from .models import * from .utils import make_flask_user_password def populate(session): admin_user = User("Fleckenstein") = True admin_user.password = make_flask_user_password("tuckfrump") admin_user.github_username = "EliasFleckenstein03" admin_user.forums_username = "Fleckenstein" admin_user.rank = UserRank.ADMIN session.add(admin_user) tags = {} for tag in ["Render", "World", "Player", \ "Chat", "Exploit", "Inventory", "Movement", \ "Combat", "Bot", "GUI", \ "MineClone", "Any Game", "CTF", "Minetest Game"]: row = Tag(tag) tags[] = row session.add(row) licenses = {} for license in ["GPLv2.1", "GPLv3", "LGPLv2.1", "LGPLv3", "AGPLv2.1", "AGPLv3", "Apache", "BSD 3-Clause", "BSD 2-Clause", "CC0", "CC-BY-SA", "CC-BY", "MIT", "ZLib", "Other (Free)"]: row = License(license) licenses[] = row session.add(row) for license in ["CC-BY-NC-SA", "Other (Non-free)"]: row = License(license, False) licenses[] = row session.add(row) def populate_test_data(session): licenses = { : x for x in License.query.all() } tags = { : x for x in Tag.query.all() } admin_user = User.query.filter_by(rank=UserRank.ADMIN).first() cora = User("cora") cora.github_username = "corarona" cora.rank = UserRank.EDITOR session.add(cora) not1 = Notification(admin_user, cora, "Schematicas Approved", "/packages/Fleckenstein/schematicas/") session.add(not1) anon5 = User("anon5") anon5.github_username = "anon55555" session.add(anon5) mod = Package() mod.state = PackageState.APPROVED = "perlin" mod.title = "Perlin Terraforming" mod.license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.media_license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.type = PackageType.MOD = admin_user mod.tags.append(tags["world"]) mod.tags.append(tags["any_game"]) mod.repo = "" mod.issueTracker = "" mod.short_desc = "A dragonfire CSM that does terraforming automatically using perlin noise." mod.desc = "" session.add(mod) rel = PackageRelease() rel.package = mod rel.title = "v1.0.0" rel.url = "" rel.approved = True session.add(rel) mod = Package() mod.state = PackageState.APPROVED = "warp" mod.title = "Warps" mod.license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.media_license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.type = PackageType.MOD = admin_user mod.tags.append(tags["movement"]) mod.tags.append(tags["exploit"]) mod.tags.append(tags["gui"]) mod.tags.append(tags["any_game"]) mod.repo = "" mod.issueTracker = "" mod.short_desc = "A dragonfire CSM to set warps in the world and use the teleport exploit." mod.desc = "" session.add(mod) rel = PackageRelease() rel.package = mod rel.title = "v1.0.0" rel.url = "" rel.approved = True session.add(rel) mod = Package() mod.state = PackageState.APPROVED = "pathfinding" mod.title = "Pathfinding" mod.license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.media_license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.type = PackageType.MOD = admin_user mod.tags.append(tags["movement"]) mod.tags.append(tags["bot"]) mod.tags.append(tags["any_game"]) mod.repo = "" mod.issueTracker = "" mod.short_desc = "A dragonfire CSM that adds .goto command." mod.desc = "" session.add(mod) rel = PackageRelease() rel.package = mod rel.title = "v1.0.0" rel.url = "" rel.approved = True session.add(rel) mod = Package() mod.state = PackageState.APPROVED = "schematicas" mod.title = "Schematicas" mod.license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.media_license = licenses["GPLv3"] mod.type = PackageType.MOD = admin_user mod.tags.append(tags["world"]) mod.tags.append(tags["bot"]) mod.tags.append(tags["any_game"]) mod.repo = "" mod.issueTracker = "" mod.short_desc = "Dragonfire CSM for saving structures and building them automatically." mod.desc = "" session.add(mod) rel = PackageRelease() rel.package = mod rel.title = "v1.0.0" rel.url = "" rel.approved = True session.add(rel) txp = Package() txp.state = PackageState.APPROVED = "mc_textures" txp.title = "Minecraft Textures" txp.license = licenses["Other (Non-free)"] txp.media_license = licenses["Other (Non-free)"] txp.type = PackageType.TXP = admin_user txp.tags.append(tags["mineclone"]) txp.repo = "" txp.issueTracker = "" txp.short_desc = "MineClone2 Texture Pack containing the original minecraft textures." txp.desc = "" session.add(txp) rel = PackageRelease() rel.package = txp rel.title = "v1.0.0" rel.url = "" rel.approved = True session.add(rel) session.commit() metas = {} for package in Package.query.filter_by(type=PackageType.MOD).all(): meta = None try: meta = metas[] except KeyError: meta = MetaPackage( session.add(meta) metas[] = meta package.provides.append(meta)