]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - src/libsyntax/ext/tt/transcribe.rs
Auto merge of #34652 - jseyfried:fix_expansion_perf, r=nrc
[rust.git] / src / libsyntax / ext / tt / transcribe.rs
1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
10 use self::LockstepIterSize::*;
12 use ast::{Ident, Name};
13 use syntax_pos::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
14 use errors::{Handler, DiagnosticBuilder};
15 use ext::tt::macro_parser::{NamedMatch, MatchedSeq, MatchedNonterminal};
16 use parse::token::{DocComment, MatchNt, SubstNt};
17 use parse::token::{Token, NtIdent, SpecialMacroVar};
18 use parse::token;
19 use parse::lexer::TokenAndSpan;
20 use tokenstream::{self, TokenTree};
22 use std::rc::Rc;
23 use std::ops::Add;
24 use std::collections::HashMap;
26 ///an unzipping of `TokenTree`s
27 #[derive(Clone)]
28 struct TtFrame {
29     forest: TokenTree,
30     idx: usize,
31     dotdotdoted: bool,
32     sep: Option<Token>,
33 }
35 #[derive(Clone)]
36 pub struct TtReader<'a> {
37     pub sp_diag: &'a Handler,
38     /// the unzipped tree:
39     stack: Vec<TtFrame>,
40     /* for MBE-style macro transcription */
41     interpolations: HashMap<Name, Rc<NamedMatch>>,
42     imported_from: Option<Ident>,
44     // Some => return imported_from as the next token
45     crate_name_next: Option<Span>,
46     repeat_idx: Vec<usize>,
47     repeat_len: Vec<usize>,
48     /* cached: */
49     pub cur_tok: Token,
50     pub cur_span: Span,
51     /// Transform doc comments. Only useful in macro invocations
52     pub desugar_doc_comments: bool,
53     pub fatal_errs: Vec<DiagnosticBuilder<'a>>,
54 }
56 /// This can do Macro-By-Example transcription. On the other hand, if
57 /// `src` contains no `TokenTree::Sequence`s, `MatchNt`s or `SubstNt`s, `interp` can
58 /// (and should) be None.
59 pub fn new_tt_reader(sp_diag: &Handler,
60                      interp: Option<HashMap<Name, Rc<NamedMatch>>>,
61                      imported_from: Option<Ident>,
62                      src: Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>)
63                      -> TtReader {
64     new_tt_reader_with_doc_flag(sp_diag, interp, imported_from, src, false)
65 }
67 /// The extra `desugar_doc_comments` flag enables reading doc comments
68 /// like any other attribute which consists of `meta` and surrounding #[ ] tokens.
69 ///
70 /// This can do Macro-By-Example transcription. On the other hand, if
71 /// `src` contains no `TokenTree::Sequence`s, `MatchNt`s or `SubstNt`s, `interp` can
72 /// (and should) be None.
73 pub fn new_tt_reader_with_doc_flag(sp_diag: &Handler,
74                                    interp: Option<HashMap<Name, Rc<NamedMatch>>>,
75                                    imported_from: Option<Ident>,
76                                    src: Vec<tokenstream::TokenTree>,
77                                    desugar_doc_comments: bool)
78                                    -> TtReader {
79     let mut r = TtReader {
80         sp_diag: sp_diag,
81         stack: vec!(TtFrame {
82             forest: TokenTree::Sequence(DUMMY_SP, Rc::new(tokenstream::SequenceRepetition {
83                 tts: src,
84                 // doesn't matter. This merely holds the root unzipping.
85                 separator: None, op: tokenstream::KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore, num_captures: 0
86             })),
87             idx: 0,
88             dotdotdoted: false,
89             sep: None,
90         }),
91         interpolations: match interp { /* just a convenience */
92             None => HashMap::new(),
93             Some(x) => x,
94         },
95         imported_from: imported_from,
96         crate_name_next: None,
97         repeat_idx: Vec::new(),
98         repeat_len: Vec::new(),
99         desugar_doc_comments: desugar_doc_comments,
100         /* dummy values, never read: */
101         cur_tok: token::Eof,
102         cur_span: DUMMY_SP,
103         fatal_errs: Vec::new(),
104     };
105     tt_next_token(&mut r); /* get cur_tok and cur_span set up */
106     r
107 }
109 fn lookup_cur_matched_by_matched(r: &TtReader, start: Rc<NamedMatch>) -> Rc<NamedMatch> {
110     r.repeat_idx.iter().fold(start, |ad, idx| {
111         match *ad {
112             MatchedNonterminal(_) => {
113                 // end of the line; duplicate henceforth
114                 ad.clone()
115             }
116             MatchedSeq(ref ads, _) => ads[*idx].clone()
117         }
118     })
119 }
121 fn lookup_cur_matched(r: &TtReader, name: Ident) -> Option<Rc<NamedMatch>> {
122     let matched_opt = r.interpolations.get(&name.name).cloned();
123     matched_opt.map(|s| lookup_cur_matched_by_matched(r, s))
124 }
126 #[derive(Clone)]
127 enum LockstepIterSize {
128     LisUnconstrained,
129     LisConstraint(usize, Ident),
130     LisContradiction(String),
131 }
133 impl Add for LockstepIterSize {
134     type Output = LockstepIterSize;
136     fn add(self, other: LockstepIterSize) -> LockstepIterSize {
137         match self {
138             LisUnconstrained => other,
139             LisContradiction(_) => self,
140             LisConstraint(l_len, ref l_id) => match other {
141                 LisUnconstrained => self.clone(),
142                 LisContradiction(_) => other,
143                 LisConstraint(r_len, _) if l_len == r_len => self.clone(),
144                 LisConstraint(r_len, r_id) => {
145                     LisContradiction(format!("inconsistent lockstep iteration: \
146                                               '{}' has {} items, but '{}' has {}",
147                                               l_id, l_len, r_id, r_len))
148                 }
149             },
150         }
151     }
152 }
154 fn lockstep_iter_size(t: &TokenTree, r: &TtReader) -> LockstepIterSize {
155     match *t {
156         TokenTree::Delimited(_, ref delimed) => {
157             delimed.tts.iter().fold(LisUnconstrained, |size, tt| {
158                 size + lockstep_iter_size(tt, r)
159             })
160         },
161         TokenTree::Sequence(_, ref seq) => {
162             seq.tts.iter().fold(LisUnconstrained, |size, tt| {
163                 size + lockstep_iter_size(tt, r)
164             })
165         },
166         TokenTree::Token(_, SubstNt(name)) | TokenTree::Token(_, MatchNt(name, _)) =>
167             match lookup_cur_matched(r, name) {
168                 Some(matched) => match *matched {
169                     MatchedNonterminal(_) => LisUnconstrained,
170                     MatchedSeq(ref ads, _) => LisConstraint(ads.len(), name),
171                 },
172                 _ => LisUnconstrained
173             },
174         TokenTree::Token(..) => LisUnconstrained,
175     }
176 }
178 /// Return the next token from the TtReader.
179 /// EFFECT: advances the reader's token field
180 pub fn tt_next_token(r: &mut TtReader) -> TokenAndSpan {
181     // FIXME(pcwalton): Bad copy?
182     let ret_val = TokenAndSpan {
183         tok: r.cur_tok.clone(),
184         sp: r.cur_span.clone(),
185     };
186     loop {
187         match r.crate_name_next.take() {
188             None => (),
189             Some(sp) => {
190                 r.cur_span = sp;
191                 r.cur_tok = token::Ident(r.imported_from.unwrap());
192                 return ret_val;
193             },
194         }
195         let should_pop = match r.stack.last() {
196             None => {
197                 assert_eq!(ret_val.tok, token::Eof);
198                 return ret_val;
199             }
200             Some(frame) => {
201                 if frame.idx < frame.forest.len() {
202                     break;
203                 }
204                 !frame.dotdotdoted ||
205                     *r.repeat_idx.last().unwrap() == *r.repeat_len.last().unwrap() - 1
206             }
207         };
209         /* done with this set; pop or repeat? */
210         if should_pop {
211             let prev = r.stack.pop().unwrap();
212             match r.stack.last_mut() {
213                 None => {
214                     r.cur_tok = token::Eof;
215                     return ret_val;
216                 }
217                 Some(frame) => {
218                     frame.idx += 1;
219                 }
220             }
221             if prev.dotdotdoted {
222                 r.repeat_idx.pop();
223                 r.repeat_len.pop();
224             }
225         } else { /* repeat */
226             *r.repeat_idx.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
227             r.stack.last_mut().unwrap().idx = 0;
228             if let Some(tk) = r.stack.last().unwrap().sep.clone() {
229                 r.cur_tok = tk; // repeat same span, I guess
230                 return ret_val;
231             }
232         }
233     }
234     loop { /* because it's easiest, this handles `TokenTree::Delimited` not starting
235               with a `TokenTree::Token`, even though it won't happen */
236         let t = {
237             let frame = r.stack.last().unwrap();
238             // FIXME(pcwalton): Bad copy.
239             frame.forest.get_tt(frame.idx)
240         };
241         match t {
242             TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq) => {
243                 // FIXME(pcwalton): Bad copy.
244                 match lockstep_iter_size(&TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq.clone()),
245                                          r) {
246                     LisUnconstrained => {
247                         panic!(r.sp_diag.span_fatal(
248                             sp.clone(), /* blame macro writer */
249                             "attempted to repeat an expression \
250                              containing no syntax \
251                              variables matched as repeating at this depth"));
252                     }
253                     LisContradiction(ref msg) => {
254                         // FIXME #2887 blame macro invoker instead
255                         panic!(r.sp_diag.span_fatal(sp.clone(), &msg[..]));
256                     }
257                     LisConstraint(len, _) => {
258                         if len == 0 {
259                             if seq.op == tokenstream::KleeneOp::OneOrMore {
260                                 // FIXME #2887 blame invoker
261                                 panic!(r.sp_diag.span_fatal(sp.clone(),
262                                                      "this must repeat at least once"));
263                             }
265                             r.stack.last_mut().unwrap().idx += 1;
266                             return tt_next_token(r);
267                         }
268                         r.repeat_len.push(len);
269                         r.repeat_idx.push(0);
270                         r.stack.push(TtFrame {
271                             idx: 0,
272                             dotdotdoted: true,
273                             sep: seq.separator.clone(),
274                             forest: TokenTree::Sequence(sp, seq),
275                         });
276                     }
277                 }
278             }
279             // FIXME #2887: think about span stuff here
280             TokenTree::Token(sp, SubstNt(ident)) => {
281                 r.stack.last_mut().unwrap().idx += 1;
282                 match lookup_cur_matched(r, ident) {
283                     None => {
284                         r.cur_span = sp;
285                         r.cur_tok = SubstNt(ident);
286                         return ret_val;
287                         // this can't be 0 length, just like TokenTree::Delimited
288                     }
289                     Some(cur_matched) => {
290                         match *cur_matched {
291                             // sidestep the interpolation tricks for ident because
292                             // (a) idents can be in lots of places, so it'd be a pain
293                             // (b) we actually can, since it's a token.
294                             MatchedNonterminal(NtIdent(ref sn)) => {
295                                 r.cur_span = sn.span;
296                                 r.cur_tok = token::Ident(sn.node);
297                                 return ret_val;
298                             }
299                             MatchedNonterminal(ref other_whole_nt) => {
300                                 // FIXME(pcwalton): Bad copy.
301                                 r.cur_span = sp;
302                                 r.cur_tok = token::Interpolated((*other_whole_nt).clone());
303                                 return ret_val;
304                             }
305                             MatchedSeq(..) => {
306                                 panic!(r.sp_diag.span_fatal(
307                                     sp, /* blame the macro writer */
308                                     &format!("variable '{}' is still repeating at this depth",
309                                             ident)));
310                             }
311                         }
312                     }
313                 }
314             }
315             // TokenTree::Delimited or any token that can be unzipped
316             seq @ TokenTree::Delimited(..) | seq @ TokenTree::Token(_, MatchNt(..)) => {
317                 // do not advance the idx yet
318                 r.stack.push(TtFrame {
319                    forest: seq,
320                    idx: 0,
321                    dotdotdoted: false,
322                    sep: None
323                 });
324                 // if this could be 0-length, we'd need to potentially recur here
325             }
326             TokenTree::Token(sp, DocComment(name)) if r.desugar_doc_comments => {
327                 r.stack.push(TtFrame {
328                    forest: TokenTree::Token(sp, DocComment(name)),
329                    idx: 0,
330                    dotdotdoted: false,
331                    sep: None
332                 });
333             }
334             TokenTree::Token(sp, token::SpecialVarNt(SpecialMacroVar::CrateMacroVar)) => {
335                 r.stack.last_mut().unwrap().idx += 1;
337                 if r.imported_from.is_some() {
338                     r.cur_span = sp;
339                     r.cur_tok = token::ModSep;
340                     r.crate_name_next = Some(sp);
341                     return ret_val;
342                 }
344                 // otherwise emit nothing and proceed to the next token
345             }
346             TokenTree::Token(sp, tok) => {
347                 r.cur_span = sp;
348                 r.cur_tok = tok;
349                 r.stack.last_mut().unwrap().idx += 1;
350                 return ret_val;
351             }
352         }
353     }
354 }