettext("[all | ]"), description = gettext("Get help for commands"), func = function(param) return do_help_cmd(nil, param) end, }) else core.register_chatcommand("help", { params = "[all | privs | ]", description = "Get help for commands or list privileges", func = do_help_cmd, }) end