]> git.lizzy.rs Git - plan9front.git/blob - sys/src/cmd/postscript/p9bitpost/pslib.c
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[plan9front.git] / sys / src / cmd / postscript / p9bitpost / pslib.c
1 #include <u.h>
2 #include <libc.h>
3 #include <draw.h>
4 #include <memdraw.h>
5 #include <bio.h>
6 #include "pslib.h"
7 /* implement PsLib;
8 /* 
9 /* include "sys.m";
10 /*      sys: Sys;
11 /* 
12 /* include "draw.m";
13 /*      draw : Draw;
14 /* Image, Display,Rect,Point : import draw;
15 /* 
16 /* include "bufio.m";
17 /*      bufmod : Bufio;
18 /* 
19 /* include "tk.m";
20 /*      tk: Tk;
21 /*      Toplevel: import tk;
22 /* 
23 /* Iobuf : import bufmod;
24 /* 
25 /* include "string.m";
26 /*      str : String;
27 /* 
28 /* include "daytime.m";
29 /*      time : Daytime;
30 /* 
31 /* include "pslib.m";
32 /* 
33 /* ASCII,RUNE,IMAGE : con iota;
34 /* 
35 */
36 struct iteminfo {
37         int itype;
38         int offset;             /* offset from the start of line. */
39         int width;              /* width.... */
40         int ascent;             /* ascent of the item */
41         int font;               /* font */
42         int line;               /* line its on */
43         char *buf;      
44 };
46 struct lineinfo {
47         int xorg;
48         int yorg;
49         int width;
50         int height;
51         int ascent;
52 };
55 /* font_arr := array[256] of {* => (-1,"")};
56 /* remap := array[20] of (string,string);
57 /* 
58 /* PXPI : con 100;
59 /* PTPI : con 100;
60 /* 
61 */
62 char *noinit = "pslib not properly initialized";
63 /* 
64 */
65 static int boxes;
66 static int debug;
67 static int totitems;
68 static int totlines;
69 static int curfont;
70 static char *def_font;
71 static int def_font_type;
72 static int curfonttype;
73 static int pagestart;
74 static int started;
76 static int bps;
77 static int width;
78 static int height;
79 static int iwidth;
80 static int iheight;
81 static int xstart;
82 static int ystart;
83 static double xmagnification = 1.0, ymagnification = 1.0;
84 static int rotation = 0;
85 static int landscape = 0;
86 static char *Patch = nil;
88 /* ctxt                 : ref Draw->Context;
89 /* t            : ref Toplevel;
90 */
91 char*
92 psinit(int box, int deb) { /* d: ref Toplevel, */
93 /*      t=d; */
94         debug = deb;
95         totlines=0;
96         totitems=0;
97         pagestart=0;
98         boxes=box; /* #box; */
99         curfont=0;
100 /*      e := loadfonts();
101 /*      if (e != "")
102 /*              return e;
103 */
104         started=1;
105         return "";
106 }
108 /* stats() : (int,int,int)
109 /* {
110 /*      return  (totitems,totlines,curfont);
111 /* }
112 /* 
113 /* loadfonts() : string
114 /* {
115 /*      input : string;
116 /*      iob:=bufmod->open("/fonts/psrename",bufmod->OREAD);
117 /*      if (iob==nil)
118 /*              return sys->sprint("can't open /fonts/psrename: %r");
119 /*      i:=0;
120 /*      while((input=iob.gets('\n'))!=nil){
121 /*              (tkfont,psfont):=str->splitl(input," ");
122 /*              psfont=psfont[1:len psfont -1];
123 /*              remap[i]=(tkfont,psfont);
124 /*              i++;
125 /*      }
126 /*      return "";
127 /* }
128 /* 
129 */
130 static char *username;
132 int
133 preamble(Biobuf *ioutb, Rectangle bb) {
135         if (!started) return 1;
136         username = getuser();
137         if(bb.max.x == 0 && bb.max.y == 0) {
138                 bb.max.x = 612;
139                 bb.max.y = 792;
140         }
141         Bprint(ioutb, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
142         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%Creator: PsLib 1.0 (%s)\n",username);
143         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", ctime(time(nil)));
144         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%Pages: (atend) \n");
145         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n", bb.min.x, bb.min.y, bb.max.x, bb.max.y);
146         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%EndComments\n");
147         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%BeginProlog\n");
148         Bprint(ioutb, "/doimage {\n");
149         Bprint(ioutb, "/grey exch def\n");
150         Bprint(ioutb, "/bps exch def\n");
151         Bprint(ioutb, "/width exch def\n");
152         Bprint(ioutb, "/height exch def\n");
153         Bprint(ioutb, "/xstart exch def\n");
154         Bprint(ioutb, "/ystart exch def\n");
155         Bprint(ioutb, "/iwidth exch def\n");
156         Bprint(ioutb, "/ascent exch def\n");
157         Bprint(ioutb, "/iheight exch def\n");
158         Bprint(ioutb, "gsave\n");
159         if(boxes)
160                 Bprint(ioutb, "xstart ystart iwidth iheight rectstroke\n");
161 /*      # if bps==8, use inferno colormap; else (bps < 8) it's grayscale or true color */
162         Bprint(ioutb, "bps 8 eq grey false eq and {\n");
163         Bprint(ioutb, " [/Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 <\n");
164         Bprint(ioutb, "  ffffff ffffaa ffff55 ffff00 ffaaff ffaaaa ffaa55 ffaa00 ff55ff ff55aa ff5555 ff5500\n");
165         Bprint(ioutb, "  ff00ff ff00aa ff0055 ff0000 ee0000 eeeeee eeee9e eeee4f eeee00 ee9eee ee9e9e ee9e4f\n");
166         Bprint(ioutb, "  ee9e00 ee4fee ee4f9e ee4f4f ee4f00 ee00ee ee009e ee004f dd0049 dd0000 dddddd dddd93\n");
167         Bprint(ioutb, "  dddd49 dddd00 dd93dd dd9393 dd9349 dd9300 dd49dd dd4993 dd4949 dd4900 dd00dd dd0093\n");
168         Bprint(ioutb, "  cc0088 cc0044 cc0000 cccccc cccc88 cccc44 cccc00 cc88cc cc8888 cc8844 cc8800 cc44cc\n");
169         Bprint(ioutb, "  cc4488 cc4444 cc4400 cc00cc aaffaa aaff55 aaff00 aaaaff bbbbbb bbbb5d bbbb00 aa55ff\n");
170         Bprint(ioutb, "  bb5dbb bb5d5d bb5d00 aa00ff bb00bb bb005d bb0000 aaffff 9eeeee 9eee9e 9eee4f 9eee00\n");
171         Bprint(ioutb, "  9e9eee aaaaaa aaaa55 aaaa00 9e4fee aa55aa aa5555 aa5500 9e00ee aa00aa aa0055 aa0000\n");
172         Bprint(ioutb, "  990000 93dddd 93dd93 93dd49 93dd00 9393dd 999999 99994c 999900 9349dd 994c99 994c4c\n");
173         Bprint(ioutb, "  994c00 9300dd 990099 99004c 880044 880000 88cccc 88cc88 88cc44 88cc00 8888cc 888888\n");
174         Bprint(ioutb, "  888844 888800 8844cc 884488 884444 884400 8800cc 880088 55ff55 55ff00 55aaff 5dbbbb\n");
175         Bprint(ioutb, "  5dbb5d 5dbb00 5555ff 5d5dbb 777777 777700 5500ff 5d00bb 770077 770000 55ffff 55ffaa\n");
176         Bprint(ioutb, "  4fee9e 4fee4f 4fee00 4f9eee 55aaaa 55aa55 55aa00 4f4fee 5555aa 666666 666600 4f00ee\n");
177         Bprint(ioutb, "  5500aa 660066 660000 4feeee 49dddd 49dd93 49dd49 49dd00 4993dd 4c9999 4c994c 4c9900\n");
178         Bprint(ioutb, "  4949dd 4c4c99 555555 555500 4900dd 4c0099 550055 550000 440000 44cccc 44cc88 44cc44\n");
179         Bprint(ioutb, "  44cc00 4488cc 448888 448844 448800 4444cc 444488 444444 444400 4400cc 440088 440044\n");
180         Bprint(ioutb, "  00ff00 00aaff 00bbbb 00bb5d 00bb00 0055ff 005dbb 007777 007700 0000ff 0000bb 000077\n");
181         Bprint(ioutb, "  333333 00ffff 00ffaa 00ff55 00ee4f 00ee00 009eee 00aaaa 00aa55 00aa00 004fee 0055aa\n");
182         Bprint(ioutb, "  006666 006600 0000ee 0000aa 000066 222222 00eeee 00ee9e 00dd93 00dd49 00dd00 0093dd\n");
183         Bprint(ioutb, "  009999 00994c 009900 0049dd 004c99 005555 005500 0000dd 000099 000055 111111 00dddd\n");
184         Bprint(ioutb, "  00cccc 00cc88 00cc44 00cc00 0088cc 008888 008844 008800 0044cc 004488 004444 004400\n");
185         Bprint(ioutb, "  0000cc 000088 000044 000000>\n");
186         Bprint(ioutb, " ] setcolorspace\n");
187         Bprint(ioutb, " /decodemat [0 255] def\n");
188         Bprint(ioutb, "}\n");
189 /*      # else, bps != 8 */
190         Bprint(ioutb, "{\n");
191 /* is it greyscale or is it 24-bit color? */
192         Bprint(ioutb, " grey true eq {\n");
193         Bprint(ioutb, "  [/DeviceGray] setcolorspace\n");
194         Bprint(ioutb, "  /decodemat [1 0] def\n");
195         Bprint(ioutb, " }\n");
196         Bprint(ioutb, " {\n");
197 /* must be color */
198         Bprint(ioutb, "  [/DeviceRGB] setcolorspace\n");
199         Bprint(ioutb, "  /bps 8 def\n");
200         Bprint(ioutb, "  /decodemat [1 0 1 0 1 0] def\n");
201         Bprint(ioutb, " }\n");
202         Bprint(ioutb, " ifelse\n");
203         Bprint(ioutb, "}\n");
204         Bprint(ioutb, "ifelse\n");
205         Bprint(ioutb, "/xmagnification %g def\n", xmagnification);
206         Bprint(ioutb, "/ymagnification %g def\n", ymagnification);
207         Bprint(ioutb, "/rotation %d def\n", rotation);
208         Bprint(ioutb, "xstart ystart translate rotation rotate\n");
209         Bprint(ioutb, "iwidth xmagnification mul iheight ymagnification mul scale\n");
210         Bprint(ioutb, "<<\n");
211         Bprint(ioutb, " /ImageType 1\n");
212         Bprint(ioutb, " /Width width \n");
213         Bprint(ioutb, " /Height height \n");
214         Bprint(ioutb, " /BitsPerComponent bps %% bits/sample\n");
215         Bprint(ioutb, " /Decode decodemat %% Brazil/Inferno cmap or DeviceGray value\n");
216         Bprint(ioutb, " /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]\n");
217         Bprint(ioutb, " /DataSource currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter\n");
218         Bprint(ioutb, ">> \n");
219         Bprint(ioutb, "image\n");
220         Bprint(ioutb, "grestore\n");
221         Bprint(ioutb, "} def\n");
222         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%EndProlog\n");
223         if (Patch != nil)
224                 Bprint(ioutb, "%s\n", Patch);
225         return 0;       
226 }
228 int
229 trailer(Biobuf *ioutb ,int pages) {
230         if(!started)
231                 return 1;
232         Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%Trailer\n%%%%Pages: %d\n%%%%EOF\n", pages);
233         return 0;
234 }
236 void
237 printnewpage(int pagenum, int end, Biobuf *ioutb)
238 {
239         if (!started) return;
240         if (end){                       
241 /*              # bounding box */
242                 if (boxes){
243                         Bprint(ioutb, "18 18 moveto 594 18 lineto 594 774 lineto 18 774 lineto closepath stroke\n");
244                 }
245                 Bprint(ioutb, "showpage\n%%%%EndPage %d %d\n", pagenum, pagenum);
246         } else 
247                 Bprint(ioutb, "%%%%Page: %d %d\n", pagenum, pagenum);
248 }
250 /* int
251 /* printimage(FILE *ioutb, struct lineinfo line, struct iteminfo imag) {
252 /*      int RM;
253 /* 
254 /*      RM=612-18;
255 /*      class:=tk->cmd(t,"winfo class "+imag.buf);
256 /* #sys->print("Looking for [%s] of type [%s]\n",imag.buf,class);
257 /*      if (line.xorg+imag.offset+imag.width>RM)
258 /*              imag.width=RM-line.xorg-imag.offset;
259 /*      case class {
260 /*              "button" or "menubutton" =>
261 /*                      # try to get the text out and print it....
262 /*                      ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d moveto\n",line.xorg+imag.offset,
263 /*                                                      line.yorg));
264 /*                      msg:=tk->cmd(t,sys->sprint("%s cget -text",imag.buf));
265 /*                      ft:=tk->cmd(t,sys->sprint("%s cget -font",imag.buf));
266 /*                      sys->print("font is [%s]\n",ft);
267 /*                      ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d %d %d rectstroke\n",
268 /*                                              line.xorg+imag.offset,line.yorg,imag.width,
269 /*                                              line.height));
270 /*                      return (class,msg);
271 /*              "label" =>
272 /*                      (im,im2,err) := tk->imageget(t,imag.buf);
273 /*                      if (im!=nil){
274 /*                              bps := 1<<im.ldepth;
275 /*                              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d doimage\n",
276 /*                                              im.r.dy(),line.ascent,im.r.dx(),line.yorg,
277 /*                                              line.xorg+imag.offset,im.r.dy(), im.r.dx(), bps));
278 /*                              imagebits(ioutb,im);
279 /*                      }
280 /*                      return (class,"");
281 /*              "entry" =>
282 /*                      ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d moveto\n",line.xorg+imag.offset,
283 /*                                      line.yorg));
284 /*                      ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d %d %d rectstroke\n",
285 /*                                      line.xorg+imag.offset,line.yorg,imag.width,
286 /*                                      line.height));
287 /*                      return (class,"");
288 /*              * =>
289 /*                      sys->print("Unhandled class [%s]\n",class);
290 /*                      return (class,"Error");
291 /*              
292 /*      }
293 /*      return ("",""); 
294 /* }
295 /* 
296 /* printline(ioutb: ref Iobuf,line : lineinfo,items : array of iteminfo)
297 /* {
298 /*      xstart:=line.xorg;
299 /*      wid:=xstart;
300 /*      # items
301 /*      if (len items == 0) return;
302 /*      for(j:=0;j<len items;j++){
303 /*              msg:="";
304 /*              class:="";
305 /*              if (items[j].itype==IMAGE)
306 /*                      (class,msg)=printimage(ioutb,line,items[j]);
307 /*              if (items[j].itype!=IMAGE || class=="button"|| class=="menubutton"){
308 /*                      setfont(ioutb,items[j].font);
309 /*                      if (msg!=""){ 
310 /*                              # position the text in the center of the label
311 /*                              # moveto curpoint
312 /*                              # (msg) stringwidth pop xstart sub 2 div
313 /*                              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d moveto\n",xstart+items[j].offset,
314 /*                                              line.yorg+line.height-line.ascent));
315 /*                              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("(%s) dup stringwidth pop 2 div",
316 /*                                                              msg));
317 /*                              ioutb.puts(" 0 rmoveto show\n");
318 /*                      }
319 /*                      else {
320 /*                              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d moveto\n",
321 /*                                      xstart+items[j].offset,line.yorg+line.height
322 /*                                      -line.ascent));
323 /*                              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("(%s) show\n",items[j].buf));
324 /*                      }
325 /*              }
326 /*              wid=xstart+items[j].offset+items[j].width;
327 /*      }
328 /*      if (boxes)
329 /*              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%d %d %d %d rectstroke\n",line.xorg,line.yorg,
330 /*                                                                      wid,line.height));
331 /* }
332 /* 
333 /* setfont(ioutb: ref Iobuf,font : int){
334 /*      ftype : int;
335 /*      fname : string;
336 /*      if ((curfonttype&font)!=curfonttype){
337 /*              for(f:=0;f<curfont;f++){
338 /*                      (ftype,fname)=font_arr[f];
339 /*                              if ((ftype&font)==ftype)
340 /*                                      break;
341 /*              }
342 /*              if (f==curfont){
343 /*                      fname=def_font;
344 /*                      ftype=def_font_type;
345 /*              }
346 /*              ioutb.puts(sys->sprint("%s setfont\n",fname));
347 /*              curfonttype=ftype;
348 /*      }
349 /* }
350 /*      
351 /* parseTkline(ioutb: ref Iobuf,input : string) : string
352 /* {
353 /*      if (!started) return noinit;
354 /*      thisline : lineinfo;
355 /*      PS:=792-18-18;  # page size in points   
356 /*      TM:=792-18;     # top margin in points
357 /*      LM:=18;         # left margin 1/4 in. in
358 /*      BM:=18;         # bottom margin 1/4 in. in
359 /*      x : int;
360 /*      (x,input)=str->toint(input,10);
361 /*      thisline.xorg=(x*PTPI)/PXPI;
362 /*      (x,input)=str->toint(input,10);
363 /*      thisline.yorg=(x*PTPI)/PXPI;
364 /*      (x,input)=str->toint(input,10);
365 /*      thisline.width=(x*PTPI)/PXPI;
366 /*      (x,input)=str->toint(input,10);
367 /*      thisline.height=(x*PTPI)/PXPI;
368 /*      (x,input)=str->toint(input,10);
369 /*      thisline.ascent=(x*PTPI)/PXPI;
370 /*      (x,input)=str->toint(input,10);
371 /*      # thisline.numitems=x;
372 /*      if (thisline.width==0 || thisline.height==0)
373 /*              return "";
374 /*      if (thisline.yorg+thisline.height-pagestart>PS){
375 /*              pagestart=thisline.yorg;
376 /*              return "newpage";
377 /*              # must resend this line....
378 /*      }
379 /*      thisline.yorg=TM-thisline.yorg-thisline.height+pagestart;
380 /*      thisline.xorg+=LM;
381 /*      (items, err) :=getline(totlines,input);
382 /*      if(err != nil)
383 /*              return err;
384 /*      totitems+=len items;
385 /*      totlines++;
386 /*      printline(ioutb,thisline,items);
387 /*      return "";
388 /* }
389 /*      
390 /* 
391 /* getfonts(input: string) : string
392 /* {
393 /*      if (!started) return "Error";
394 /*      tkfont,psfont : string;
395 /*      j : int;
396 /*      retval := "";
397 /*      if (input[0]=='%')
398 /*                      return "";
399 /*      # get a line of the form 
400 /*      # 5::/fonts/lucida/moo.16.font
401 /*      # translate it to...
402 /*      # 32 f32.16
403 /*      # where 32==1<<5 and f32.16 is a postscript function that loads the 
404 /*      # appropriate postscript font (from remap)
405 /*      # and writes it to fonts....
406 /*      (bits,font):=str->toint(input,10);
407 /*      if (bits!=-1)
408 /*              bits=1<<bits;
409 /*      else{
410 /*              bits=1;
411 /*              def_font_type=bits;
412 /*              curfonttype=def_font_type;
413 /*      }
414 /*      font=font[2:];
415 /*      for(i:=0;i<len remap;i++){
416 /*              (tkfont,psfont)=remap[i];
417 /*              if (tkfont==font)
418 /*                      break;
419 /*      }
420 /*      if (i==len remap)
421 /*              psfont="Times-Roman";
422 /*      (font,nil)=str->splitr(font,".");
423 /*      (nil,font)=str->splitr(font[0:len font-1],".");
424 /*      (fsize,nil):=str->toint(font,10);
425 /*      fsize=(PTPI*3*fsize)/(2*PXPI);
426 /*      enc_font:="f"+string bits+"."+string fsize;
427 /*      ps_func:="/"+enc_font+" /"+psfont+" findfont "+string fsize+
428 /*                                                      " scalefont def\n";
429 /*      sy_font:="sy"+string fsize;
430 /*      xtra_func:="/"+sy_font+" /Symbol findfont "+string fsize+
431 /*                                                      " scalefont def\n";
432 /*      for(i=0;i<len font_arr;i++){
433 /*              (j,font)=font_arr[i];
434 /*              if (j==-1) break;
435 /*      }
436 /*      if (j==len font_arr)
437 /*              return "Error";
438 /*      font_arr[i]=(bits,enc_font);
439 /*      if (bits==1)
440 /*              def_font=enc_font;
441 /*      curfont++;
442 /*      retval+= ps_func;
443 /*      retval+= xtra_func;     
444 /*      return retval;
445 /* }
446 /* 
447 /* deffont() : string
448 /* {
449 /*      return def_font;
450 /* }
451 /*      
452 /* getline(k : int,  input : string) : (array of iteminfo, string)
453 /* {
454 /*      lineval,args : string;
455 /*      j, nb : int;
456 /*      lw:=0;
457 /*      wid:=0;
458 /*      flags:=0;
459 /*      item_arr := array[32] of {* => iteminfo(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,"")};
460 /*      curitem:=0;
461 /*      while(input!=nil){
462 /*              (nil,input)=str->splitl(input,"[");
463 /*              if (input==nil)
464 /*                      break;
465 /*              com:=input[1];
466 /*              input=input[2:];
467 /*              case com {
468 /*                      'A' =>
469 /*                              nb=0;
470 /*                              # get the width of the item
471 /*                              (wid,input)=str->toint(input,10);
472 /*                              wid=(wid*PTPI)/PXPI;
473 /*                              if (input[0]!='{')
474 /*                                      return (nil, sys->sprint(
475 /*                                              "line %d item %d Bad Syntax : '{' expected",
476 /*                                                      k,curitem));
477 /*                              # get the args.
478 /*                              (args,input)=str->splitl(input,"}");
479 /*                              # get the flags.
480 /*                              # assume there is only one int flag..
481 /*                              (flags,args)=str->toint(args[1:],16);
482 /*                              if (args!=nil && debug){
483 /*                                      sys->print("line %d item %d extra flags=%s\n",
484 /*                                                      k,curitem,args);
485 /*                              }
486 /*                              if (flags<1024) flags=1;
487 /*                              item_arr[curitem].font=flags;
488 /*                              item_arr[curitem].offset=lw;
489 /*                              item_arr[curitem].width=wid;
490 /*                              lw+=wid;
491 /*                              for(j=1;j<len input;j++){
492 /*                                      if ((input[j]==')')||(input[j]=='('))
493 /*                                                      lineval[len lineval]='\\';
494 /*                                      if (input[j]=='[')
495 /*                                              nb++;
496 /*                                      if (input[j]==']')
497 /*                                              if (nb==0)
498 /*                                                      break;
499 /*                                              else 
500 /*                                                      nb--;
501 /*                                      lineval[len lineval]=input[j];
502 /*                              }
503 /*                              if (j<len input)
504 /*                                      input=input[j:];
505 /*                              item_arr[curitem].buf=lineval;
506 /*                              item_arr[curitem].line=k;
507 /*                              item_arr[curitem].itype=ASCII;
508 /*                              curitem++;
509 /*                              lineval="";
510 /*                      'R' =>
511 /*                              nb=0;
512 /*                              # get the width of the item
513 /*                              (wid,input)=str->toint(input,10);
514 /*                              wid=(wid*PTPI)/PXPI;
515 /*                              if (input[0]!='{')
516 /*                                      return (nil, "Bad Syntax : '{' expected");
517 /*                              # get the args.
518 /*                              (args,input)=str->splitl(input,"}");
519 /*                              # get the flags.
520 /*                              # assume there is only one int flag..
521 /*                              (flags,args)=str->toint(args[1:],16);
522 /*                              if (args!=nil && debug){
523 /*                                      sys->print("line %d item %d Bad Syntax args=%s",
524 /*                                                      k,curitem,args);
525 /*                              }
526 /*                              item_arr[curitem].font=flags;
527 /*                              item_arr[curitem].offset=lw;
528 /*                              item_arr[curitem].width=wid;
529 /*                              lw+=wid;
530 /*                              for(j=1;j<len input;j++){
531 /*                                      if (input[j]=='[')
532 /*                                              nb++;
533 /*                                      if (input[j]==']')
534 /*                                              if (nb==0)
535 /*                                                      break;
536 /*                                              else 
537 /*                                                      nb--;
538 /*                                      case input[j] {
539 /*                                              8226 => # bullet
540 /*                                                      lineval+="\\267 ";
541 /*                                              169 =>  # copyright
542 /*                                                      lineval+="\\251 ";
543 /*                                                      curitem++;                      
544 /*                                              * =>
545 /*                                                      lineval[len lineval]=input[j];
546 /*                                      }
547 /*                              }
548 /*                              if (j>len input)
549 /*                                      input=input[j:];
550 /*                              item_arr[curitem].buf=lineval;
551 /*                              item_arr[curitem].line=k;
552 /*                              item_arr[curitem].itype=RUNE;
553 /*                              curitem++;
554 /*                              lineval="";
555 /*                      'N' or 'C'=>
556 /*                              # next item
557 /*                              for(j=0;j<len input;j++)
558 /*                                      if (input[j]==']')
559 /*                                              break;
560 /*                              if (j>len input)
561 /*                                      input=input[j:];
562 /*                      'T' =>
563 /*                              (wid,input)=str->toint(input,10);
564 /*                              wid=(wid*PTPI)/PXPI;
565 /*                              item_arr[curitem].offset=lw;
566 /*                              item_arr[curitem].width=wid;
567 /*                              lw+=wid;
568 /*                              lineval[len lineval]='\t';
569 /*                              # next item
570 /*                              for(j=0;j<len input;j++)
571 /*                                      if (input[j]==']')
572 /*                                              break;
573 /*                              if (j>len input)
574 /*                                      input=input[j:];
575 /*                              item_arr[curitem].buf=lineval;
576 /*                              item_arr[curitem].line=k;
577 /*                              item_arr[curitem].itype=ASCII;
578 /*                              curitem++;
579 /*                              lineval="";
580 /*                      'W' =>
581 /*                              (wid,input)=str->toint(input,10);
582 /*                              wid=(wid*PTPI)/PXPI;
583 /*                              item_arr[curitem].offset=lw;
584 /*                              item_arr[curitem].width=wid;
585 /*                              item_arr[curitem].itype=IMAGE;
586 /*                              lw+=wid;
587 /*                              # next item
588 /*                              for(j=1;j<len input;j++){
589 /*                                      if (input[j]==']')
590 /*                                              break;
591 /*                                      lineval[len lineval]=input[j];
592 /*                              }
593 /*                              item_arr[curitem].buf=lineval;
594 /*                              if (j>len input)
595 /*                                      input=input[j:];
596 /*                              curitem++;
597 /*                              lineval="";
598 /*                      * =>
599 /*                              # next item
600 /*                              for(j=0;j<len input;j++)
601 /*                                      if (input[j]==']')
602 /*                                              break;
603 /*                              if (j>len input)
604 /*                                      input=input[j:];
605 /*                              
606 /*              }
607 /*      }
608 /*      return (item_arr[0:curitem], "");       
609 /* }
610 */
612 void
613 cmap2ascii85(uchar *b, uchar *c) {
614         int i;
615         unsigned long i1;
617 /*      fprintf(stderr, "addr=0x%x %x %x %x %x\n", b, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]); */
618         b--;    /* one-index b */
619         c--;    /* one-index c */
620         i1 = (b[1]<<24)+(b[2]<<16)+(b[3]<<8)+b[4];
621         if(i1 == 0){
622                 c[1] = 'z';
623                 c[2] = '\0';
624                 return;
625         }
626         for(i=0; i<=4; i++){
627                 c[5-i] = '!' + (i1 % 85);
628                 i1 /= 85;
629         }
630         c[6] = '\0';
631 }
633 static uchar *arr = nil;
634 ulong   onesbits = ~0;
635 void
636 imagebits(Biobuf *ioutb, Memimage *im)
637 {
638         int spb;
639         int bitoff;
640         int j, n, n4, i, bpl, nrest;
641         int lsf;
642         uchar c85[6], *data, *src, *dst;
643         Memimage *tmp;
644         Rectangle r;
646         tmp = nil;
647         if (debug)
648                 fprint(2, "imagebits, r=%d %d %d %d, depth=%d\n",
649                         im->r.min.x, im->r.min.y, im->r.max.x, im->r.max.y, im->depth);
650         width = Dx(im->r);
651         height = Dy(im->r);
652         bps = im->depth;        /* # bits per sample */
653         bitoff = 0;             /* # bit offset of beginning sample within first byte */
654         if (bps < 8) {
655                 spb = 8 / bps;
656                 bitoff = (im->r.min.x % spb) * bps;
657         }
658         if (bitoff != 0) {
659 /*              # Postscript image wants beginning of line at beginning of byte */
660                 r = im->r;
661                 r.min.x -= bitoff/im->depth;
662                 r.max.x -= bitoff/im->depth;
663                 tmp = allocmemimage(r, im->chan);
664                 if(tmp == nil){
665                         fprint(2, "p9bitpost: allocmemimage failed: %r\n");
666                         exits("alloc");
667                 }
668                 memimagedraw(tmp, r, im, im->r.min, nil, ZP, S);
669                 im = tmp;
670         }
671         lsf = 0;
672         /* compact data to remove word-boundary padding */
673         bpl = bytesperline(im->r, im->depth);
674         n = bpl*Dy(im->r);
675         data = malloc(n);
676         if(data == nil){
677                 fprint(2, "p9bitpost: malloc failed: %r\n");
678                 exits("malloc");
679         }
680         for(i=0; i<Dy(im->r); i++){
681                 /* memmove(data+bpl*i, byteaddr(im, Pt(im->r.min.x, im->r.min.y+i)), bpl); with inversion */
682                 dst = data+bpl*i;
683                 src = byteaddr(im, Pt(im->r.min.x, im->r.min.y+i));
684                 for(j=0; j<bpl; j++)
685                         *dst++ = 255 - *src++;
686         }
687         n4 = (n / 4) * 4;
688         for (i = 0; i < n4; i += 4){
689                 cmap2ascii85(data+i, c85);
690                 lsf += strlen((char *)c85);
691                 Bprint(ioutb, "%s", c85);
692                 if (lsf > 74) {
693                         Bprint(ioutb, "\n");
694                         lsf = 0;
695                 }
696         }
697         nrest = n - n4;
698         if (nrest != 0) {
699                 uchar foo[4];
701                 for (i=0; i<nrest; i++)
702                         foo[i] = data[n4+i];
703                 for (i=nrest; i<4; i++)
704                         foo[i] = '\0';
705                 cmap2ascii85(foo, c85);
706                 if (strcmp((char *)c85, "z") == 0 )
707                         strcpy((char *)c85, "!!!!!");
708                 Bprint(ioutb, "%.*s", nrest+1, c85);
709         }
710         Bprint(ioutb, "\n~>");
711         Bprint(ioutb, "\n");
712         freememimage(tmp);
713 }
715 int
716 image2psfile(int fd, Memimage *im, int dpi) {
717         Rectangle r;
718         Rectangle bbox;
719         int e;
720         int xmargin = 36;
721         int ymargin = 36;
722         double paperaspectratio;
723         double imageaspectratio;
724         Biobuf ioutb;
725         Memimage *tmp;
727         if(im->depth >= 8 && im->chan != CMAP8 && im->chan != GREY8){
728                 /*
729                  * the postscript libraries can only handle [1248]-bit grey, 8-bit cmap,
730                  * and 24-bit color, so convert.
731                  */
732                 tmp = allocmemimage(im->r, strtochan("b8g8r8"));
733                 if(tmp == nil)
734                         return 1;
735                 memimagedraw(tmp, tmp->r, im, im->r.min, nil, ZP, S);
736                 freememimage(im);
737                 im = tmp;
738         }
740         Binit(&ioutb, fd, OWRITE);
741         r = im->r;
742         width = Dx(r);
743         height = Dy(r);
744         imageaspectratio = (double) width / (double) height;
745         if (landscape) {
746                 paperaspectratio = ((double)paperlength - (ymargin * 2)) / ((double)paperwidth - (xmargin * 2));
747                 if (dpi > 0) {
748                         iwidth = width * 72 / dpi;
749                         iheight = height * 72 / dpi;
750                 } else if (imageaspectratio > paperaspectratio) {
751                         iwidth = paperlength - (ymargin * 2);
752                         iheight = iwidth / imageaspectratio;
753                 } else {
754                         iheight = paperwidth - (xmargin * 2);
755                         iwidth  = iheight * imageaspectratio;
756                 }
757                 xstart = paperwidth - xmargin - (iheight * ymagnification);
758                 ystart = paperlength - ymargin;
759                 rotation = -90;
760         } else {
761                 paperaspectratio = ((double)paperwidth - (xmargin * 2)) / ((double)paperlength - (ymargin * 2));
762                 if (dpi > 0) {
763                         iwidth = width * 72 / dpi;
764                         iheight = height * 72 / dpi;
765                 } else if (imageaspectratio > paperaspectratio) {
766                         iwidth = paperwidth - (xmargin * 2);
767                         iheight = iwidth / imageaspectratio;
768                 } else {
769                         iheight = paperlength - (ymargin * 2);
770                         iwidth  = iheight * imageaspectratio;
771                 }
772                 xstart = xmargin;
773                 ystart = paperlength - ymargin - (iheight * ymagnification);
774                 rotation = 0;
775         }
776         bbox = Rect(xstart,ystart,xstart+iwidth,ystart+iheight);
777         e = preamble(&ioutb, bbox);
778         if(e != 0)
779                 return e;
780         Bprint(&ioutb, "%%%%Page: 1\n%%%%BeginPageSetup\n");
781         Bprint(&ioutb, "/pgsave save def\n");
782         Bprint(&ioutb, "%%%%EndPageSetup\n");
783         bps = im->depth;
784         Bprint(&ioutb, "%d 0 %d %d %d %d %d %d %s doimage\n", iheight, iwidth, ystart, xstart, height, width, bps, im->flags&Fgrey ? "true" : "false");
785         imagebits(&ioutb, im);
786         Bprint(&ioutb, "pgsave restore\nshowpage\n");
787         e = trailer(&ioutb, 1);
788         if(e != 0)
789                 return e;
790         Bterm(&ioutb);
791         return 0;
792 }
794 /* set local variables by string and pointer to its value
795  * the variables are:
796  *   int magnification
797  *   int landscape
798  *   char *Patch
799  */
800 void
801 psopt(char *s, void *val)
802 {
803         if(s == nil)
804                 return;
805         if(strcmp("xmagnification", s) == 0)
806                 xmagnification = *((double *)val);
807         if(strcmp("ymagnification", s) == 0)
808                 ymagnification = *((double *)val);
809         if(strcmp("landscape", s) == 0)
810                 landscape = *((int *)val);
811         if(strcmp("Patch", s) == 0)
812                 Patch = *((char **)val);
813 }