]> git.lizzy.rs Git - plan9front.git/blob - sys/src/cmd/rc/lex.c
rc: remove silly efree check
[plan9front.git] / sys / src / cmd / rc / lex.c
1 #include "rc.h"
2 #include "exec.h"
3 #include "io.h"
4 #include "getflags.h"
5 #include "fns.h"
6 int getnext(void);
8 int
9 wordchr(int c)
10 {
11         return !strchr("\n \t#;&|^$=`'{}()<>", c) && c!=EOF;
12 }
14 int
15 idchr(int c)
16 {
17         /*
18          * Formerly:
19          * return 'a'<=c && c<='z' || 'A'<=c && c<='Z' || '0'<=c && c<='9'
20          *      || c=='_' || c=='*';
21          */
22         return c>' ' && !strchr("!\"#$%&'()+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~", c);
23 }
24 int future = EOF;
25 int doprompt = 1;
26 int inquote;
27 int incomm;
28 /*
29  * Look ahead in the input stream
30  */
32 int
33 nextc(void)
34 {
35         if(future==EOF)
36                 future = getnext();
37         return future;
38 }
39 /*
40  * Consume the lookahead character.
41  */
43 int
44 advance(void)
45 {
46         int c = nextc();
47         lastc = future;
48         future = EOF;
49         return c;
50 }
51 /*
52  * read a character from the input stream
53  */     
55 int
56 getnext(void)
57 {
58         int c;
59         static int peekc = EOF;
60         if(peekc!=EOF){
61                 c = peekc;
62                 peekc = EOF;
63                 return c;
64         }
65         if(runq->eof)
66                 return EOF;
67         if(doprompt)
68                 pprompt();
69         c = rchr(runq->cmdfd);
70         if(!inquote && c=='\\'){
71                 c = rchr(runq->cmdfd);
72                 if(c=='\n' && !incomm){         /* don't continue a comment */
73                         doprompt = 1;
74                         c=' ';
75                 }
76                 else{
77                         peekc = c;
78                         c='\\';
79                 }
80         }
81         doprompt = doprompt || c=='\n' || c==EOF;
82         if(c==EOF)
83                 runq->eof++;
84         else if(flag['V'] || ndot>=2 && flag['v']) pchr(err, c);
85         return c;
86 }
88 void
89 pprompt(void)
90 {
91         var *prompt;
92         if(runq->iflag){
93                 pstr(err, promptstr);
94                 flush(err);
95                 prompt = vlook("prompt");
96                 if(prompt->val && prompt->val->next)
97                         promptstr = prompt->val->next->word;
98                 else
99                         promptstr="\t";
100         }
101         runq->lineno++;
102         doprompt = 0;
103 }
105 void
106 skipwhite(void)
107 {
108         int c;
109         for(;;){
110                 c = nextc();
111                 /* Why did this used to be  if(!inquote && c=='#') ?? */
112                 if(c=='#'){
113                         incomm = 1;
114                         for(;;){
115                                 c = nextc();
116                                 if(c=='\n' || c==EOF) {
117                                         incomm = 0;
118                                         break;
119                                 }
120                                 advance();
121                         }
122                 }
123                 if(c==' ' || c=='\t')
124                         advance();
125                 else return;
126         }
127 }
129 void
130 skipnl(void)
131 {
132         int c;
133         for(;;){
134                 skipwhite();
135                 c = nextc();
136                 if(c!='\n')
137                         return;
138                 advance();
139         }
140 }
142 int
143 nextis(int c)
144 {
145         if(nextc()==c){
146                 advance();
147                 return 1;
148         }
149         return 0;
150 }
152 char*
153 addtok(char *p, int val)
154 {
155         if(p==0)
156                 return 0;
157         if(p==&tok[NTOK-1]){
158                 *p = 0;
159                 yyerror("token buffer too short");
160                 return 0;
161         }
162         *p++=val;
163         return p;
164 }
166 char*
167 addutf(char *p, int c)
168 {
169         p = addtok(p, c);
170         if(twobyte(c))   /* 2-byte escape */
171                 return addtok(p, advance());
172         if(threebyte(c)){       /* 3-byte escape */
173                 p = addtok(p, advance());
174                 return addtok(p, advance());
175         }
176         return p;
177 }
178 int lastdol;    /* was the last token read '$' or '$#' or '"'? */
179 int lastword;   /* was the last token read a word or compound word terminator? */
181 int
182 yylex(void)
183 {
184         int c, d = nextc();
185         char *w = tok;
186         struct tree *t;
187         yylval.tree = 0;
188         /*
189          * Embarassing sneakiness:  if the last token read was a quoted or unquoted
190          * WORD then we alter the meaning of what follows.  If the next character
191          * is `(', we return SUB (a subscript paren) and consume the `('.  Otherwise,
192          * if the next character is the first character of a simple or compound word,
193          * we insert a `^' before it.
194          */
195         if(lastword){
196                 lastword = 0;
197                 if(d=='('){
198                         advance();
199                         strcpy(tok, "( [SUB]");
200                         return SUB;
201                 }
202                 if(wordchr(d) || d=='\'' || d=='`' || d=='$' || d=='"'){
203                         strcpy(tok, "^");
204                         return '^';
205                 }
206         }
207         inquote = 0;
208         skipwhite();
209         switch(c = advance()){
210         case EOF:
211                 lastdol = 0;
212                 strcpy(tok, "EOF");
213                 return EOF;
214         case '$':
215                 lastdol = 1;
216                 if(nextis('#')){
217                         strcpy(tok, "$#");
218                         return COUNT;
219                 }
220                 if(nextis('"')){
221                         strcpy(tok, "$\"");
222                         return '"';
223                 }
224                 strcpy(tok, "$");
225                 return '$';
226         case '&':
227                 lastdol = 0;
228                 if(nextis('&')){
229                         skipnl();
230                         strcpy(tok, "&&");
231                         return ANDAND;
232                 }
233                 strcpy(tok, "&");
234                 return '&';
235         case '|':
236                 lastdol = 0;
237                 if(nextis(c)){
238                         skipnl();
239                         strcpy(tok, "||");
240                         return OROR;
241                 }
242         case '<':
243         case '>':
244                 lastdol = 0;
245                 /*
246                  * funny redirection tokens:
247                  *      redir:  arrow | arrow '[' fd ']'
248                  *      arrow:  '<' | '<<' | '>' | '>>' | '|'
249                  *      fd:     digit | digit '=' | digit '=' digit
250                  *      digit:  '0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9'
251                  * some possibilities are nonsensical and get a message.
252                  */
253                 *w++=c;
254                 t = newtree();
255                 switch(c){
256                 case '|':
257                         t->type = PIPE;
258                         t->fd0 = 1;
259                         t->fd1 = 0;
260                         break;
261                 case '>':
262                         t->type = REDIR;
263                         if(nextis(c)){
264                                 t->rtype = APPEND;
265                                 *w++=c;
266                         }
267                         else t->rtype = WRITE;
268                         t->fd0 = 1;
269                         break;
270                 case '<':
271                         t->type = REDIR;
272                         if(nextis(c)){
273                                 t->rtype = HERE;
274                                 *w++=c;
275                         } else if (nextis('>')){
276                                 t->rtype = RDWR;
277                                 *w++=c;
278                         } else t->rtype = READ;
279                         t->fd0 = 0;
280                         break;
281                 }
282                 if(nextis('[')){
283                         *w++='[';
284                         c = advance();
285                         *w++=c;
286                         if(c<'0' || '9'<c){
287                         RedirErr:
288                                 *w = 0;
289                                 yyerror(t->type==PIPE?"pipe syntax"
290                                                 :"redirection syntax");
291                                 return EOF;
292                         }
293                         t->fd0 = 0;
294                         do{
295                                 t->fd0 = t->fd0*10+c-'0';
296                                 *w++=c;
297                                 c = advance();
298                         }while('0'<=c && c<='9');
299                         if(c=='='){
300                                 *w++='=';
301                                 if(t->type==REDIR)
302                                         t->type = DUP;
303                                 c = advance();
304                                 if('0'<=c && c<='9'){
305                                         t->rtype = DUPFD;
306                                         t->fd1 = t->fd0;
307                                         t->fd0 = 0;
308                                         do{
309                                                 t->fd0 = t->fd0*10+c-'0';
310                                                 *w++=c;
311                                                 c = advance();
312                                         }while('0'<=c && c<='9');
313                                 }
314                                 else{
315                                         if(t->type==PIPE)
316                                                 goto RedirErr;
317                                         t->rtype = CLOSE;
318                                 }
319                         }
320                         if(c!=']'
321                         || t->type==DUP && (t->rtype==HERE || t->rtype==APPEND))
322                                 goto RedirErr;
323                         *w++=']';
324                 }
325                 *w='\0';
326                 yylval.tree = t;
327                 if(t->type==PIPE)
328                         skipnl();
329                 return t->type;
330         case '\'':
331                 lastdol = 0;
332                 lastword = 1;
333                 inquote = 1;
334                 for(;;){
335                         c = advance();
336                         if(c==EOF)
337                                 break;
338                         if(c=='\''){
339                                 if(nextc()!='\'')
340                                         break;
341                                 advance();
342                         }
343                         w = addutf(w, c);
344                 }
345                 if(w!=0)
346                         *w='\0';
347                 t = token(tok, WORD);
348                 t->quoted = 1;
349                 yylval.tree = t;
350                 return t->type;
351         }
352         if(!wordchr(c)){
353                 lastdol = 0;
354                 tok[0] = c;
355                 tok[1]='\0';
356                 return c;
357         }
358         for(;;){
359                 /* next line should have (char)c==GLOB, but ken's compiler is broken */
360                 if(c=='*' || c=='[' || c=='?' || c==(unsigned char)GLOB)
361                         w = addtok(w, GLOB);
362                 w = addutf(w, c);
363                 c = nextc();
364                 if(lastdol?!idchr(c):!wordchr(c)) break;
365                 advance();
366         }
368         lastword = 1;
369         lastdol = 0;
370         if(w!=0)
371                 *w='\0';
372         t = klook(tok);
373         if(t->type!=WORD)
374                 lastword = 0;
375         t->quoted = 0;
376         yylval.tree = t;
377         return t->type;
378 }