]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - src/tools/rustfmt/docs/index.html
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[rust.git] / src / tools / rustfmt / docs / index.html
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73                   <input type="checkbox" id="stable" v-model="shouldStable">
74               </div>
75               <div>
76                   <label for="viewVersion">version: </label>
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220                       "<p>Failed to get configuration options for this version, please select the version from the dropdown above.</p>";
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222                     e.response.status === 403 &&
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228                     this.aboutHtml =
229                       `<p>You have hit the GitHub API rate limit; documentation cannot be updated.` +
230                       `<p>The rate limit will be reset at ${resetDate}.</p>`;
231                   } else {
232                     this.aboutHtml =
233                       `<p>Ecountered an error when fetching documentation data:</p>` +
234                       `<pre><code>${e.response.data}</code></pre>` +
235                       `<p>We would appreciate <a href="https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/new?template=bug_report.md">a bug report</a>.` +
236                       `<p>Try refreshing the page.</p>`;
237                   }
238                 }
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241             const extractDepthOnes = (ast) => {
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254                   if (next.depth === 2) {
255                     stack.push([]);
256                   }
257                   const lastIndex = stack.length - 1;
258                   stack[lastIndex].push(next);
259                   return stack;
260                 },
261                 [[]]);
262               });
263             }
264             const createHeadAndValue = (ast) => {
265               return ast.map((elem) => {
266                 return elem.map((val) => {
267                   return {
268                     head: val[0].text,
269                     value: val,
270                     stable: val.some((elem) => {
271                       return elem.type === "list" &&
272                         !!elem.raw &&
273                         elem.raw.includes("**Stable**: Yes");
274                     }),
275                     text: val.reduce((result, next) => {
276                       return next.text != null
277                         ? `${result} ${next.text}`
278                         : result;
279                     }, '')
280                   }
281                 });
282               })
283             }
284             const parseMarkdownAst = (rawMarkdown) => {
285               const ast = marked.lexer(rawMarkdown);
286               const depthOnes = extractDepthOnes(ast);
287               const depthTwos = extractDepthTwos(depthOnes);
288               const [
289                 abouts, configurations
290               ] = createHeadAndValue(depthTwos);
291               const about = abouts[0].value;
292               about.links = {};
293               const [
294                 configurationAbout, ...configurationDescriptions
295               ] = configurations;
296               configurationAbout.value.links = {};
298               return {
299                 about,
300                 configurationAbout: configurationAbout.value,
301                 configurationDescriptions
302               };
303             }
304             function htmlToId(text) {
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306               tmpl.innerHTML = text.trim();
307               return encodeURIComponent(CSS.escape(tmpl.content.textContent));
308             }
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