name: Diagnostic issue description: Create a bug report or feature request for a change to `rustc`'s error output labels: ["A-diagnostics", "T-compiler"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Thank you for filing a diagnostics bug report! 🐛 Please provide a short summary of the bug, along with any information you feel relevant to replicating the bug. If you cannot produce a minimal reproduction case (something that would work in isolation), please provide the steps or even link to a repository that causes the problematic output to occur. - type: textarea id: code attributes: label: Code description: Please provide code that can reproduce the problem placeholder: code render: Rust validations: required: true - type: textarea id: output attributes: label: Current output description: Please provide the `rustc` output you see placeholder: rustc output render: Shell validations: required: true - type: textarea id: desired-output attributes: label: Desired output description: Please provide what the output *should* be placeholder: proposed output render: Shell validations: required: false - type: textarea id: rationale attributes: label: Rationale and extra context description: If the problem is not self-explanatory, please provide a rationale for the change. validations: required: false - type: textarea id: other-output attributes: label: Other cases description: If dramatically different output is caused by small changes, consider also adding them here. render: Rust validations: required: false - type: markdown attributes: value: | If you're using the stable version of the compiler, you should also check if the bug also exists in the beta or nightly versions. The output might also be different depending on the Edition. - type: textarea id: extra attributes: label: Anything else? description: If you have more details you want to give us to reproduce this issue, please add it here validations: required: false