furrybot.commands = {} furrybot.requests = {} furrybot.unsafe_commands = {} local http, env, storage local C = minetest.get_color_escape_sequence furrybot.colors = { ping = C("#00DCFF"), system = C("#FFFA00"), error = C("#D70029"), detail = C("#FF6683"), rpg = C("#FFD94E"), braces = C("#FFFAC0"), info = C("#00FFC3"), fun = C("#A0FF24"), random = C("#A300BE"), money = C("#A11600"), } -- helper functions function furrybot.send(msg, color) minetest.send_chat_message("/me " .. furrybot.colors.braces .. "[" .. color .. msg .. furrybot.colors.braces .. "]") end function furrybot.ping(player, color) return furrybot.colors.ping .. "@" .. player .. color end function furrybot.ping_message(player, message, color) furrybot.send(furrybot.ping(player, color) .. ": " .. message, "") end function furrybot.error_message(player, error, detail) furrybot.ping_message(player, error .. (detail and furrybot.colors.detail .. " '" .. detail .. "'" .. furrybot.colors.error or "") .. ".", furrybot.colors.error) end function furrybot.parse_message(player, message, discord) if message:find("!") == 1 then local args = message:sub(2, #message):split(" ") local cmd = table.remove(args, 1) local func = furrybot.commands[cmd] if func then if furrybot.unsafe_commands[cmd] and discord then furrybot.error_message(player, "Sorry, you cannot run this command from discord", cmd) else func(player, unpack(args)) end else furrybot.error_message(player, "Invalid command", cmd) end end end function furrybot.reload() local func, err = env.loadfile("clientmods/furrybot/bot.lua") if func then local old_fb = table.copy(furrybot) local status, init = pcall(func) if status then init(http, env, storage) else furrybot = old_fb return false, furrybot.colors.error .. "Error: " .. furrybot.colors.detail .. init end else return false, furrybot.colors.error .. "Syntax error: " .. furrybot.colors.detail .. err end end function furrybot.player_online(name) for _, n in ipairs(minetest.get_player_names()) do if name == n then return true end end end function furrybot.online_or_error(name, other, allow_self) if not other then furrybot.error_message(name, "You need to specify a player") elseif name == other and not allow_self then furrybot.error_message(name, "You need to specify a different player than yourself") elseif furrybot.player_online(other) then return true else furrybot.error_message(name, "Player not online", other) end end function furrybot.choose(list, color) return furrybot.colors.random .. list[math.random(#list)] .. color end function furrybot.random(min, max, color) return furrybot.colors.random .. math.random(min, max) .. color end function furrybot.http_request(url, name, callback) http.fetch({url = url}, function(res) if res.succeeded then callback(res.data) else furrybot.error_message(name, "Request failed with code", res.code) end end) end function furrybot.json_http_request(url, name, callback) furrybot.http_request(url, name, function(raw) local data = minetest.parse_json(raw) callback(data[1] or data) end) end function furrybot.strrandom(str, seed, ...) local v = 0 local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) for i = 1, #str do v = v + str:byte(i) * pr:next() end return PseudoRandom(v):next(...) end function furrybot.repeat_string(str, times) local msg = "" for i = 1, times do msg = msg .. str end return msg end function furrybot.interactive_rpg_command(action) return function(name, target) if furrybot.online_or_error(name, target) then furrybot.send(name .. " " .. action .. " " .. target .. ".", furrybot.colors.rpg) end end end function furrybot.solo_rpg_command(action) return function(name) furrybot.send(name .. " " .. action .. ".", furrybot.colors.rpg) end end function furrybot.request_command(on_request, on_accept) return function(name, target) if furrybot.online_or_error(name, target) and on_request(name, target) ~= false then furrybot.requests[target] = { origin = name, func = on_accept, } end end end function furrybot.get_money(name) local key = name .. ".money" if storage:contains(key) then return storage:get_int(key) else return 100 end end function furrybot.set_money(name, money) storage:set_int(name .. ".money", money) end function furrybot.add_money(name, add) local money = furrybot.get_money(name) furrybot.set_money(name, money + add) end function furrybot.take_money(name, remove) local money = furrybot.get_money(name) local new = money - remove if new < 0 then return false else furrybot.set_money(name, new) return true end end function furrybot.money(money, color) return furrybot.colors.money .. "$" .. money .. color end -- Commands -- system function furrybot.commands.help() local keys = {} for k in pairs(furrybot.commands) do table.insert(keys, k) end furrybot.send("Available commands: " .. table.concat(keys, ", "), furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.accept(name) local tbl = furrybot.requests[name] if tbl then furrybot.requests[name] = nil tbl.func(tbl.origin, name) else furrybot.error_message(name, "Nothing to accept") end end furrybot.unsafe_commands.accept = true function furrybot.commands.deny(name) local tbl = furrybot.requests[name] if tbl then furrybot.requests[name] = nil furrybot.ping_message(name, "Denied request", furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "Nothing to deny") end end furrybot.unsafe_commands.deny = true -- don't bug players that are running ClamityBot commands from discord function furrybot.commands.status() end function furrybot.commands.cmd() end -- rpg furrybot.commands.cry = furrybot.solo_rpg_command("cries") furrybot.commands.laugh = furrybot.solo_rpg_command("laughs") furrybot.commands.confused = furrybot.solo_rpg_command("is confused") furrybot.commands.smile = furrybot.solo_rpg_command("smiles") furrybot.commands.hug = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("hugs") furrybot.commands.cuddle = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("cuddles") furrybot.commands.kiss = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("kisses") furrybot.commands.hit = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("hits") furrybot.commands.slap = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("slaps") furrybot.commands.beat = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("beats") furrybot.commands.lick = furrybot.interactive_rpg_command("licks") furrybot.commands.smellfeet = furrybot.request_command(function(name, target) furrybot.ping_message(target, name .. " wants to smell your feet. Type !accept to accept or !deny to deny.", furrybot.colors.system) end, function(name, target) furrybot.ping_message(name, " you are smelling " .. target .. "'s feet. They are kinda stinky!", furrybot.colors.rpg) end) furrybot.commands.blowjob = furrybot.request_command(function(name, target) furrybot.ping_message(target, name .. " wants to suck your dick. Type !accept to accept or !deny to deny.", furrybot.colors.system) end, function(name, target) furrybot.send(name .. " is sucking " .. target .. "'s cock. ˣoˣ IT'S SO HUGE", furrybot.colors.rpg) end) furrybot.commands.sex = furrybot.request_command(function(name, target) furrybot.ping_message(target, name .. " wants to have sex with you. Type !accept to accept or !deny to deny.", furrybot.colors.system) end, function(name, target) furrybot.send(name .. " and " .. target .. " are having sex! OwO", furrybot.colors.rpg) end) furrybot.commands.bang = furrybot.commands.sex furrybot.commands.fuck = furrybot.commands.sex furrybot.commands.marry = furrybot.request_command(function(name, target) if storage:contains(name .. ".partner", target) then furrybot.error_message(name, "You are already married to", storage:get_string(name .. ".partner")) return false elseif storage:contains(target .. ".partner", name) then furrybot.error_message(name, target .. " is already married to", storage:get_string(name .. ".partner")) return false else furrybot.ping_message(target, name .. " proposes to you. Type !accept to accept or !deny to deny.", furrybot.colors.system) end end, function(name, target) storage:set_string(name .. ".partner", target) storage:set_string(target .. ".partner", name) furrybot.send("Congratulations, " .. furrybot.ping(name, furrybot.colors.rpg) .. "&" .. furrybot.ping(target, furrybot.colors.rpg) .. ", you are married. You may now kiss :).", furrybot.colors.rpg) end) furrybot.commands.propose = furrybot.commands.marry furrybot.unsafe_commands.marry = true furrybot.unsafe_commands.propose = true function furrybot.commands.divorce(name) if storage:contains(name .. ".partner") then local partner = storage:get_string(name .. ".partner") storage:set_string(name .. ".partner", "") storage:set_string(partner .. ".partner", "") furrybot.ping_message(name, "divorces from " .. partner .. " :(", furrybot.colors.rpg) else furrybot.error_message(name, "You are not married") end end furrybot.unsafe_commands.divorce = true function furrybot.commands.partner(name, target) target = target or name if storage:contains(target .. ".partner") then furrybot.ping_message(name, (target == name and "You are" or target .. " is") .. " married to " .. storage:get_string(target .. ".partner"), furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, (target == name and "You are" or target .. " is") .. " not married") end end furrybot.commands.married = furrybot.commands.partner -- misc function furrybot.commands.rolldice(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "rolled a dice and got a " .. furrybot.random(1, 6, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.coinflip(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "flipped a coin and got " .. furrybot.choose({"Heads", "Tails"}, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end function furrybot.commands.choose(name, ...) local options = {...} if #options > 1 then furrybot.ping_message(name, "I choose " .. furrybot.choose(options, "", furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "Not enough options") end end function furrybot.commands.dicksize(name, target) target = target or name local size = furrybot.strrandom(target, 31242, 2, 10) local dick = furrybot.repeat_string("=", size) .. "D" furrybot.send(minetest.rainbow(dick) .. furrybot.colors.system .. " ← " .. furrybot.ping(target, furrybot.colors.system) .. "'s Dick", C("#FF4DE1")) end furrybot.commands.cocksize = furrybot.commands.dicksize -- fun function furrybot.commands.amogus(name) furrybot.ping_message(name, "YOU KINDA SUS MAN", furrybot.colors.fun) end function furrybot.commands.verse(name) furrybot.json_http_request("https://labs.bible.org/api/?type=json&passage=random", name, function(data) furrybot.send(data.text .. furrybot.colors.info .. "[" .. data.bookname .. " " .. data.chapter .. "," .. data.verse .. "]", furrybot.colors.fun) end) end function furrybot.commands.define(name, word) if word then furrybot.json_http_request("https://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v1/entries/en_US/" .. word:gsub("computer", "person"), name, function(data) local meaning = data.meaning local selected = meaning.abbreviation or meaning["cardinal number"] or meaning.exclamation or meaning.noun or meaning.verb or meaning.adjective or meaning["transitive verb"] or meaning.adverb or meaning["relative adverb"] if not selected then print(dump(meaning)) furrybot.error_message(name, "Error in parsing response") else furrybot.send(word:sub(1, 1):upper() .. word:sub(2, #word):lower() .. ": " .. furrybot.colors.fun .. selected[1].definition, furrybot.colors.info) end end) else furrybot.error_message(name, "You need to specify a word") end end function furrybot.commands.insult(name, target) if furrybot.online_or_error(name, target, true) then furrybot.http_request("https://insult.mattbas.org/api/insult", name, function(data) furrybot.ping_message(target, data, furrybot.colors.fun) end) end end function furrybot.commands.joke(name, first, last) if not first then first = "Chuck" last = "Norris" elseif not last then last = "" end furrybot.json_http_request("http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random?firstName=" .. first .. "&lastName=" .. last, name, function(data) local joke = data.value.joke:gsub(""", "\""):gsub(" ", " ") furrybot.send(joke, furrybot.colors.fun) end) end function furrybot.commands.question(name) furrybot.json_http_request("https://8ball.delegator.com/magic/JSON/anything", name, function(data) furrybot.ping_message(name, data.magic.answer, furrybot.colors.fun) end) end furrybot.commands["8ball"] = furrybot.commands.question -- economy function furrybot.commands.money(name, target) target = target or name furrybot.ping_message(name, (target == name and "You have " or target .. " has ") .. furrybot.money(furrybot.get_money(target), furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) end furrybot.commands.balance = furrybot.commands.money function furrybot.commands.pay(name, target, number) if furrybot.online_or_error(name, target) then local money = tonumber(number or "") if not money or money <= 0 or math.floor(money) ~= money then furrybot.error_message(name, "Invalid amount of money") else if furrybot.take_money(name, money) then furrybot.add_money(target, money) furrybot.ping_message(target, name .. " has payed you " .. furrybot.money(money, furrybot.colors.system) .. ".", furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.error_message(name, "You don't have enough money") end end end end furrybot.unsafe_commands.pay = true -- send load message furrybot.send("FurryBot - " .. C("#170089") .. "https://github.com/EliasFleckenstein03/furrybot", furrybot.colors.system) if furrybot.loaded then furrybot.send("Reloaded", furrybot.colors.system) else furrybot.loaded = true end return function(_http, _env, _storage) http, env, storage = _http, _env, _storage end