# This file should only ignore things that are generated during a build, # generated by common IDEs, and optional files controlled by the user # that affect the build (such as config.toml). # FIXME: This needs cleanup. *~ .#* .DS_Store .cproject .hg/ .hgignore .idea *.iml __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class .project .settings/ .valgrindrc .vscode .favorites.json /Makefile /build/ /config.toml /dist/ /dl/ /doc/ /inst/ /llvm/ /mingw-build/ # Created by default with `src/ci/docker/run.sh`: /obj/ /rustllvm/ /src/libcore/unicode/DerivedCoreProperties.txt /src/libcore/unicode/DerivedNormalizationProps.txt /src/libcore/unicode/PropList.txt /src/libcore/unicode/ReadMe.txt /src/libcore/unicode/Scripts.txt /src/libcore/unicode/SpecialCasing.txt /src/libcore/unicode/UnicodeData.txt /src/libcore/unicode/downloaded /target/ # Generated by compiletest for incremental: /tmp/ tags tags.* TAGS TAGS.* \#* \#*\# config.mk config.stamp Session.vim .cargo no_llvm_build