package anidb import ( "encoding/gob" "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) func init() { gob.RegisterName("*", &Anime{}) gob.RegisterName("", AID(0)) } func (a *Anime) Touch() { a.Cached = time.Now() } func (a *Anime) IsStale() bool { if a == nil { return true } now := time.Now() diff := now.Sub(a.Cached) if a.Incomplete { return diff > AnimeIncompleteCacheDuration } // If the anime ended, and more than AnimeCacheDuration time ago at that if !a.EndDate.IsZero() && now.After(a.EndDate.Add(AnimeCacheDuration)) { return diff > FinishedAnimeCacheDuration } return diff > AnimeCacheDuration } // Unique Anime IDentifier. type AID int // make AID Cacheable func (e AID) Touch() {} func (e AID) IsStale() bool { return false } // Returns a cached Anime. Returns nil if there is no cached Anime with this AID. func (aid AID) Anime() *Anime { var a Anime if cache.Get(&a, "aid", aid) == nil { return &a } return nil } type httpAnimeResponse struct { anime httpapi.Anime err error } // Retrieves an Anime by its AID. Uses both the HTTP and UDP APIs, // but can work without the UDP API. func (adb *AniDB) AnimeByID(aid AID) <-chan *Anime { keys := []cacheKey{"aid", aid} ch := make(chan *Anime, 1) if aid < 1 { ch <- nil close(ch) } ic := make(chan Cacheable, 1) go func() { ch <- (<-ic).(*Anime); close(ch) }() if intentMap.Intent(ic, keys...) { return ch } if !cache.CheckValid(keys...) { intentMap.NotifyClose((*Anime)(nil), keys...) return ch } anime := aid.Anime() if !anime.IsStale() { intentMap.NotifyClose(anime, keys...) return ch } go func() { httpChan := make(chan httpAnimeResponse, 1) go func() { log.Printf("HTTP>>> Anime %d", aid) a, err := httpapi.GetAnime(int(aid)) httpChan <- httpAnimeResponse{anime: a, err: err} }() udpChan := adb.udp.SendRecv("ANIME", paramMap{ "aid": aid, "amask": animeAMask, }) timeout := time.After(adb.Timeout) if anime == nil { anime = &Anime{AID: aid} } anime.Incomplete = true ok := true Loop: for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { select { case <-timeout: // HTTP API timeout if httpChan != nil { log.Printf("HTTP<<< Timeout") close(httpChan) } case resp := <-httpChan: if resp.err != nil { log.Printf("HTTP<<< %v", resp.err) ok = false break Loop } if resp.anime.Error != "" { log.Printf("HTTP<<< Error %q", resp.anime.Error) } if anime.populateFromHTTP(resp.anime) { log.Printf("HTTP<<< Anime %q", anime.PrimaryTitle) } else { // HTTP ok but parsing not ok if anime.PrimaryTitle == "" { cache.MarkInvalid(keys...) } switch resp.anime.Error { case "Anime not found", "aid Missing or Invalid": // deleted AID? cache.Delete(keys...) } ok = false break Loop } httpChan = nil case reply := <-udpChan: if reply.Code() == 330 { cache.MarkInvalid(keys...) // deleted AID? cache.Delete(keys...) ok = false break Loop } else { anime.Incomplete = !anime.populateFromUDP(reply) } udpChan = nil } } if anime.PrimaryTitle != "" { if ok { cache.Set(anime, keys...) } intentMap.NotifyClose(anime, keys...) } else { intentMap.NotifyClose((*Anime)(nil), keys...) } }() return ch } func (a *Anime) populateFromHTTP(reply httpapi.Anime) bool { if reply.Error != "" { return false } if a.AID != AID(reply.ID) { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Requested AID %d different from received AID %d", a.AID, reply.ID)) } a.R18 = reply.R18 a.Type = AnimeType(reply.Type) // skip episode count since it's unreliable; UDP API handles that // UDP API has more precise versions if a.Incomplete { if st, err := time.Parse(httpapi.DateFormat, reply.StartDate); err == nil { a.StartDate = st } if et, err := time.Parse(httpapi.DateFormat, reply.EndDate); err == nil { a.EndDate = et } } for _, title := range reply.Titles { switch title.Type { case "main": a.PrimaryTitle = title.Title case "official": if a.OfficialTitles == nil { a.OfficialTitles = make(UniqueTitleMap) } a.OfficialTitles[Language(title.Lang)] = title.Title case "short": if a.ShortTitles == nil { a.ShortTitles = make(TitleMap) } a.ShortTitles[Language(title.Lang)] = append(a.ShortTitles[Language(title.Lang)], title.Title) case "synonym": if a.Synonyms == nil { a.Synonyms = make(TitleMap) } a.Synonyms[Language(title.Lang)] = append(a.Synonyms[Language(title.Lang)], title.Title) } } a.OfficialURL = reply.URL if reply.Picture != "" { a.Picture = httpapi.AniDBImageBaseURL + reply.Picture } a.Description = reply.Description a.Votes = Rating{ Rating: reply.Ratings.Permanent.Rating, VoteCount: reply.Ratings.Permanent.Count, } a.TemporaryVotes = Rating{ Rating: reply.Ratings.Temporary.Rating, VoteCount: reply.Ratings.Temporary.Count, } a.Reviews = Rating{ Rating: reply.Ratings.Review.Rating, VoteCount: reply.Ratings.Review.Count, } a.populateResources(reply.Resources) counts := map[misc.EpisodeType]int{} sort.Sort(reply.Episodes) for _, ep := range reply.Episodes { ad, _ := time.Parse(httpapi.DateFormat, ep.AirDate) titles := make(UniqueTitleMap) for _, title := range ep.Titles { titles[Language(title.Lang)] = title.Title } e := &Episode{ EID: EID(ep.ID), AID: a.AID, Episode: *misc.ParseEpisode(ep.EpNo.EpNo), Length: time.Duration(ep.Length) * time.Minute, AirDate: &ad, Rating: Rating{ Rating: ep.Rating.Rating, VoteCount: ep.Rating.Votes, }, Titles: titles, } counts[e.Type]++ cacheEpisode(e) a.Episodes = append(a.Episodes, e) } a.EpisodeCount = misc.EpisodeCount{ RegularCount: counts[misc.EpisodeTypeRegular], SpecialCount: counts[misc.EpisodeTypeSpecial], CreditsCount: counts[misc.EpisodeTypeCredits], OtherCount: counts[misc.EpisodeTypeOther], TrailerCount: counts[misc.EpisodeTypeTrailer], ParodyCount: counts[misc.EpisodeTypeParody], } if a.Incomplete { if !a.EndDate.IsZero() { a.TotalEpisodes = a.EpisodeCount.RegularCount } } return true } func (a *Anime) populateResources(list []httpapi.Resource) { a.Resources.AniDB = Resource{fmt.Sprintf("", a.AID)} for _, res := range list { args := make([][]interface{}, len(res.ExternalEntity)) for i, e := range res.ExternalEntity { args[i] = make([]interface{}, len(e.Identifiers)) for j := range args[i] { args[i][j] = e.Identifiers[j] } } switch res.Type { case 1: // ANN for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.ANN = append(a.Resources.ANN, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.ANNFormat, args[i]...)) } case 2: // MyAnimeList for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.MyAnimeList = append(a.Resources.MyAnimeList, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.MyAnimeListFormat, args[i]...)) } case 3: // AnimeNfo for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.AnimeNfo = append(a.Resources.AnimeNfo, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.AnimeNfoFormat, args[i]...)) } case 4: // OfficialJapanese for _, e := range res.ExternalEntity { for _, url := range e.URL { a.Resources.OfficialJapanese = append(a.Resources.OfficialJapanese, url) } } case 5: // OfficialEnglish for _, e := range res.ExternalEntity { for _, url := range e.URL { a.Resources.OfficialEnglish = append(a.Resources.OfficialEnglish, url) } } case 6: // WikipediaEnglish for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.WikipediaEnglish = append(a.Resources.WikipediaEnglish, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.WikiEnglishFormat, args[i]...)) } case 7: // WikipediaJapanese for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.WikipediaJapanese = append(a.Resources.WikipediaJapanese, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.WikiJapaneseFormat, args[i]...)) } case 8: // SyoboiSchedule for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.SyoboiSchedule = append(a.Resources.SyoboiSchedule, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.SyoboiFormat, args[i]...)) } case 9: // AllCinema for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.AllCinema = append(a.Resources.AllCinema, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.AllCinemaFormat, args[i]...)) } case 10: // Anison for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.Anison = append(a.Resources.Anison, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.AnisonFormat, args[i]...)) } case 14: // VNDB for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.VNDB = append(a.Resources.VNDB, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.VNDBFormat, args[i]...)) } case 15: // MaruMegane for i := range res.ExternalEntity { a.Resources.MaruMegane = append(a.Resources.MaruMegane, fmt.Sprintf(httpapi.MaruMeganeFormat, args[i]...)) } } } } // // Everything that we can't easily get through the HTTP API, or that has more accuracy: // episodes, air date, end date, award list, update date, const animeAMask = "0000980201" func (a *Anime) populateFromUDP(reply udpapi.APIReply) bool { if reply != nil && reply.Error() == nil { parts := strings.Split(reply.Lines()[1], "|") ints := make([]int64, len(parts)) for i, p := range parts { ints[i], _ = strconv.ParseInt(p, 10, 32) } a.TotalEpisodes = int(ints[0]) // episodes st := time.Unix(ints[1], 0) // air date et := time.Unix(ints[2], 0) // end date aw := strings.Split(parts[3], "'") // award list ut := time.Unix(ints[4], 0) // update date if len(parts[3]) > 0 { a.Awards = aw } // 0 does not actually mean the Epoch here... if ints[1] != 0 { a.StartDate = st } if ints[2] != 0 { a.EndDate = et } if ints[4] != 0 { a.Updated = ut } return true } return false }