]> git.lizzy.rs Git - plan9front.git/blob - sys/lib/mimetype
aux/cpuid: decode family and model bitfields
[plan9front.git] / sys / lib / mimetype
1 #suffix         generic type    specific type   encoding        safe? y=yes, m=maybe, n=no, p=previous.suffix, r=mailreject
2 .3gp            video           3gpp            -               y
3 .3gpp           video           3gpp            -               y
4 .C              text            plain           -               y # C++ program
5 .Z              -               -               compress        m
6 .a              application     octet-stream    -               y
7 .ada            text            plain           -               y # ada program
8 .ai             application     postscript      -               y
9 .aif            audio           x-aiff          -               y
10 .aifc           audio           x-aiff          -               y
11 .aiff           audio           x-aiff          -               y
12 .asf            video           x-ms-asf        -               m # MS streaming
13 .asc            application     text            -               y # sometimes application/pgp-signature
14 .asx            video           x-ms-asf        -               m # MS streaming
15 .au             audio           basic           -               y # sun audio
16 .avi            video           x-msvideo       -               m
17 .awk            text            plain           -               y # awk program
18 .bas            text            plain           -               y # basic program
19 .bat            application     octet-stream    -               r # DOS executable
20 .bbl            text            plain           -               y # BibTex output
21 .bcpio          application     x-bcpio         -               m
22 .bib            text            plain           -               y # BibTex input
23 .bmp            image           bmp             -               y # bitmapped image
24 .bz2            -               -               bzip2           m # bzipped file
25 .c              text            plain           -               y # C program
26 .c++            text            plain           -               y # C++ program
27 .cacert         application     x-x509-ca-cert  -               y # DER X.509 CA certificate
28 .cc             text            plain           -               y
29 .cdf            application     x-netcdf        -               y
30 .class          application     java            -               y # Java bytecodes
31 .com            application     octet-stream    -               r # DOS executable
32 .cpio           application     x-cpio          -               y
33 .cpl            application     octet-stream    -               r # Windows Control Panel Applet
34 .cpp            text            plain           -               y # DOS C++ program
35 .crt            application     x-x509-ca-cert  -               y # DER X.509 CA certificate
36 .css            text            css             -               m
37 .csv            application     vnd.ms-excel    -               y # Microsoft Excel comma-separated-values
38 .dat            text            plain           -               y # AMPL et al.
39 .diff           text            plain           -               y
40 .doc            application     msword          -               n # Microsoft Word
41 .dvi            application     x-dvi           -               y # TeX output
42 .enc            application     octet-stream    -               y # encrypted file
43 .eps            application     postscript      -               y
44 .etx            text            x-setext        -               m
45 .exe            application     octet-stream    -               r # DOS executable
46 .executable     application     octet-stream    -               r # DOS executable
47 .exz            application     octet-stream    gzip            n # gzipped DOS executable
48 .f              text            plain           -               y # fortran-77 program
49 .fm             application     framemaker      -               y
50 .f90            text            plain           -               y # fortran-90 program
51 .flc            video           x-flc           -               m
52 .fli            video           x-fli           -               m
53 .gcd            text            x-pcs-gcd       -               y       # helper file for .qcp
54 .gif            image           gif             -               y
55 .gtar           application     x-gtar          -               m
56 .gz             -               -               gzip            m # gzipped file
57 .h              text            plain           -               y # C header file
58 .hdf            application     x-hdf           -               y
59 .hdml           text            x-hdml          -               y
60 .hqx            application     octet-stream    -               m # Mac BinHex
61 .htm            text            html            -               m
62 .html           text            html            -               m
63 .ico            image           x-icon          -               y
64 .ief            image           ief             -               y
65 .jad            text            vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor     -       y
66 .jar            application     java-archive    -               y
67 .jfif           image           jpeg            -               y
68 .jfif-tbnl      image           jpeg            -               y
69 .jpe            image           jpeg            -               y
70 .jpeg           image           jpeg            -               y
71 .jpg            image           jpeg            -               y
72 .jpg            image           pjpeg           -               y
73 .js             application     x-javascript    -               y
74 .latex          application     x-latex         -               y
75 .ltx            application     x-latex         -               y
76 .man            application     x-troff-man     -               y
77 .me             application     x-troff-me      -               y
78 .mid            audio           midi            -               y # MIDI music
79 .mime           message         rfc822          -               y
80 .mod            text            plain           -               y # AMPL et al.
81 .mov            video           quicktime       -               y
82 .movie          video           x-sgi-movie     -               y
83 .mpe            video           mpeg            -               y
84 .mpeg           video           mpeg            -               y
85 .mpg            video           mpeg            -               y
86 .ms             application     x-troff-ms      -               y
87 .mv             video           x-sgi-movie     -               y
88 .nc             application     x-netcdf        -               y
89 .o              application     octet-stream    -               y
90 .oda            application     oda             -               m
91 .p              text            plain                   -       y # Pascal program
92 .p7m            application     x-pkcs7-mime            -       y # SMIME
93 .p7s            application     x-pkcs7-signature       -       y # SMIME
94 .pbm            image           x-portable-bitmap       -       y
95 .pdf            application     pdf             -               y # Adobe Portable Document Format
96 .pif            application     octet-stream    -               r # DOS executable
97 .pgm            image           x-portable-graymap      -       y
98 .pl             text            plain           -               y
99 .png            image           png             -               y
100 .pnm            image           x-portable-anymap       -       y
101 .ppm            image           x-portable-pixmap       -       y
102 .ppt            application     vnd.ms-powerpoint       -       n # Microsoft PowerPoint
103 .ps             application     postscript      -               m
104 .qcp            audio           vnd.qcelp       -               y # Qualcomm CELP
105 .qcp2           audio           qcp             -               y # Qualcomm CELP
106 .qt             video           quicktime       -               y
107 .r              text            plain           -               y # ratfor program
108 .ra             audio           x-pn-realaudio  -               y # G2 RealAudio
109 .ram            audio           x-pn-realaudio  -               y # G2 RealAudio
110 .ras            image           x-cmu-rast      -               y
111 .rc             text            plain           -               y # rc
112 .rfr            text            plain           -               y # refer
113 .rgb            image           x-rgb           -               y
114 .rm             application     x-pn-realmedia  -               y # G2 RealAudio
115 .roff           application     x-troff         -               y
116 .rpm            audio           x-pn-realaudio-plugin   -       y # G2 RealAudio
117 .rtf            application     rtf             -               y
118 .rtx            text            richtext        -               y
119 .scr            application     octet-stream    -               r # DOS executable (screen saver)
120 .sh             application     x-shar          -               m
121 .shar           application     x-shar          -               m
122 .smi            application     smil            -               m # sync multimedia
123 .smil           application     smil            -               m # sync multimedia
124 .snd            audio           basic           -               y
125 .suspect        application     octet-stream    -               y # upas/vf
126 .sv4cpio        application     x-sv4cpio       -               m
127 .sv4crc         application     x-sv4crc        -               y
128 .swf            application     x-shockwave-flash               -               y
129 .t              application     x-troff         -               y
130 .tar            application     x-tar           -               m
131 .tardist        application     x-tardist       -               n # SGI SoftwareManager
132 .taz            application     x-tar           compress        m
133 .tcl            application     x-tcl           -               y
134 .tex            application     x-tex           -               y # Tex input
135 .texi           application     x-texinfo       -               y
136 .texinfo        application     x-texinfo       -               y
137 .text           text            plain           -               y
138 .tgz            application     x-tar           gzip            m
139 .tif            image           tiff            -               y
140 .tiff           image           tiff            -               y
141 .toc            text            plain           -               y # table of contents
142 .tr             application     x-troff         -               y
143 .trz            application     x-tar           compress        m
144 .tsv            text            tab-separated-values    -       y
145 .txt            text            -               -               y
146 .txt            text            plain           -               y
147 .ucert          application     x-x509-user-cert        -       y # DER X.509 user certificate
148 .ustar          application     x-ustar         -               m
149 .vcf            text            x-vcard         -               y # vCard
150 .wav            audio           x-wav           -               y
151 .wbmp           image           vnd.wap.wbmp    -               y # wireless bitmap
152 .wml            text            vnd.wap.wml     -               m # WML doc
153 .wmlc           application     vnd.wap.wmlc    -               m # compiled WML doc
154 .wmls           text            vnd.wap.wmlscript       -       m # WMLScript
155 .wmlsc          application     vnd.wap.wmlscriptc      -       m # compiled WMLScript
156 .wsrc           application     x-wais-source   -               y
157 .xbm            image           x-xbitmap       -               y # X bitmap
158 .xgz            -               -               x-gzip          m # gzipped file
159 .xls            application     vnd.ms-excel    -               n # Microsoft Excel
160 .xml            text            xml             -               m
161 .xpm            image           x-xpixmap       -               y
162 .xwd            image           x-xwindowdump   -               y
163 .z              -               -               compress        m
164 .Z              -               -               compress        m
165 .zip            application     zip             -               n
166 .zzz            application     sleep           -               n # testing
167 -               application     x-gunzip        -               p # type for .tar.gz
168 -               message         delivery-status -               y # mail bounces
169 -               application     pgp-signature   -               y
170 -               application     pgp-encrypted   -               y