Installation guidelines ======================= ====================================================================== TESTING AN INSTALLATION PROCEDURE IS HARD, AND RARELY DONE RIGHT AT THE FIRST TRY. IF YOU EXPERIENCE INSTALLATION TROUBLES, PLEASE REPORT THEM, TO AVOID THEM TO FUTURE USERS. ====================================================================== Prerequisites ------------- - under MS-Windows, ability to type a couple of commands in a DOS command window - under POSIX OSes, lua and luac executables in your path, in versions >=5.1 MS-Windows ---------- - get the sources - cd metalua\src - edit make.bat to set your variables: * DISTRIB_BIN: where you want to put executables metalua.bat, lua.exe, luac.exe. This directory should be referenced in your PATH environment variable. * DISTRIB_LIB: where you want to put your Lua libraries. It shouldn't mess up an existing Lua libraries directory. This folder should be referrenced in your LUA_PATH environment variable. - run make.bat Unix ---- - get the sources - cd metalua/src - set these variables or modify them in * BUILD: a directory in which metalua should be built. Must be writable by the user. * INSTALL_BIN: where metalua will be copied * INSTALL_LIB: where (meta)lua libs will be copied. Should be referenced in your LUA_PATH. - run ./, under your UID - a ./ script should have been generated, run it. If you want to isntall it in a directory that doesn't belong to you, you might want to run it as root. Test drive ---------- There are some samples in metalua/src/samples, which can be run simply by typing in the shell `metalua samplename.mlua`. Use `metalua -h` to have an overview of interesting options. Among them, "-a" dumps the AST resulting from a compilation: that's the perfect learning tool for practical-oriented minds. Once you've played with the samples, and maybe written a couple of simple programs, I'm afraid the next step will be to RTFM :)