cargo-features = ["edition"] [package] name = "clippy" version = "0.0.212" authors = [ "Manish Goregaokar ", "Andre Bogus ", "Georg Brandl ", "Martin Carton ", "Oliver Schneider " ] description = "A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust" repository = "" readme = "" license = "MPL-2.0" keywords = ["clippy", "lint", "plugin"] categories = ["development-tools", "development-tools::cargo-plugins"] build = "" edition = "2018" [badges] travis-ci = { repository = "rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy" } appveyor = { repository = "rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy" } [lib] name = "clippy" plugin = true test = false [[bin]] name = "cargo-clippy" test = false path = "src/" [[bin]] name = "clippy-driver" test = false path = "src/" [dependencies] # begin automatic update clippy_lints = { version = "0.0.212", path = "clippy_lints" } # end automatic update regex = "1" semver = "0.9" # Not actually needed right now but required to make sure that clippy/ and cargo build # with the same set of features in rust-lang/rust num-traits = "0.2" # enable the default feature backtrace = "0.3" # keep in sync with `cargo`'s `Cargo.toml' [target.'cfg(windows)'.dependencies.winapi] version = "0.3" features = [ # keep in sync with `cargo`'s `Cargo.toml' "handleapi", "jobapi", "jobapi2", "minwindef", "ntdef", "ntstatus", "processenv", "processthreadsapi", "psapi", "synchapi", "winerror", "winbase", "wincon", "winnt", # no idea where these come from "basetsd", "lmcons", "memoryapi", "minschannel", "minwinbase", "ntsecapi", "profileapi", "schannel", "securitybaseapi", "synchapi", "sysinfoapi", "timezoneapi", "wincrypt", ] [dev-dependencies] cargo_metadata = "0.5" compiletest_rs = "0.3.7" lazy_static = "1.0" serde_derive = "1.0" clippy-mini-macro-test = { version = "0.2", path = "mini-macro" } serde = "1.0" derive-new = "0.5" [build-dependencies] rustc_version = "0.2.2" ansi_term = "0.11" [features] debugging = []