environment: P: "c:/projects/libs" ACCOUNT: secure: F8Xu4syZJRRLmTnPDOUjr5bG7Lk6UburldIUuxZ/OJQ= # branches to build branches: # whitelist only: - master # Operating system (build VM template) os: Visual Studio 2015 # scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input # clone directory clone_folder: c:\projects\sqlite platform: x64 configuration: Release install: # by default, all script lines are interpreted as batch build: project: INSTALL.vcxproj # path to Visual Studio solution or project # scripts to run before build before_build: - echo Running cmake... - cd c:\projects\sqlite - cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P% # scripts to run after build after_build: - cd %P% - 7z a c:\projects\sqlite\sqlite.zip * -tzip - cd c:\projects\sqlite artifacts: - path: sqlite.zip name: sqlite.zip deploy_script: - cd c:\projects\sqlite - curl -T sqlite.zip --user %ACCOUNT% https://webdav.yandex.ru/libs/sqlite.zip