]> git.lizzy.rs Git - irrlicht.git/blob - include/SSkinMeshBuffer.h
[irrlicht.git] / include / SSkinMeshBuffer.h
1 // Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt\r
2 // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".\r
3 // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h\r
4 \r
7 \r
8 #include "IMeshBuffer.h"\r
9 #include "S3DVertex.h"\r
10 \r
11 \r
12 namespace irr\r
13 {\r
14 namespace scene\r
15 {\r
16 \r
17 \r
18 //! A mesh buffer able to choose between S3DVertex2TCoords, S3DVertex and S3DVertexTangents at runtime\r
19 struct SSkinMeshBuffer : public IMeshBuffer\r
20 {\r
21         //! Default constructor\r
22         SSkinMeshBuffer(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE vt=video::EVT_STANDARD) :\r
23                 ChangedID_Vertex(1), ChangedID_Index(1), VertexType(vt),\r
24                 PrimitiveType(EPT_TRIANGLES),\r
25                 MappingHint_Vertex(EHM_NEVER), MappingHint_Index(EHM_NEVER),\r
26                 HWBuffer(NULL),\r
27                 BoundingBoxNeedsRecalculated(true)\r
28         {\r
29                 #ifdef _DEBUG\r
30                 setDebugName("SSkinMeshBuffer");\r
31                 #endif\r
32         }\r
33 \r
34         //! Get Material of this buffer.\r
35         const video::SMaterial& getMaterial() const override\r
36         {\r
37                 return Material;\r
38         }\r
39 \r
40         //! Get Material of this buffer.\r
41         video::SMaterial& getMaterial() override\r
42         {\r
43                 return Material;\r
44         }\r
45 \r
46         //! Get standard vertex at given index\r
47         virtual video::S3DVertex *getVertex(u32 index)\r
48         {\r
49                 switch (VertexType)\r
50                 {\r
51                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
52                                 return (video::S3DVertex*)&Vertices_2TCoords[index];\r
53                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
54                                 return (video::S3DVertex*)&Vertices_Tangents[index];\r
55                         default:\r
56                                 return &Vertices_Standard[index];\r
57                 }\r
58         }\r
59 \r
60         //! Get pointer to vertex array\r
61         const void* getVertices() const override\r
62         {\r
63                 switch (VertexType)\r
64                 {\r
65                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
66                                 return Vertices_2TCoords.const_pointer();\r
67                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
68                                 return Vertices_Tangents.const_pointer();\r
69                         default:\r
70                                 return Vertices_Standard.const_pointer();\r
71                 }\r
72         }\r
73 \r
74         //! Get pointer to vertex array\r
75         void* getVertices() override\r
76         {\r
77                 switch (VertexType)\r
78                 {\r
79                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
80                                 return Vertices_2TCoords.pointer();\r
81                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
82                                 return Vertices_Tangents.pointer();\r
83                         default:\r
84                                 return Vertices_Standard.pointer();\r
85                 }\r
86         }\r
87 \r
88         //! Get vertex count\r
89         u32 getVertexCount() const override\r
90         {\r
91                 switch (VertexType)\r
92                 {\r
93                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
94                                 return Vertices_2TCoords.size();\r
95                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
96                                 return Vertices_Tangents.size();\r
97                         default:\r
98                                 return Vertices_Standard.size();\r
99                 }\r
100         }\r
101 \r
102         //! Get type of index data which is stored in this meshbuffer.\r
103         /** \return Index type of this buffer. */\r
104         video::E_INDEX_TYPE getIndexType() const override\r
105         {\r
106                 return video::EIT_16BIT;\r
107         }\r
108 \r
109         //! Get pointer to index array\r
110         const u16* getIndices() const override\r
111         {\r
112                 return Indices.const_pointer();\r
113         }\r
114 \r
115         //! Get pointer to index array\r
116         u16* getIndices() override\r
117         {\r
118                 return Indices.pointer();\r
119         }\r
120 \r
121         //! Get index count\r
122         u32 getIndexCount() const override\r
123         {\r
124                 return Indices.size();\r
125         }\r
126 \r
127         //! Get bounding box\r
128         const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const override\r
129         {\r
130                 return BoundingBox;\r
131         }\r
132 \r
133         //! Set bounding box\r
134         void setBoundingBox( const core::aabbox3df& box) override\r
135         {\r
136                 BoundingBox = box;\r
137         }\r
138 \r
139         //! Recalculate bounding box\r
140         void recalculateBoundingBox() override\r
141         {\r
142                 if(!BoundingBoxNeedsRecalculated)\r
143                         return;\r
144 \r
145                 BoundingBoxNeedsRecalculated = false;\r
146 \r
147                 switch (VertexType)\r
148                 {\r
149                         case video::EVT_STANDARD:\r
150                         {\r
151                                 if (Vertices_Standard.empty())\r
152                                         BoundingBox.reset(0,0,0);\r
153                                 else\r
154                                 {\r
155                                         BoundingBox.reset(Vertices_Standard[0].Pos);\r
156                                         for (u32 i=1; i<Vertices_Standard.size(); ++i)\r
157                                                 BoundingBox.addInternalPoint(Vertices_Standard[i].Pos);\r
158                                 }\r
159                                 break;\r
160                         }\r
161                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
162                         {\r
163                                 if (Vertices_2TCoords.empty())\r
164                                         BoundingBox.reset(0,0,0);\r
165                                 else\r
166                                 {\r
167                                         BoundingBox.reset(Vertices_2TCoords[0].Pos);\r
168                                         for (u32 i=1; i<Vertices_2TCoords.size(); ++i)\r
169                                                 BoundingBox.addInternalPoint(Vertices_2TCoords[i].Pos);\r
170                                 }\r
171                                 break;\r
172                         }\r
173                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
174                         {\r
175                                 if (Vertices_Tangents.empty())\r
176                                         BoundingBox.reset(0,0,0);\r
177                                 else\r
178                                 {\r
179                                         BoundingBox.reset(Vertices_Tangents[0].Pos);\r
180                                         for (u32 i=1; i<Vertices_Tangents.size(); ++i)\r
181                                                 BoundingBox.addInternalPoint(Vertices_Tangents[i].Pos);\r
182                                 }\r
183                                 break;\r
184                         }\r
185                 }\r
186         }\r
187 \r
188         //! Get vertex type\r
189         video::E_VERTEX_TYPE getVertexType() const override\r
190         {\r
191                 return VertexType;\r
192         }\r
193 \r
194         //! Convert to 2tcoords vertex type\r
195         void convertTo2TCoords()\r
196         {\r
197                 if (VertexType==video::EVT_STANDARD)\r
198                 {\r
199                         for(u32 n=0;n<Vertices_Standard.size();++n)\r
200                         {\r
201                                 video::S3DVertex2TCoords Vertex;\r
202                                 Vertex.Color=Vertices_Standard[n].Color;\r
203                                 Vertex.Pos=Vertices_Standard[n].Pos;\r
204                                 Vertex.Normal=Vertices_Standard[n].Normal;\r
205                                 Vertex.TCoords=Vertices_Standard[n].TCoords;\r
206                                 Vertices_2TCoords.push_back(Vertex);\r
207                         }\r
208                         Vertices_Standard.clear();\r
209                         VertexType=video::EVT_2TCOORDS;\r
210                 }\r
211         }\r
212 \r
213         //! Convert to tangents vertex type\r
214         void convertToTangents()\r
215         {\r
216                 if (VertexType==video::EVT_STANDARD)\r
217                 {\r
218                         for(u32 n=0;n<Vertices_Standard.size();++n)\r
219                         {\r
220                                 video::S3DVertexTangents Vertex;\r
221                                 Vertex.Color=Vertices_Standard[n].Color;\r
222                                 Vertex.Pos=Vertices_Standard[n].Pos;\r
223                                 Vertex.Normal=Vertices_Standard[n].Normal;\r
224                                 Vertex.TCoords=Vertices_Standard[n].TCoords;\r
225                                 Vertices_Tangents.push_back(Vertex);\r
226                         }\r
227                         Vertices_Standard.clear();\r
228                         VertexType=video::EVT_TANGENTS;\r
229                 }\r
230                 else if (VertexType==video::EVT_2TCOORDS)\r
231                 {\r
232                         for(u32 n=0;n<Vertices_2TCoords.size();++n)\r
233                         {\r
234                                 video::S3DVertexTangents Vertex;\r
235                                 Vertex.Color=Vertices_2TCoords[n].Color;\r
236                                 Vertex.Pos=Vertices_2TCoords[n].Pos;\r
237                                 Vertex.Normal=Vertices_2TCoords[n].Normal;\r
238                                 Vertex.TCoords=Vertices_2TCoords[n].TCoords;\r
239                                 Vertices_Tangents.push_back(Vertex);\r
240                         }\r
241                         Vertices_2TCoords.clear();\r
242                         VertexType=video::EVT_TANGENTS;\r
243                 }\r
244         }\r
245 \r
246         //! returns position of vertex i\r
247         const core::vector3df& getPosition(u32 i) const override\r
248         {\r
249                 switch (VertexType)\r
250                 {\r
251                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
252                                 return Vertices_2TCoords[i].Pos;\r
253                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
254                                 return Vertices_Tangents[i].Pos;\r
255                         default:\r
256                                 return Vertices_Standard[i].Pos;\r
257                 }\r
258         }\r
259 \r
260         //! returns position of vertex i\r
261         core::vector3df& getPosition(u32 i) override\r
262         {\r
263                 switch (VertexType)\r
264                 {\r
265                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
266                                 return Vertices_2TCoords[i].Pos;\r
267                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
268                                 return Vertices_Tangents[i].Pos;\r
269                         default:\r
270                                 return Vertices_Standard[i].Pos;\r
271                 }\r
272         }\r
273 \r
274         //! returns normal of vertex i\r
275         const core::vector3df& getNormal(u32 i) const override\r
276         {\r
277                 switch (VertexType)\r
278                 {\r
279                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
280                                 return Vertices_2TCoords[i].Normal;\r
281                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
282                                 return Vertices_Tangents[i].Normal;\r
283                         default:\r
284                                 return Vertices_Standard[i].Normal;\r
285                 }\r
286         }\r
287 \r
288         //! returns normal of vertex i\r
289         core::vector3df& getNormal(u32 i) override\r
290         {\r
291                 switch (VertexType)\r
292                 {\r
293                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
294                                 return Vertices_2TCoords[i].Normal;\r
295                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
296                                 return Vertices_Tangents[i].Normal;\r
297                         default:\r
298                                 return Vertices_Standard[i].Normal;\r
299                 }\r
300         }\r
301 \r
302         //! returns texture coords of vertex i\r
303         const core::vector2df& getTCoords(u32 i) const override\r
304         {\r
305                 switch (VertexType)\r
306                 {\r
307                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
308                                 return Vertices_2TCoords[i].TCoords;\r
309                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
310                                 return Vertices_Tangents[i].TCoords;\r
311                         default:\r
312                                 return Vertices_Standard[i].TCoords;\r
313                 }\r
314         }\r
315 \r
316         //! returns texture coords of vertex i\r
317         core::vector2df& getTCoords(u32 i) override\r
318         {\r
319                 switch (VertexType)\r
320                 {\r
321                         case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:\r
322                                 return Vertices_2TCoords[i].TCoords;\r
323                         case video::EVT_TANGENTS:\r
324                                 return Vertices_Tangents[i].TCoords;\r
325                         default:\r
326                                 return Vertices_Standard[i].TCoords;\r
327                 }\r
328         }\r
329 \r
330         //! append the vertices and indices to the current buffer\r
331         void append(const void* const vertices, u32 numVertices, const u16* const indices, u32 numIndices) override {}\r
332 \r
333         //! append the meshbuffer to the current buffer\r
334         void append(const IMeshBuffer* const other) override {}\r
335 \r
336         //! get the current hardware mapping hint for vertex buffers\r
337         E_HARDWARE_MAPPING getHardwareMappingHint_Vertex() const override\r
338         {\r
339                 return MappingHint_Vertex;\r
340         }\r
341 \r
342         //! get the current hardware mapping hint for index buffers\r
343         E_HARDWARE_MAPPING getHardwareMappingHint_Index() const override\r
344         {\r
345                 return MappingHint_Index;\r
346         }\r
347 \r
348         //! set the hardware mapping hint, for driver\r
349         void setHardwareMappingHint( E_HARDWARE_MAPPING NewMappingHint, E_BUFFER_TYPE Buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX ) override\r
350         {\r
351                 if (Buffer==EBT_VERTEX)\r
352                         MappingHint_Vertex=NewMappingHint;\r
353                 else if (Buffer==EBT_INDEX)\r
354                         MappingHint_Index=NewMappingHint;\r
355                 else if (Buffer==EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX)\r
356                 {\r
357                         MappingHint_Vertex=NewMappingHint;\r
358                         MappingHint_Index=NewMappingHint;\r
359                 }\r
360         }\r
361 \r
362         //! Describe what kind of primitive geometry is used by the meshbuffer\r
363         void setPrimitiveType(E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE type) override\r
364         {\r
365                 PrimitiveType = type;\r
366         }\r
367 \r
368         //! Get the kind of primitive geometry which is used by the meshbuffer\r
369         E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE getPrimitiveType() const override\r
370         {\r
371                 return PrimitiveType;\r
372         }\r
373 \r
374         //! flags the mesh as changed, reloads hardware buffers\r
375         void setDirty(E_BUFFER_TYPE Buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX) override\r
376         {\r
377                 if (Buffer==EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX || Buffer==EBT_VERTEX)\r
378                         ++ChangedID_Vertex;\r
379                 if (Buffer==EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX || Buffer==EBT_INDEX)\r
380                         ++ChangedID_Index;\r
381         }\r
382 \r
383         u32 getChangedID_Vertex() const override {return ChangedID_Vertex;}\r
384 \r
385         u32 getChangedID_Index() const override {return ChangedID_Index;}\r
386 \r
387         void setHWBuffer(void *ptr) const override {\r
388                 HWBuffer = ptr;\r
389         }\r
390 \r
391         void *getHWBuffer() const override {\r
392                 return HWBuffer;\r
393         }\r
394 \r
395 \r
396         //! Call this after changing the positions of any vertex.\r
397         void boundingBoxNeedsRecalculated(void) { BoundingBoxNeedsRecalculated = true; }\r
398 \r
399         core::array<video::S3DVertexTangents> Vertices_Tangents;\r
400         core::array<video::S3DVertex2TCoords> Vertices_2TCoords;\r
401         core::array<video::S3DVertex> Vertices_Standard;\r
402         core::array<u16> Indices;\r
403 \r
404         u32 ChangedID_Vertex;\r
405         u32 ChangedID_Index;\r
406 \r
407         //ISkinnedMesh::SJoint *AttachedJoint;\r
408         core::matrix4 Transformation;\r
409 \r
410         video::SMaterial Material;\r
411         video::E_VERTEX_TYPE VertexType;\r
412 \r
413         core::aabbox3d<f32> BoundingBox;\r
414 \r
415         //! Primitive type used for rendering (triangles, lines, ...)\r
416         E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE PrimitiveType;\r
417 \r
418         // hardware mapping hint\r
419         E_HARDWARE_MAPPING MappingHint_Vertex:3;\r
420         E_HARDWARE_MAPPING MappingHint_Index:3;\r
421 \r
422         mutable void *HWBuffer;\r
423 \r
424         bool BoundingBoxNeedsRecalculated:1;\r
425 };\r
426 \r
427 \r
428 } // end namespace scene\r
429 } // end namespace irr\r
430 \r
431 #endif\r
432 \r