]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - src/librustdoc/html/layout.rs
Auto merge of #82980 - tmiasko:import-cold-multiplier, r=michaelwoerister
[rust.git] / src / librustdoc / html / layout.rs
1 use std::path::PathBuf;
3 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
5 use crate::externalfiles::ExternalHtml;
6 use crate::html::escape::Escape;
7 use crate::html::format::{Buffer, Print};
8 use crate::html::render::{ensure_trailing_slash, StylePath};
10 #[derive(Clone)]
11 crate struct Layout {
12     crate logo: String,
13     crate favicon: String,
14     crate external_html: ExternalHtml,
15     crate default_settings: FxHashMap<String, String>,
16     crate krate: String,
17     /// The given user css file which allow to customize the generated
18     /// documentation theme.
19     crate css_file_extension: Option<PathBuf>,
20     /// If false, the `select` element to have search filtering by crates on rendered docs
21     /// won't be generated.
22     crate generate_search_filter: bool,
23 }
25 crate struct Page<'a> {
26     crate title: &'a str,
27     crate css_class: &'a str,
28     crate root_path: &'a str,
29     crate static_root_path: Option<&'a str>,
30     crate description: &'a str,
31     crate keywords: &'a str,
32     crate resource_suffix: &'a str,
33     crate extra_scripts: &'a [&'a str],
34     crate static_extra_scripts: &'a [&'a str],
35 }
37 crate fn render<T: Print, S: Print>(
38     layout: &Layout,
39     page: &Page<'_>,
40     sidebar: S,
41     t: T,
42     style_files: &[StylePath],
43 ) -> String {
44     let static_root_path = page.static_root_path.unwrap_or(page.root_path);
45     format!(
46         "<!DOCTYPE html>\
47 <html lang=\"en\">\
48 <head>\
49     <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\
50     <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\
51     <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"rustdoc\">\
52     <meta name=\"description\" content=\"{description}\">\
53     <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"{keywords}\">\
54     <title>{title}</title>\
55     <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{static_root_path}normalize{suffix}.css\">\
56     <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{static_root_path}rustdoc{suffix}.css\" \
57           id=\"mainThemeStyle\">\
58     {style_files}\
59     <script id=\"default-settings\"{default_settings}></script>\
60     <script src=\"{static_root_path}storage{suffix}.js\"></script>\
61     <script src=\"{root_path}crates{suffix}.js\"></script>\
62     <noscript><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{static_root_path}noscript{suffix}.css\"></noscript>\
63     {css_extension}\
64     {favicon}\
65     {in_header}\
66     <style type=\"text/css\">\
67     #crate-search{{background-image:url(\"{static_root_path}down-arrow{suffix}.svg\");}}\
68     </style>\
69 </head>\
70 <body class=\"rustdoc {css_class}\">\
71     <!--[if lte IE 8]>\
72     <div class=\"warning\">\
73         This old browser is unsupported and will most likely display funky \
74         things.\
75     </div>\
76     <![endif]-->\
77     {before_content}\
78     <nav class=\"sidebar\">\
79         <div class=\"sidebar-menu\" role=\"button\">&#9776;</div>\
80         {logo}\
81         {sidebar}\
82     </nav>\
83     <div class=\"theme-picker\">\
84         <button id=\"theme-picker\" aria-label=\"Pick another theme!\" aria-haspopup=\"menu\">\
85             <img src=\"{static_root_path}brush{suffix}.svg\" \
86                  width=\"18\" height=\"18\" \
87                  alt=\"Pick another theme!\">\
88         </button>\
89         <div id=\"theme-choices\" role=\"menu\"></div>\
90     </div>\
91     <nav class=\"sub\">\
92         <form class=\"search-form\">\
93             <div class=\"search-container\">\
94                 <div>{filter_crates}\
95                     <input class=\"search-input\" name=\"search\" \
96                            disabled \
97                            autocomplete=\"off\" \
98                            spellcheck=\"false\" \
99                            placeholder=\"Click or press ‘S’ to search, ‘?’ for more options…\" \
100                            type=\"search\">\
101                 </div>\
102                 <button type=\"button\" class=\"help-button\">?</button>
103                 <a id=\"settings-menu\" href=\"{root_path}settings.html\">\
104                     <img src=\"{static_root_path}wheel{suffix}.svg\" \
105                          width=\"18\" height=\"18\" \
106                          alt=\"Change settings\">\
107                 </a>\
108             </div>\
109         </form>\
110     </nav>\
111     <section id=\"main\" class=\"content\">{content}</section>\
112     <section id=\"search\" class=\"content hidden\"></section>\
113     <section class=\"footer\"></section>\
114     {after_content}\
115     <div id=\"rustdoc-vars\" data-root-path=\"{root_path}\" data-current-crate=\"{krate}\" \
116        data-search-js=\"{root_path}search-index{suffix}.js\"></div>
117     <script src=\"{static_root_path}main{suffix}.js\"></script>\
118     {extra_scripts}\
119 </body>\
120 </html>",
121         css_extension = if layout.css_file_extension.is_some() {
122             format!(
123                 "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" \
124                        type=\"text/css\" \
125                        href=\"{static_root_path}theme{suffix}.css\">",
126                 static_root_path = static_root_path,
127                 suffix = page.resource_suffix
128             )
129         } else {
130             String::new()
131         },
132         content = Buffer::html().to_display(t),
133         static_root_path = static_root_path,
134         root_path = page.root_path,
135         css_class = page.css_class,
136         logo = {
137             if layout.logo.is_empty() {
138                 format!(
139                     "<a href='{root}{path}index.html'>\
140                      <div class='logo-container rust-logo'>\
141                      <img src='{static_root_path}rust-logo{suffix}.png' alt='logo'></div></a>",
142                     root = page.root_path,
143                     path = ensure_trailing_slash(&layout.krate),
144                     static_root_path = static_root_path,
145                     suffix = page.resource_suffix
146                 )
147             } else {
148                 format!(
149                     "<a href='{root}{path}index.html'>\
150                      <div class='logo-container'><img src='{logo}' alt='logo'></div></a>",
151                     root = page.root_path,
152                     path = ensure_trailing_slash(&layout.krate),
153                     logo = layout.logo
154                 )
155             }
156         },
157         title = page.title,
158         description = page.description,
159         keywords = page.keywords,
160         favicon = if layout.favicon.is_empty() {
161             format!(
162                 r##"<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="{static_root_path}favicon{suffix}.svg">
163 <link rel="alternate icon" type="image/png" href="{static_root_path}favicon-16x16{suffix}.png">
164 <link rel="alternate icon" type="image/png" href="{static_root_path}favicon-32x32{suffix}.png">"##,
165                 static_root_path = static_root_path,
166                 suffix = page.resource_suffix
167             )
168         } else {
169             format!(r#"<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{}">"#, layout.favicon)
170         },
171         in_header = layout.external_html.in_header,
172         before_content = layout.external_html.before_content,
173         after_content = layout.external_html.after_content,
174         sidebar = Buffer::html().to_display(sidebar),
175         krate = layout.krate,
176         default_settings = layout
177             .default_settings
178             .iter()
179             .map(|(k, v)| format!(r#" data-{}="{}""#, k.replace('-', "_"), Escape(v)))
180             .collect::<String>(),
181         style_files = style_files
182             .iter()
183             .filter_map(|t| {
184                 if let Some(stem) = t.path.file_stem() { Some((stem, t.disabled)) } else { None }
185             })
186             .filter_map(|t| {
187                 if let Some(path) = t.0.to_str() { Some((path, t.1)) } else { None }
188             })
189             .map(|t| format!(
190                 r#"<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{}.css" {} {}>"#,
191                 Escape(&format!("{}{}{}", static_root_path, t.0, page.resource_suffix)),
192                 if t.1 { "disabled" } else { "" },
193                 if t.0 == "light" { "id=\"themeStyle\"" } else { "" }
194             ))
195             .collect::<String>(),
196         suffix = page.resource_suffix,
197         extra_scripts = page
198             .static_extra_scripts
199             .iter()
200             .map(|e| {
201                 format!(
202                     "<script src=\"{static_root_path}{extra_script}.js\"></script>",
203                     static_root_path = static_root_path,
204                     extra_script = e
205                 )
206             })
207             .chain(page.extra_scripts.iter().map(|e| {
208                 format!(
209                     "<script src=\"{root_path}{extra_script}.js\"></script>",
210                     root_path = page.root_path,
211                     extra_script = e
212                 )
213             }))
214             .collect::<String>(),
215         filter_crates = if layout.generate_search_filter {
216             "<select id=\"crate-search\">\
217                  <option value=\"All crates\">All crates</option>\
218              </select>"
219         } else {
220             ""
221         },
222     )
223 }
225 crate fn redirect(url: &str) -> String {
226     // <script> triggers a redirect before refresh, so this is fine.
227     format!(
228         r##"<!DOCTYPE html>
229 <html lang="en">
230 <head>
231     <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL={url}">
232 </head>
233 <body>
234     <p>Redirecting to <a href="{url}">{url}</a>...</p>
235     <script>location.replace("{url}" + location.search + location.hash);</script>
236 </body>
237 </html>"##,
238         url = url,
239     )
240 }