name: Clippy Test on: push: # Ignore bors branches, since they are covered by `clippy_bors.yml` branches-ignore: [auto, try] # Don't run Clippy tests, when only textfiles were modified paths-ignore: - 'COPYRIGHT' - 'LICENSE-*' - '**.md' - '**.txt' pull_request: # Don't run Clippy tests, when only textfiles were modified paths-ignore: - 'COPYRIGHT' - 'LICENSE-*' - '**.md' - '**.txt' env: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CARGO_TARGET_DIR: '${{ github.workspace }}/target' GHA_CI: 1 jobs: base: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: rust-toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1.0.3 with: toolchain: nightly target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu profile: minimal - name: Cache cargo dir uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/.cargo key: ${{ runner.os }}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2.0.0 - name: Master Toolchain Setup run: bash - name: Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) run: | SYSROOT=$(rustc --print sysroot) echo "::set-env name=LD_LIBRARY_PATH::${SYSROOT}/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}" - name: Build run: cargo build --features deny-warnings - name: Test run: cargo test --features deny-warnings - name: Test clippy_lints run: cargo test --features deny-warnings working-directory: clippy_lints - name: Test rustc_tools_util run: cargo test --features deny-warnings working-directory: rustc_tools_util - name: Test clippy_dev run: cargo test --features deny-warnings working-directory: clippy_dev - name: Test cargo-clippy run: ../target/debug/cargo-clippy working-directory: clippy_workspace_tests - name: Test clippy-driver run: | ( set -ex # Check sysroot handling sysroot=$(./target/debug/clippy-driver --print sysroot) test "$sysroot" = "$(rustc --print sysroot)" desired_sysroot=/tmp sysroot=$(./target/debug/clippy-driver --sysroot $desired_sysroot --print sysroot) test "$sysroot" = $desired_sysroot sysroot=$(SYSROOT=$desired_sysroot ./target/debug/clippy-driver --print sysroot) test "$sysroot" = $desired_sysroot # Make sure this isn't set - clippy-driver should cope without it unset CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR # Run a lint and make sure it produces the expected output. It's also expected to exit with code 1 # FIXME: How to match the clippy invocation in ./target/debug/clippy-driver -Dwarnings -Aunused -Zui-testing --emit metadata --crate-type bin tests/ui/ 2> cstring.stderr && exit 1 sed -e 's,tests/ui,$DIR,' -e '/= help/d' cstring.stderr > normalized.stderr diff normalized.stderr tests/ui/cstring.stderr # TODO: CLIPPY_CONF_DIR / CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR ) - name: Run cargo-cache --autoclean run: | cargo install cargo-cache --debug find ~/.cargo/bin ! -type d -exec strip {} \; cargo cache --autoclean