name: Internal Compiler Error (Structured form) description: For now, you'll want to use the other ICE template, as GitHub forms have strict limits on the size of fields so backtraces cannot be pasted directly. labels: ["C-bug", "I-ICE", "T-compiler"] title: "[ICE]: " body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Thank you for finding an Internal Compiler Error! 🧊 If possible, try to provide a minimal verifiable example. You can read "[Rust Bug Minimization Patterns](" for how to create smaller examples. - type: textarea id: code attributes: label: Code description: Please provide code or a link to a repository that can reproduce the problem placeholder: code render: Rust validations: required: false - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Affected release channels description: If you're using the stable version of the compiler, you should also check if the bug also exists in the beta or nightly versions options: - label: Previous Stable required: false - label: Current Stable required: false - label: Current Beta required: false - label: Current Nightly required: false - type: textarea id: version attributes: label: Rust Version description: Please provide the `rustc` version, `rustc --version --verbose` placeholder: | $ rustc --version --verbose rustc 1.XX.Y (SHORTHASH DATE) binary: rustc commit-hash: LONGHASHVALUE commit-date: DATE host: PLATFORMTRIPLE release: 1.XX.Y LLVM version: XX.YY.ZZ render: Shell validations: required: true - type: textarea id: output attributes: label: Current error output description: Please provide the `rustc` output you see placeholder: output render: Shell validations: required: false - type: textarea id: backtrace attributes: label: Backtrace description: Include a backtrace in the code block by setting `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` in your environment, e.g. `RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo build` render: Shell validations: required: true - type: textarea id: extra attributes: label: Anything else? description: If you have more details you want to give us to reproduce this issue, please add it here validations: required: false