Installation guidelines ======================= ====================================================================== TESTING AN INSTALLATION PROCEDURE IS HARD, AND RARELY DONE RIGHT AT THE FIRST TRY. IF YOU EXPERIENCE INSTALLATION TROUBLES, PLEASE REPORT THEM, TO AVOID THEM TO FUTURE USERS. ====================================================================== Prerequisites ------------- - a 32 bits, little endian CPU (or the willingness to tweak the bytecode dumper by yourself) - a C compiler - Under Unix-like OSes, GNU/Make. - Under MS-Windows, Microsoft Visual Studio - optionally, your own Lua VM - optionally, the readline library MS-Windows ---------- You need to: - edit metalua\src\win32\make-win32-msvc.bat, and set the user configuration: * The directory where you want to put your libs and executables, MUALIB_TARGET. * The directory where the compiler and linker are, MSVCDIR. - open a DOS shell in metalua\src, and run the batch file above: d:\fabien\src\metalua\src> win32\make-win32-msvc - Set your environment variables. A script metalua\src\mlua_setenv.bat must have been generated, which contains the appropriate settings. If you want to commit these setting permanently, you'll have to set them in "My Computer" "Properties" "Adanced settings" "Environment variables". Mingw ----- There is also a migw port, which hasn't been tested for a while and is likely to be broken. I'd be grateful if someone provided a patch for this. I've never tried to compile it under cygwin either, patches are welcome. Un*x ---- Set your configuration in metalua/src/config: - PLATFORM is the name of the target platform for the Lua VM. You need a platform which supports dynamic library loading, i.e. posix is not OK. The most likely choices are linux, macosx, mingw, freebsd, openbsd. - TARGET_LUA_PATH is the place where Lua libraries will be installed. It points to a temporary directory by default. - TARGET_LUA_CPATH is the target directory for C libraries. Unless you've got a special reason not to, it's a good idea to use the same directory as for TARGET_LUA_PATH - TARGET_BIN_PATH is the place where binary executables will be put. Other settings should probably not be touched unless you know what you're doing. After the `make`, the system should be installed; the environment variables required to make it work are set in the generated script To install them, either do `.`, or recopy them in your .bashrc file. Troubleshooting: ---------------- * No Readline * Under Linux, if you don't have readline and don't want to install it (e.g. you rely on rlwrap or ledit), you'll have to remove -lreadline from lua/Makefile, and to remove the #define LUA_USE_READLINE from lua/luaconf.h * Custom VM * If you use your own Lua VM, depending on your OS, you might have problems with unexported symbols required by Pluto. Pluto requires the symbols prefixed with LUAI_FUNC in the VM to be exported, and they aren't by default under Linux and Windows. This is set in luaconf.h; you'll need to change that setting in your own Lua VM if you want to use it. * Pluto issues * Alternatively, you can let metalua run without Pluto by setting the environment variable LUA_NOSPRINGS to "true". However, this might cause parasitic interactions when several source files are compiled simultaneously, so you'd rather precompile each file and library one by one. Test drive ---------- There are some samples in metalua/samples, which can be rn simply by typing in the shell `metalua samplename.mlua`. Use `metalua -h` to have an overview of interesting options. Among them, "-a" dumps the AST resulting from a compilation: that's the perfect learning tool for practical-oriented minds. Once you've played with the samples, and maybe written a couple of simple programs, I'm afraid the next step will be to RTFM :)