language: generic cache: # Cache the global cargo directory, but NOT the local `target` directory which # we cannot reuse anyway when the nightly changes (and it grows quite large # over time). directories: - /home/travis/.cargo os: - linux - osx before_script: # mac os weirdness ( - rvm get stable # Compute the rust version we use. We do not use "language: rust" to have more control here. - | if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = cron ]; then RUST_TOOLCHAIN=nightly else RUST_TOOLCHAIN=$(cat rust-version) fi # install Rust - curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain "$RUST_TOOLCHAIN" - export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH - rustc --version # customize installation - rustup target add i686-unknown-linux-gnu - rustup target add i686-pc-windows-gnu - rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc - rustup component add rust-src - cargo install xargo || echo "Skipping xargo install" script: - set -e - | # Test and install plain miri cargo build --release --all-features && #cargo test --release --all-features && cargo install --all-features --force --path . - | # get ourselves a MIR-full libstd xargo/ && export MIRI_SYSROOT=~/.xargo/HOST #- | # # run all tests with full mir # cargo test --release --all-features - | # Test cargo integration cd cargo-miri-test && # Test `cargo miri` # We ignore the exit code because we want to see the output even on failure, and # I found no way to preserve the exit code so that we can test for it later. # Variables set in this subshell in the parenthesis are not available # on the outside. # We assume that if this fails, it'll also print something about the failure on # stdout/stderr and we'll catch that. # FIXME: Disabling validation, still investigating whether there is UB here (cargo miri -q >stdout.real 2>stderr.real -- -Zmiri-disable-validation || true) && # Print file names and contents (`cat` would just print contents) tail -n +0 stdout.real stderr.real && # Verify output diff -u stdout.ref stdout.real && diff -u stderr.ref stderr.real && # test `cargo miri test` cargo miri test && cd .. notifications: email: on_success: never branches: only: - master env: global: - RUST_TEST_NOCAPTURE=1