]> git.lizzy.rs Git - dragonblocks.git/blob - engine/mainmenu.js
[dragonblocks.git] / engine / mainmenu.js
1 /*
2  * mainmenu.js
3  * 
4  * Copyright 2020 Elias Fleckenstein <eliasfleckenstein@web.de>
5  * 
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * 
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  * 
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
19  * MA 02110-1301, USA.
20  * 
21  * 
22  */
23 dragonblocks.mainmenu = {};
24 dragonblocks.registerOnStart(_ => {
25         document.getElementById("dragonblocks.mainmenu.content").innerHTML = "<h1 style='font-size:50px'>Loading...</h1>";
26 });
27 dragonblocks.registerOnStarted(_ => {
28         document.getElementById("dragonblocks.mainmenu").style.visibility = "hidden";
29 });
30 dragonblocks.registerOnQuit(_ => {
31         document.getElementById("dragonblocks.mainmenu").style.visibility = "visible";
32         document.getElementById("dragonblocks.mainmenu.content").innerHTML = "<h1 style='font-size:50px'>Saving...</h1>";
33 });
34 {
35         let mainmenu = document.body.insertBefore(document.createElement("div"), document.body.firstChild);
36         mainmenu.id = "dragonblocks.mainmenu";
37         mainmenu.style.visibility = "hidden";
38         let center = mainmenu.appendChild(document.createElement("center"));
39         let img = center.appendChild(document.createElement("img"));
40         img.src = "textures/logo-mainmenu.png";
41         let content = center.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
42         content.id = "dragonblocks.mainmenu.content";
43         content.style.position = "relative";
44         content.style.top = "50px";
45         let buttons = [
46                 {
47                         text: "Load Saved World",
48                         action: _ => { dragonblocks.mainmenu.loadWorldGUI.open() },
49                         disabled: ! dragonblocks.loggedin,
50                 },
51                 {
52                         text: "Create New World", 
53                         action: _ => { dragonblocks.mainmenu.createWorldGUI.open() }
54                 },
55                 {
56                         text: "Credits", 
57                         action: _ => { dragonblocks.mainmenu.creditsGUI.open() }
58                 },
59                 {
60                         text: "Quit", 
61                         action: _ => { history.back() }
62                 }
63         ];
64         for(let {text: text, action: action, disabled: disabled} of buttons){
65                 let button = content.appendChild(document.createElement("button"));
66                 button.style.fontSize = "40px";
67                 button.style.width = "100%";
68                 button.innerHTML = text;
69                 button.disabled = disabled;
70                 button.addEventListener("click", action);
71                 content.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
72                 content.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
73         }
74         for(let {text: text, side: side} of [{side: "left", text: dragonblocks.getVersion()}, {side: "right", text: dragonblocks.settings.version.copyright}]){
75                 let span = content.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
76                 span.style.position = "fixed";
77                 span.style.bottom = "5px";
78                 span.style[side] = "5px";
79                 span.innerHTML = text;
80         }
81         document.title = dragonblocks.getVersion();
82         img.addEventListener("load", _ => {
83                 document.body.style.backgroundColor = "skyblue";
84                 document.getElementById("elidragon").style.display = "none";
85                 content.style.width = img.offsetWidth + "px";
86                 mainmenu.style.visibility = "visible";
87         });
88 }
89 if(dragonblocks.loggedin){
90         dragonblocks.loadWorldlist();
91         let gui = dragonblocks.mainmenu.loadWorldGUI = dragonblocks.gui.createBox();
92         let headline = gui.create("h1");
93         headline.innerHTML = "Select World";
94         headline.align = "center";
95         let worldlist = gui.create("ul");
96         for(let world of dragonblocks.worlds){
97                 let worldDisplay = worldlist.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
98                 worldDisplay.style.fontSize = "20px";
99                 worldDisplay.textContent = world;
100                 worldDisplay.style.postion = "relative";
101                 let button = worldDisplay.appendChild(document.createElement("button"));
102                 button.textContent = "Play";
103                 button.style.position = "absolute";
104                 button.style.right = "5px";
105                 button.style.fontSize = "12px";
106                 button.addEventListener("click", event => {
107                         event.srcElement.blur();
108                         gui.close();
109                         dragonblocks.loadWorld(world);
110                 });
111         }
112 }
113 {       
114         let gui = dragonblocks.mainmenu.createWorldGUI = dragonblocks.gui.createBox();
115         let properties = {};
116         let headline = gui.create("h1");
117         headline.innerHTML = "New World";
118         headline.align = "center";
119         // Worldname
120         gui.create("h2").innerHTML = "&ensp;World Name";
121         let worldnameInput = gui.create("input");
122         worldnameInput.type = "text";
123         worldnameInput.style.position = "relative";
124         worldnameInput.style.left = "40px";
125         let worldnameAlert = gui.create("b");
126         worldnameAlert.style.position = "relative";
127         worldnameAlert.style.left = "50px";
128         // Mods
129         properties.mods = {};
130         gui.create("h2").innerHTML = "&ensp;Mods";
131         let modlist = gui.create("ul");
132         for(let mod of dragonblocks.availableMods){
133                 let modDisplay = modlist.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
134                 modDisplay.style.fontSize = "20px";
135                 modDisplay.innerHTML = mod;
136                 modDisplay.style.postion = "relative";
137                 $.get({
138                         url: "mods/" + mod + "/description.txt",
139                         success: data => {
140                                 modDisplay.title = data;
141                         }
142                 });
143                 let checkbox = modDisplay.appendChild(document.createElement("input"));
144                 checkbox.type = "checkbox";
145                 checkbox.style.position = "absolute";
146                 checkbox.style.right = "5px";
147                 checkbox.addEventListener("input", _ => { properties.mods[mod] = checkbox.checked });
148         }
149         // Gamemode
150         properties.gamemode = "creative";
151         gui.create("h2").innerHTML = "&ensp;Gamemode";
152         for(let gamemode of ["survival", "creative"]){
153                 let radiobox = gui.create("input");
154                 radiobox.name = "dragonblocks.mainmenu.createWorldGUI.gamemode";
155                 radiobox.type = "radio";
156                 radiobox.checked = (gamemode == properties.gamemode);
157                 radiobox.style.position = "relative";
158                 radiobox.style.left = "40px";
159                 radiobox.addEventListener("input", _ => {
160                         if(radiobox.checked)
161                                 properties.gamemode = gamemode;
162                 });
163                 let label = gui.create("label");
164                 label.innerHTML = dblib.humanFormat(gamemode);
165                 label.for = radiobox.id;
166                 label.style.position = "relative";
167                 label.style.left = "40px";
168         }
169         // Mapgen
170         gui.create("h2").innerHTML = "&ensp;Mapgen";
171         let selectMapgen = gui.create("select");
172         selectMapgen.style.position = "relative";
173         selectMapgen.style.left = "40px";
174         selectMapgen.addEventListener("input", _ => {
175                 properties.mapgen = selectMapgen.value;
176         });
177         for(let mapgen in dragonblocks.mapgen.list)
178                 selectMapgen.appendChild(document.createElement("option")).innerHTML = mapgen;
179         properties.mapgen = selectMapgen.value;
180         gui.create("br");
181         gui.create("br");
182         // Button
183         let button = gui.create("button");
184         button.style.position = "relative";
185         button.style.left = "1%";
186         button.style.width = "98%";
187         button.innerHTML = "Create World";
188         if(dragonblocks.loggedin)
189                 button.disabled = true;
190         button.addEventListener("click", event => {
191                 event.srcElement.blur();
192                 gui.close();
193                 dragonblocks.createWorld(properties);
194         });
195         gui.create("br");
196         gui.create("br");
197         // World Name Check
198         worldnameInput.addEventListener("input", _ => {
199                 if(! dragonblocks.loggedin){
200                         worldnameAlert.textContent = "You are not logged in and can not save worlds.";
201                         worldnameAlert.style.color = "#FF7D00";
202                         button.disabled = false;
203                 }
204                 else if(worldnameInput.value == ""){
205                         worldnameAlert.textContent = "";
206                         button.disabled = true;
207                 }
208                 else if(! dragonblocks.checkWorldSpelling(worldnameInput.value)){
209                         worldnameAlert.textContent = "This Worldname contains forbidden characters";
210                         worldnameAlert.style.color = "#FF001F";
211                         button.disabled = true;
212                 }
213                 else if(dragonblocks.checkWorldExistance(worldnameInput.value)){
214                         if(dragonblocks.checkWorldOwnership(worldnameInput.value)){
215                                 worldnameAlert.textContent = "This will overwrite an existing world";
216                                 worldnameAlert.style.color = "#FF7D00";
217                                 button.disabled = false;
218                         }
219                         else{
220                                 worldnameAlert.textContent = "This Worldname is taken";
221                                 worldnameAlert.style.color = "#FF001F";
222                                 button.disabled = true;
223                         }
224                 }
225                 else{
226                         worldnameAlert.textContent = "";
227                         button.disabled = false;
228                 }
229                 properties.worldname = worldnameInput.value;
230         });     
231 }
232 {
233         let gui = dragonblocks.mainmenu.creditsGUI = dragonblocks.gui.createBox();
234         let properties = {
235                 content: $.getJSON("credits.json").responseJSON,
236                 stage: 0,
237         };
238         for(let dir of ["left", "right"]){
239                 let arrow = gui.create("div");
240                 arrow.style.position = "absolute";
241                 arrow.style.width = "80px";
242                 arrow.style.height = "80px";
243                 arrow.style.position = "absolute";
244                 arrow.style[dir] = "3px";
245                 arrow.style.background = dragonblocks.getTexture("arrow.png");
246                 arrow.style.backgroundSize = "cover";
247                 arrow.style.cursor = "pointer";
248                 if(dir == "right")
249                         arrow.style.transform = "rotate(180deg)";
250                 arrow.addEventListener("click", _ => {
251                         if(dir == "right")
252                                 properties.stage++;
253                         else
254                                 properties.stage--;
255                         gui.open();
256                 });
257                 dblib.centerVertical(arrow);
258         }
259         let content = gui.create("center");
260         gui.onopen = _ => {
261                 if(properties.stage < 0)
262                         properties.stage = properties.content.length - 1;
263                 if(!properties.content[properties.stage])
264                         properties.stage = 0;
265                 content.innerHTML = properties.content[properties.stage];
266                 dragonblocks.resolveTextures(content);
267         }
268 }