]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - editors/code/package.json
[rust.git] / editors / code / package.json
1 {
2     "name": "rust-analyzer",
3     "displayName": "rust-analyzer",
4     "description": "An alternative rust language server to the RLS",
5     "preview": true,
6     "private": true,
7     "icon": "icon.png",
8     "version": "0.4.0-dev",
9     "releaseTag": null,
10     "publisher": "matklad",
11     "repository": {
12         "url": "https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer.git",
13         "type": "git"
14     },
15     "homepage": "https://rust-analyzer.github.io/",
16     "license": "MIT OR Apache-2.0",
17     "keywords": [
18         "rust"
19     ],
20     "categories": [
21         "Programming Languages"
22     ],
23     "engines": {
24         "vscode": "^1.61.0"
25     },
26     "enableProposedApi": true,
27     "scripts": {
28         "vscode:prepublish": "npm run build-base -- --minify",
29         "package": "vsce package -o rust-analyzer.vsix",
30         "build-base": "esbuild ./src/main.ts --bundle --outfile=out/main.js --external:vscode --format=cjs --platform=node --target=node14",
31         "build": "npm run build-base -- --sourcemap",
32         "watch": "npm run build-base -- --sourcemap --watch",
33         "lint": "tsfmt --verify && eslint -c .eslintrc.js --ext ts ./src ./tests",
34         "fix": " tsfmt -r       && eslint -c .eslintrc.js --ext ts ./src ./tests --fix",
35         "pretest": "tsc && npm run build",
36         "test": "node ./out/tests/runTests.js"
37     },
38     "dependencies": {
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40         "node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
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43         "d3-graphviz": "^4.0.0"
44     },
45     "devDependencies": {
46         "@types/node": "~14.17.5",
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55         "typescript": "^4.5.2",
56         "typescript-formatter": "^7.2.2",
57         "vsce": "^2.5.1"
58     },
59     "activationEvents": [
60         "onLanguage:rust",
61         "onCommand:rust-analyzer.analyzerStatus",
62         "onCommand:rust-analyzer.memoryUsage",
63         "onCommand:rust-analyzer.reloadWorkspace",
64         "workspaceContains:*/Cargo.toml",
65         "workspaceContains:*/rust-project.json"
66     ],
67     "main": "./out/main",
68     "contributes": {
69         "taskDefinitions": [
70             {
71                 "type": "cargo",
72                 "required": [
73                     "command"
74                 ],
75                 "properties": {
76                     "label": {
77                         "type": "string"
78                     },
79                     "command": {
80                         "type": "string"
81                     },
82                     "args": {
83                         "type": "array",
84                         "items": {
85                             "type": "string"
86                         }
87                     },
88                     "env": {
89                         "type": "object",
90                         "patternProperties": {
91                             ".+": {
92                                 "type": "string"
93                             }
94                         }
95                     }
96                 }
97             }
98         ],
99         "commands": [
100             {
101                 "command": "rust-analyzer.syntaxTree",
102                 "title": "Show Syntax Tree",
103                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
104             },
105             {
106                 "command": "rust-analyzer.viewHir",
107                 "title": "View Hir",
108                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
109             },
110             {
111                 "command": "rust-analyzer.viewItemTree",
112                 "title": "Debug ItemTree",
113                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
114             },
115             {
116                 "command": "rust-analyzer.viewCrateGraph",
117                 "title": "View Crate Graph",
118                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
119             },
120             {
121                 "command": "rust-analyzer.viewFullCrateGraph",
122                 "title": "View Crate Graph (Full)",
123                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
124             },
125             {
126                 "command": "rust-analyzer.expandMacro",
127                 "title": "Expand macro recursively",
128                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
129             },
130             {
131                 "command": "rust-analyzer.matchingBrace",
132                 "title": "Find matching brace",
133                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
134             },
135             {
136                 "command": "rust-analyzer.parentModule",
137                 "title": "Locate parent module",
138                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
139             },
140             {
141                 "command": "rust-analyzer.joinLines",
142                 "title": "Join lines",
143                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
144             },
145             {
146                 "command": "rust-analyzer.run",
147                 "title": "Run",
148                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
149             },
150             {
151                 "command": "rust-analyzer.copyRunCommandLine",
152                 "title": "Copy Run Command Line",
153                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
154             },
155             {
156                 "command": "rust-analyzer.debug",
157                 "title": "Debug",
158                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
159             },
160             {
161                 "command": "rust-analyzer.newDebugConfig",
162                 "title": "Generate launch configuration",
163                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
164             },
165             {
166                 "command": "rust-analyzer.analyzerStatus",
167                 "title": "Status",
168                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
169             },
170             {
171                 "command": "rust-analyzer.memoryUsage",
172                 "title": "Memory Usage (Clears Database)",
173                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
174             },
175             {
176                 "command": "rust-analyzer.reloadWorkspace",
177                 "title": "Reload workspace",
178                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
179             },
180             {
181                 "command": "rust-analyzer.reload",
182                 "title": "Restart server",
183                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
184             },
185             {
186                 "command": "rust-analyzer.updateGithubToken",
187                 "title": "Update Github API token",
188                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
189             },
190             {
191                 "command": "rust-analyzer.onEnter",
192                 "title": "Enhanced enter key",
193                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
194             },
195             {
196                 "command": "rust-analyzer.ssr",
197                 "title": "Structural Search Replace",
198                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
199             },
200             {
201                 "command": "rust-analyzer.serverVersion",
202                 "title": "Show RA Version",
203                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
204             },
205             {
206                 "command": "rust-analyzer.toggleInlayHints",
207                 "title": "Toggle inlay hints",
208                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
209             },
210             {
211                 "command": "rust-analyzer.openDocs",
212                 "title": "Open docs under cursor",
213                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
214             },
215             {
216                 "command": "rust-analyzer.openCargoToml",
217                 "title": "Open Cargo.toml",
218                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
219             },
220             {
221                 "command": "rust-analyzer.peekTests",
222                 "title": "Peek related tests",
223                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
224             },
225             {
226                 "command": "rust-analyzer.moveItemUp",
227                 "title": "Move item up",
228                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
229             },
230             {
231                 "command": "rust-analyzer.moveItemDown",
232                 "title": "Move item down",
233                 "category": "Rust Analyzer"
234             }
235         ],
236         "keybindings": [
237             {
238                 "command": "rust-analyzer.parentModule",
239                 "key": "ctrl+shift+u",
240                 "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == rust"
241             },
242             {
243                 "command": "rust-analyzer.matchingBrace",
244                 "key": "ctrl+shift+m",
245                 "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == rust"
246             },
247             {
248                 "command": "rust-analyzer.joinLines",
249                 "key": "ctrl+shift+j",
250                 "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == rust"
251             }
252         ],
253         "configuration": {
254             "type": "object",
255             "title": "Rust Analyzer",
256             "properties": {
257                 "rust-analyzer.cargoRunner": {
258                     "type": [
259                         "null",
260                         "string"
261                     ],
262                     "default": null,
263                     "description": "Custom cargo runner extension ID."
264                 },
265                 "rust-analyzer.runnableEnv": {
266                     "anyOf": [
267                         {
268                             "type": "null"
269                         },
270                         {
271                             "type": "array",
272                             "items": {
273                                 "type": "object",
274                                 "properties": {
275                                     "mask": {
276                                         "type": "string",
277                                         "description": "Runnable name mask"
278                                     },
279                                     "env": {
280                                         "type": "object",
281                                         "description": "Variables in form of { \"key\": \"value\"}"
282                                     }
283                                 }
284                             }
285                         },
286                         {
287                             "type": "object",
288                             "description": "Variables in form of { \"key\": \"value\"}"
289                         }
290                     ],
291                     "default": null,
292                     "markdownDescription": "Environment variables passed to the runnable launched using `Test` or `Debug` lens or `rust-analyzer.run` command."
293                 },
294                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.enable": {
295                     "type": "boolean",
296                     "default": true,
297                     "description": "Whether to show inlay hints."
298                 },
299                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.smallerHints": {
300                     "type": "boolean",
301                     "default": true,
302                     "description": "Whether inlay hints font size should be smaller than editor's font size."
303                 },
304                 "rust-analyzer.updates.channel": {
305                     "type": "string",
306                     "enum": [
307                         "stable",
308                         "nightly"
309                     ],
310                     "default": "stable",
311                     "markdownEnumDescriptions": [
312                         "`stable` updates are shipped weekly, they don't contain cutting-edge features from VSCode proposed APIs but have less bugs in general.",
313                         "`nightly` updates are shipped daily (extension updates automatically by downloading artifacts directly from GitHub), they contain cutting-edge features and latest bug fixes. These releases help us get your feedback very quickly and speed up rust-analyzer development **drastically**."
314                     ],
315                     "markdownDescription": "Choose `nightly` updates to get the latest features and bug fixes every day. While `stable` releases occur weekly and don't contain cutting-edge features from VSCode proposed APIs."
316                 },
317                 "rust-analyzer.updates.askBeforeDownload": {
318                     "type": "boolean",
319                     "default": false,
320                     "description": "Whether to ask for permission before downloading any files from the Internet."
321                 },
322                 "rust-analyzer.server.path": {
323                     "type": [
324                         "null",
325                         "string"
326                     ],
327                     "scope": "machine-overridable",
328                     "default": null,
329                     "markdownDescription": "Path to rust-analyzer executable (points to bundled binary by default). If this is set, then `#rust-analyzer.updates.channel#` setting is not used"
330                 },
331                 "rust-analyzer.server.extraEnv": {
332                     "type": [
333                         "null",
334                         "object"
335                     ],
336                     "default": null,
337                     "markdownDescription": "Extra environment variables that will be passed to the rust-analyzer executable. Useful for passing e.g. `RA_LOG` for debugging."
338                 },
339                 "rust-analyzer.trace.server": {
340                     "type": "string",
341                     "scope": "window",
342                     "enum": [
343                         "off",
344                         "messages",
345                         "verbose"
346                     ],
347                     "enumDescriptions": [
348                         "No traces",
349                         "Error only",
350                         "Full log"
351                     ],
352                     "default": "off",
353                     "description": "Trace requests to the rust-analyzer (this is usually overly verbose and not recommended for regular users)."
354                 },
355                 "rust-analyzer.trace.extension": {
356                     "description": "Enable logging of VS Code extensions itself.",
357                     "type": "boolean",
358                     "default": false
359                 },
360                 "rust-analyzer.debug.engine": {
361                     "type": "string",
362                     "enum": [
363                         "auto",
364                         "vadimcn.vscode-lldb",
365                         "ms-vscode.cpptools"
366                     ],
367                     "default": "auto",
368                     "description": "Preferred debug engine.",
369                     "markdownEnumDescriptions": [
370                         "First try to use [CodeLLDB](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vadimcn.vscode-lldb), if it's not installed try to use [MS C++ tools](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cpptools).",
371                         "Use [CodeLLDB](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vadimcn.vscode-lldb)",
372                         "Use [MS C++ tools](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cpptools)"
373                     ]
374                 },
375                 "rust-analyzer.debug.sourceFileMap": {
376                     "type": [
377                         "object",
378                         "string"
379                     ],
380                     "const": "auto",
381                     "description": "Optional source file mappings passed to the debug engine.",
382                     "default": {
383                         "/rustc/<id>": "${env:USERPROFILE}/.rustup/toolchains/<toolchain-id>/lib/rustlib/src/rust"
384                     }
385                 },
386                 "rust-analyzer.debug.openDebugPane": {
387                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to open up the `Debug Panel` on debugging start.",
388                     "type": "boolean",
389                     "default": false
390                 },
391                 "rust-analyzer.debug.engineSettings": {
392                     "type": "object",
393                     "default": {},
394                     "markdownDescription": "Optional settings passed to the debug engine. Example: `{ \"lldb\": { \"terminal\":\"external\"} }`"
395                 },
396                 "$generated-start": {},
397                 "rust-analyzer.assist.importGranularity": {
398                     "markdownDescription": "How imports should be grouped into use statements.",
399                     "default": "crate",
400                     "type": "string",
401                     "enum": [
402                         "preserve",
403                         "crate",
404                         "module",
405                         "item"
406                     ],
407                     "enumDescriptions": [
408                         "Do not change the granularity of any imports and preserve the original structure written by the developer.",
409                         "Merge imports from the same crate into a single use statement. Conversely, imports from different crates are split into separate statements.",
410                         "Merge imports from the same module into a single use statement. Conversely, imports from different modules are split into separate statements.",
411                         "Flatten imports so that each has its own use statement."
412                     ]
413                 },
414                 "rust-analyzer.assist.importEnforceGranularity": {
415                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to enforce the import granularity setting for all files. If set to false rust-analyzer will try to keep import styles consistent per file.",
416                     "default": false,
417                     "type": "boolean"
418                 },
419                 "rust-analyzer.assist.importPrefix": {
420                     "markdownDescription": "The path structure for newly inserted paths to use.",
421                     "default": "plain",
422                     "type": "string",
423                     "enum": [
424                         "plain",
425                         "self",
426                         "crate"
427                     ],
428                     "enumDescriptions": [
429                         "Insert import paths relative to the current module, using up to one `super` prefix if the parent module contains the requested item.",
430                         "Insert import paths relative to the current module, using up to one `super` prefix if the parent module contains the requested item. Prefixes `self` in front of the path if it starts with a module.",
431                         "Force import paths to be absolute by always starting them with `crate` or the extern crate name they come from."
432                     ]
433                 },
434                 "rust-analyzer.assist.importGroup": {
435                     "markdownDescription": "Group inserted imports by the [following order](https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#auto-import). Groups are separated by newlines.",
436                     "default": true,
437                     "type": "boolean"
438                 },
439                 "rust-analyzer.assist.allowMergingIntoGlobImports": {
440                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to allow import insertion to merge new imports into single path glob imports like `use std::fmt::*;`.",
441                     "default": true,
442                     "type": "boolean"
443                 },
444                 "rust-analyzer.cache.warmup": {
445                     "markdownDescription": "Warm up caches on project load.",
446                     "default": true,
447                     "type": "boolean"
448                 },
449                 "rust-analyzer.callInfo.full": {
450                     "markdownDescription": "Show function name and docs in parameter hints.",
451                     "default": true,
452                     "type": "boolean"
453                 },
454                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.autoreload": {
455                     "markdownDescription": "Automatically refresh project info via `cargo metadata` on\n`Cargo.toml` changes.",
456                     "default": true,
457                     "type": "boolean"
458                 },
459                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures": {
460                     "markdownDescription": "Activate all available features (`--all-features`).",
461                     "default": false,
462                     "type": "boolean"
463                 },
464                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.unsetTest": {
465                     "markdownDescription": "Unsets `#[cfg(test)]` for the specified crates.",
466                     "default": [
467                         "core"
468                     ],
469                     "type": "array",
470                     "items": {
471                         "type": "string"
472                     }
473                 },
474                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.features": {
475                     "markdownDescription": "List of features to activate.",
476                     "default": [],
477                     "type": "array",
478                     "items": {
479                         "type": "string"
480                     }
481                 },
482                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.runBuildScripts": {
483                     "markdownDescription": "Run build scripts (`build.rs`) for more precise code analysis.",
484                     "default": true,
485                     "type": "boolean"
486                 },
487                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.useRustcWrapperForBuildScripts": {
488                     "markdownDescription": "Use `RUSTC_WRAPPER=rust-analyzer` when running build scripts to\navoid compiling unnecessary things.",
489                     "default": true,
490                     "type": "boolean"
491                 },
492                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures": {
493                     "markdownDescription": "Do not activate the `default` feature.",
494                     "default": false,
495                     "type": "boolean"
496                 },
497                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.target": {
498                     "markdownDescription": "Compilation target (target triple).",
499                     "default": null,
500                     "type": [
501                         "null",
502                         "string"
503                     ]
504                 },
505                 "rust-analyzer.cargo.noSysroot": {
506                     "markdownDescription": "Internal config for debugging, disables loading of sysroot crates.",
507                     "default": false,
508                     "type": "boolean"
509                 },
510                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.enable": {
511                     "markdownDescription": "Run specified `cargo check` command for diagnostics on save.",
512                     "default": true,
513                     "type": "boolean"
514                 },
515                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allFeatures": {
516                     "markdownDescription": "Check with all features (`--all-features`).\nDefaults to `#rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures#`.",
517                     "default": null,
518                     "type": [
519                         "null",
520                         "boolean"
521                     ]
522                 },
523                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allTargets": {
524                     "markdownDescription": "Check all targets and tests (`--all-targets`).",
525                     "default": true,
526                     "type": "boolean"
527                 },
528                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.command": {
529                     "markdownDescription": "Cargo command to use for `cargo check`.",
530                     "default": "check",
531                     "type": "string"
532                 },
533                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.noDefaultFeatures": {
534                     "markdownDescription": "Do not activate the `default` feature.",
535                     "default": null,
536                     "type": [
537                         "null",
538                         "boolean"
539                     ]
540                 },
541                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.target": {
542                     "markdownDescription": "Check for a specific target. Defaults to\n`#rust-analyzer.cargo.target#`.",
543                     "default": null,
544                     "type": [
545                         "null",
546                         "string"
547                     ]
548                 },
549                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.extraArgs": {
550                     "markdownDescription": "Extra arguments for `cargo check`.",
551                     "default": [],
552                     "type": "array",
553                     "items": {
554                         "type": "string"
555                     }
556                 },
557                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.features": {
558                     "markdownDescription": "List of features to activate. Defaults to\n`#rust-analyzer.cargo.features#`.",
559                     "default": null,
560                     "type": [
561                         "null",
562                         "array"
563                     ],
564                     "items": {
565                         "type": "string"
566                     }
567                 },
568                 "rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.overrideCommand": {
569                     "markdownDescription": "Advanced option, fully override the command rust-analyzer uses for\nchecking. The command should include `--message-format=json` or\nsimilar option.",
570                     "default": null,
571                     "type": [
572                         "null",
573                         "array"
574                     ],
575                     "items": {
576                         "type": "string"
577                     }
578                 },
579                 "rust-analyzer.completion.addCallArgumentSnippets": {
580                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to add argument snippets when completing functions.\nOnly applies when `#rust-analyzer.completion.addCallParenthesis#` is set.",
581                     "default": true,
582                     "type": "boolean"
583                 },
584                 "rust-analyzer.completion.addCallParenthesis": {
585                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to add parenthesis when completing functions.",
586                     "default": true,
587                     "type": "boolean"
588                 },
589                 "rust-analyzer.completion.snippets": {
590                     "markdownDescription": "Custom completion snippets.",
591                     "default": {},
592                     "type": "object"
593                 },
594                 "rust-analyzer.completion.postfix.enable": {
595                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show postfix snippets like `dbg`, `if`, `not`, etc.",
596                     "default": true,
597                     "type": "boolean"
598                 },
599                 "rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable": {
600                     "markdownDescription": "Toggles the additional completions that automatically add imports when completed.\nNote that your client must specify the `additionalTextEdits` LSP client capability to truly have this feature enabled.",
601                     "default": true,
602                     "type": "boolean"
603                 },
604                 "rust-analyzer.completion.autoself.enable": {
605                     "markdownDescription": "Toggles the additional completions that automatically show method calls and field accesses\nwith `self` prefixed to them when inside a method.",
606                     "default": true,
607                     "type": "boolean"
608                 },
609                 "rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable": {
610                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show native rust-analyzer diagnostics.",
611                     "default": true,
612                     "type": "boolean"
613                 },
614                 "rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enableExperimental": {
615                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show experimental rust-analyzer diagnostics that might\nhave more false positives than usual.",
616                     "default": true,
617                     "type": "boolean"
618                 },
619                 "rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled": {
620                     "markdownDescription": "List of rust-analyzer diagnostics to disable.",
621                     "default": [],
622                     "type": "array",
623                     "items": {
624                         "type": "string"
625                     },
626                     "uniqueItems": true
627                 },
628                 "rust-analyzer.diagnostics.remapPrefix": {
629                     "markdownDescription": "Map of prefixes to be substituted when parsing diagnostic file paths.\nThis should be the reverse mapping of what is passed to `rustc` as `--remap-path-prefix`.",
630                     "default": {},
631                     "type": "object"
632                 },
633                 "rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsHint": {
634                     "markdownDescription": "List of warnings that should be displayed with hint severity.\n\nThe warnings will be indicated by faded text or three dots in code\nand will not show up in the `Problems Panel`.",
635                     "default": [],
636                     "type": "array",
637                     "items": {
638                         "type": "string"
639                     }
640                 },
641                 "rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsInfo": {
642                     "markdownDescription": "List of warnings that should be displayed with info severity.\n\nThe warnings will be indicated by a blue squiggly underline in code\nand a blue icon in the `Problems Panel`.",
643                     "default": [],
644                     "type": "array",
645                     "items": {
646                         "type": "string"
647                     }
648                 },
649                 "rust-analyzer.experimental.procAttrMacros": {
650                     "markdownDescription": "Expand attribute macros.",
651                     "default": true,
652                     "type": "boolean"
653                 },
654                 "rust-analyzer.files.watcher": {
655                     "markdownDescription": "Controls file watching implementation.",
656                     "default": "client",
657                     "type": "string"
658                 },
659                 "rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs": {
660                     "markdownDescription": "These directories will be ignored by rust-analyzer. They are\nrelative to the workspace root, and globs are not supported. You may\nalso need to add the folders to Code's `files.watcherExclude`.",
661                     "default": [],
662                     "type": "array",
663                     "items": {
664                         "type": "string"
665                     }
666                 },
667                 "rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.references": {
668                     "markdownDescription": "Enables highlighting of related references while hovering your mouse above any identifier.",
669                     "default": true,
670                     "type": "boolean"
671                 },
672                 "rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.exitPoints": {
673                     "markdownDescription": "Enables highlighting of all exit points while hovering your mouse above any `return`, `?`, or return type arrow (`->`).",
674                     "default": true,
675                     "type": "boolean"
676                 },
677                 "rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.breakPoints": {
678                     "markdownDescription": "Enables highlighting of related references while hovering your mouse `break`, `loop`, `while`, or `for` keywords.",
679                     "default": true,
680                     "type": "boolean"
681                 },
682                 "rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.yieldPoints": {
683                     "markdownDescription": "Enables highlighting of all break points for a loop or block context while hovering your mouse above any `async` or `await` keywords.",
684                     "default": true,
685                     "type": "boolean"
686                 },
687                 "rust-analyzer.highlighting.strings": {
688                     "markdownDescription": "Use semantic tokens for strings.\n\nIn some editors (e.g. vscode) semantic tokens override other highlighting grammars.\nBy disabling semantic tokens for strings, other grammars can be used to highlight\ntheir contents.",
689                     "default": true,
690                     "type": "boolean"
691                 },
692                 "rust-analyzer.hover.documentation": {
693                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show documentation on hover.",
694                     "default": true,
695                     "type": "boolean"
696                 },
697                 "rust-analyzer.hover.linksInHover": {
698                     "markdownDescription": "Use markdown syntax for links in hover.",
699                     "default": true,
700                     "type": "boolean"
701                 },
702                 "rust-analyzer.hoverActions.debug": {
703                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Debug` action. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set.",
704                     "default": true,
705                     "type": "boolean"
706                 },
707                 "rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable": {
708                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show HoverActions in Rust files.",
709                     "default": true,
710                     "type": "boolean"
711                 },
712                 "rust-analyzer.hoverActions.gotoTypeDef": {
713                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Go to Type Definition` action. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set.",
714                     "default": true,
715                     "type": "boolean"
716                 },
717                 "rust-analyzer.hoverActions.implementations": {
718                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Implementations` action. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set.",
719                     "default": true,
720                     "type": "boolean"
721                 },
722                 "rust-analyzer.hoverActions.references": {
723                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `References` action. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set.",
724                     "default": false,
725                     "type": "boolean"
726                 },
727                 "rust-analyzer.hoverActions.run": {
728                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Run` action. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set.",
729                     "default": true,
730                     "type": "boolean"
731                 },
732                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints": {
733                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show inlay type hints for method chains.",
734                     "default": true,
735                     "type": "boolean"
736                 },
737                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength": {
738                     "markdownDescription": "Maximum length for inlay hints. Set to null to have an unlimited length.",
739                     "default": 25,
740                     "type": [
741                         "null",
742                         "integer"
743                     ],
744                     "minimum": 0
745                 },
746                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints": {
747                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show function parameter name inlay hints at the call\nsite.",
748                     "default": true,
749                     "type": "boolean"
750                 },
751                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints": {
752                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show inlay type hints for variables.",
753                     "default": true,
754                     "type": "boolean"
755                 },
756                 "rust-analyzer.inlayHints.hideNamedConstructorHints": {
757                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to hide inlay hints for constructors.",
758                     "default": false,
759                     "type": "boolean"
760                 },
761                 "rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinElseIf": {
762                     "markdownDescription": "Join lines inserts else between consecutive ifs.",
763                     "default": true,
764                     "type": "boolean"
765                 },
766                 "rust-analyzer.joinLines.removeTrailingComma": {
767                     "markdownDescription": "Join lines removes trailing commas.",
768                     "default": true,
769                     "type": "boolean"
770                 },
771                 "rust-analyzer.joinLines.unwrapTrivialBlock": {
772                     "markdownDescription": "Join lines unwraps trivial blocks.",
773                     "default": true,
774                     "type": "boolean"
775                 },
776                 "rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinAssignments": {
777                     "markdownDescription": "Join lines merges consecutive declaration and initialization of an assignment.",
778                     "default": true,
779                     "type": "boolean"
780                 },
781                 "rust-analyzer.lens.debug": {
782                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Debug` lens. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set.",
783                     "default": true,
784                     "type": "boolean"
785                 },
786                 "rust-analyzer.lens.enable": {
787                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show CodeLens in Rust files.",
788                     "default": true,
789                     "type": "boolean"
790                 },
791                 "rust-analyzer.lens.implementations": {
792                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Implementations` lens. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set.",
793                     "default": true,
794                     "type": "boolean"
795                 },
796                 "rust-analyzer.lens.run": {
797                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Run` lens. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set.",
798                     "default": true,
799                     "type": "boolean"
800                 },
801                 "rust-analyzer.lens.methodReferences": {
802                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `Method References` lens. Only applies when\n`#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set.",
803                     "default": false,
804                     "type": "boolean"
805                 },
806                 "rust-analyzer.lens.references": {
807                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `References` lens for Struct, Enum, Union and Trait.\nOnly applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set.",
808                     "default": false,
809                     "type": "boolean"
810                 },
811                 "rust-analyzer.lens.enumVariantReferences": {
812                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `References` lens for Enum Variants.\nOnly applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set.",
813                     "default": false,
814                     "type": "boolean"
815                 },
816                 "rust-analyzer.lens.forceCustomCommands": {
817                     "markdownDescription": "Internal config: use custom client-side commands even when the\nclient doesn't set the corresponding capability.",
818                     "default": true,
819                     "type": "boolean"
820                 },
821                 "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": {
822                     "markdownDescription": "Disable project auto-discovery in favor of explicitly specified set\nof projects.\n\nElements must be paths pointing to `Cargo.toml`,\n`rust-project.json`, or JSON objects in `rust-project.json` format.",
823                     "default": [],
824                     "type": "array",
825                     "items": {
826                         "type": [
827                             "string",
828                             "object"
829                         ]
830                     }
831                 },
832                 "rust-analyzer.lruCapacity": {
833                     "markdownDescription": "Number of syntax trees rust-analyzer keeps in memory. Defaults to 128.",
834                     "default": null,
835                     "type": [
836                         "null",
837                         "integer"
838                     ],
839                     "minimum": 0
840                 },
841                 "rust-analyzer.notifications.cargoTomlNotFound": {
842                     "markdownDescription": "Whether to show `can't find Cargo.toml` error message.",
843                     "default": true,
844                     "type": "boolean"
845                 },
846                 "rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable": {
847                     "markdownDescription": "Enable support for procedural macros, implies `#rust-analyzer.cargo.runBuildScripts#`.",
848                     "default": true,
849                     "type": "boolean"
850                 },
851                 "rust-analyzer.procMacro.server": {
852                     "markdownDescription": "Internal config, path to proc-macro server executable (typically,\nthis is rust-analyzer itself, but we override this in tests).",
853                     "default": null,
854                     "type": [
855                         "null",
856                         "string"
857                     ]
858                 },
859                 "rust-analyzer.runnables.overrideCargo": {
860                     "markdownDescription": "Command to be executed instead of 'cargo' for runnables.",
861                     "default": null,
862                     "type": [
863                         "null",
864                         "string"
865                     ]
866                 },
867                 "rust-analyzer.runnables.cargoExtraArgs": {
868                     "markdownDescription": "Additional arguments to be passed to cargo for runnables such as\ntests or binaries. For example, it may be `--release`.",
869                     "default": [],
870                     "type": "array",
871                     "items": {
872                         "type": "string"
873                     }
874                 },
875                 "rust-analyzer.rustcSource": {
876                     "markdownDescription": "Path to the Cargo.toml of the rust compiler workspace, for usage in rustc_private\nprojects, or \"discover\" to try to automatically find it if the `rustc-dev` component\nis installed.\n\nAny project which uses rust-analyzer with the rustcPrivate\ncrates must set `[package.metadata.rust-analyzer] rustc_private=true` to use it.\n\nThis option does not take effect until rust-analyzer is restarted.",
877                     "default": null,
878                     "type": [
879                         "null",
880                         "string"
881                     ]
882                 },
883                 "rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs": {
884                     "markdownDescription": "Additional arguments to `rustfmt`.",
885                     "default": [],
886                     "type": "array",
887                     "items": {
888                         "type": "string"
889                     }
890                 },
891                 "rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand": {
892                     "markdownDescription": "Advanced option, fully override the command rust-analyzer uses for\nformatting.",
893                     "default": null,
894                     "type": [
895                         "null",
896                         "array"
897                     ],
898                     "items": {
899                         "type": "string"
900                     }
901                 },
902                 "rust-analyzer.rustfmt.enableRangeFormatting": {
903                     "markdownDescription": "Enables the use of rustfmt's unstable range formatting command for the\n`textDocument/rangeFormatting` request. The rustfmt option is unstable and only\navailable on a nightly build.",
904                     "default": false,
905                     "type": "boolean"
906                 },
907                 "rust-analyzer.workspace.symbol.search.scope": {
908                     "markdownDescription": "Workspace symbol search scope.",
909                     "default": "workspace",
910                     "type": "string",
911                     "enum": [
912                         "workspace",
913                         "workspace_and_dependencies"
914                     ],
915                     "enumDescriptions": [
916                         "Search in current workspace only",
917                         "Search in current workspace and dependencies"
918                     ]
919                 },
920                 "rust-analyzer.workspace.symbol.search.kind": {
921                     "markdownDescription": "Workspace symbol search kind.",
922                     "default": "only_types",
923                     "type": "string",
924                     "enum": [
925                         "only_types",
926                         "all_symbols"
927                     ],
928                     "enumDescriptions": [
929                         "Search for types only",
930                         "Search for all symbols kinds"
931                     ]
932                 },
933                 "$generated-end": {}
934             }
935         },
936         "problemPatterns": [
937             {
938                 "name": "rustc",
939                 "patterns": [
940                     {
941                         "regexp": "^(warning|warn|error)(?:\\[(.*?)\\])?: (.*)$",
942                         "severity": 1,
943                         "code": 2,
944                         "message": 3
945                     },
946                     {
947                         "regexp": "^[\\s->=]*(.*?):(\\d*):(\\d*)\\s*$",
948                         "file": 1,
949                         "line": 2,
950                         "column": 3
951                     }
952                 ]
953             },
954             {
955                 "name": "rustc-json",
956                 "patterns": [
957                     {
958                         "regexp": "^.*\"message\":{\"message\":\"([^\"]*).*?\"file_name\":\"([^\"]+).*?\"line_start\":(\\d+).*?\"line_end\":(\\d+).*?\"column_start\":(\\d+).*?\"column_end\":(\\d+).*}$",
959                         "message": 1,
960                         "file": 2,
961                         "line": 3,
962                         "endLine": 4,
963                         "column": 5,
964                         "endColumn": 6
965                     }
966                 ]
967             }
968         ],
969         "languages": [
970             {
971                 "id": "ra_syntax_tree",
972                 "extensions": [
973                     ".rast"
974                 ]
975             },
976             {
977                 "id": "rust",
978                 "extensions": [
979                     ".rs"
980                 ],
981                 "aliases": [
982                     "Rust",
983                     "rs"
984                 ],
985                 "configuration": "language-configuration.json"
986             }
987         ],
988         "grammars": [
989             {
990                 "language": "ra_syntax_tree",
991                 "scopeName": "source.ra_syntax_tree",
992                 "path": "ra_syntax_tree.tmGrammar.json"
993             }
994         ],
995         "problemMatchers": [
996             {
997                 "name": "rustc",
998                 "owner": "rustc",
999                 "source": "rustc",
1000                 "fileLocation": [
1001                     "autoDetect",
1002                     "${workspaceRoot}"
1003                 ],
1004                 "pattern": "$rustc"
1005             },
1006             {
1007                 "name": "rustc-json",
1008                 "owner": "rustc",
1009                 "source": "rustc",
1010                 "fileLocation": [
1011                     "autoDetect",
1012                     "${workspaceRoot}"
1013                 ],
1014                 "pattern": "$rustc-json"
1015             },
1016             {
1017                 "name": "rustc-watch",
1018                 "owner": "rustc",
1019                 "source": "rustc",
1020                 "fileLocation": [
1021                     "autoDetect",
1022                     "${workspaceRoot}"
1023                 ],
1024                 "background": {
1025                     "beginsPattern": "^\\[Running\\b",
1026                     "endsPattern": "^\\[Finished running\\b"
1027                 },
1028                 "pattern": "$rustc"
1029             }
1030         ],
1031         "colors": [
1032             {
1033                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1034                 "description": "Foreground color of inlay hints (is overriden by more specific rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground.* configurations)",
1035                 "defaults": {
1036                     "dark": "#A0A0A0F0",
1037                     "light": "#747474",
1038                     "highContrast": "#BEBEBE"
1039                 }
1040             },
1041             {
1042                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1043                 "description": "Background color of inlay hints (is overriden by more specific rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background.* configurations)",
1044                 "defaults": {
1045                     "dark": "#11223300",
1046                     "light": "#11223300",
1047                     "highContrast": "#11223300"
1048                 }
1049             },
1050             {
1051                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground.typeHints",
1052                 "description": "Foreground color of inlay type hints for variables (overrides rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground)",
1053                 "defaults": {
1054                     "dark": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1055                     "light": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1056                     "highContrast": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground"
1057                 }
1058             },
1059             {
1060                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground.chainingHints",
1061                 "description": "Foreground color of inlay type hints for method chains (overrides rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground)",
1062                 "defaults": {
1063                     "dark": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1064                     "light": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1065                     "highContrast": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground"
1066                 }
1067             },
1068             {
1069                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground.parameterHints",
1070                 "description": "Foreground color of function parameter name inlay hints at the call site (overrides rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground)",
1071                 "defaults": {
1072                     "dark": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1073                     "light": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground",
1074                     "highContrast": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.foreground"
1075                 }
1076             },
1077             {
1078                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background.typeHints",
1079                 "description": "Background color of inlay type hints for variables (overrides rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background)",
1080                 "defaults": {
1081                     "dark": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1082                     "light": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1083                     "highContrast": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background"
1084                 }
1085             },
1086             {
1087                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background.chainingHints",
1088                 "description": "Background color of inlay type hints for method chains (overrides rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background)",
1089                 "defaults": {
1090                     "dark": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1091                     "light": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1092                     "highContrast": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background"
1093                 }
1094             },
1095             {
1096                 "id": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background.parameterHints",
1097                 "description": "Background color of function parameter name inlay hints at the call site (overrides rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background)",
1098                 "defaults": {
1099                     "dark": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1100                     "light": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background",
1101                     "highContrast": "rust_analyzer.inlayHints.background"
1102                 }
1103             },
1104             {
1105                 "id": "rust_analyzer.syntaxTreeBorder",
1106                 "description": "Color of the border displayed in the Rust source code for the selected syntax node (see \"Show Syntax Tree\" command)",
1107                 "defaults": {
1108                     "dark": "#ffffff",
1109                     "light": "#b700ff",
1110                     "highContrast": "#b700ff"
1111                 }
1112             }
1113         ],
1114         "semanticTokenTypes": [
1115             {
1116                 "id": "angle",
1117                 "description": "Style for < or >",
1118                 "superType": "punctuation"
1119             },
1120             {
1121                 "id": "arithmetic",
1122                 "description": "Style for arithmetic operators",
1123                 "superType": "operator"
1124             },
1125             {
1126                 "id": "attribute",
1127                 "description": "Style for attributes"
1128             },
1129             {
1130                 "id": "bitwise",
1131                 "description": "Style for bitwise operators",
1132                 "superType": "operator"
1133             },
1134             {
1135                 "id": "boolean",
1136                 "description": "Style for boolean literals",
1137                 "superType": "keyword"
1138             },
1139             {
1140                 "id": "brace",
1141                 "description": "Style for { or }",
1142                 "superType": "punctuation"
1143             },
1144             {
1145                 "id": "bracket",
1146                 "description": "Style for [ or ]",
1147                 "superType": "punctuation"
1148             },
1149             {
1150                 "id": "builtinAttribute",
1151                 "description": "Style for builtin attributes",
1152                 "superType": "attribute"
1153             },
1154             {
1155                 "id": "builtinType",
1156                 "description": "Style for builtin types",
1157                 "superType": "type"
1158             },
1159             {
1160                 "id": "char",
1161                 "description": "Style for character literals",
1162                 "superType": "type"
1163             },
1164             {
1165                 "id": "colon",
1166                 "description": "Style for :",
1167                 "superType": "punctuation"
1168             },
1169             {
1170                 "id": "comma",
1171                 "description": "Style for ,",
1172                 "superType": "punctuation"
1173             },
1174             {
1175                 "id": "comparison",
1176                 "description": "Style for comparison operators",
1177                 "superType": "operator"
1178             },
1179             {
1180                 "id": "constParameter",
1181                 "description": "Style for const generics"
1182             },
1183             {
1184                 "id": "dot",
1185                 "description": "Style for .",
1186                 "superType": "punctuation"
1187             },
1188             {
1189                 "id": "escapeSequence",
1190                 "description": "Style for char escapes in strings"
1191             },
1192             {
1193                 "id": "formatSpecifier",
1194                 "description": "Style for {} placeholders in format strings"
1195             },
1196             {
1197                 "id": "label",
1198                 "description": "Style for labels"
1199             },
1200             {
1201                 "id": "lifetime",
1202                 "description": "Style for lifetimes"
1203             },
1204             {
1205                 "id": "logical",
1206                 "description": "Style for logic operators",
1207                 "superType": "operator"
1208             },
1209             {
1210                 "id": "operator",
1211                 "description": "Style for operators",
1212                 "superType": "punctuation"
1213             },
1214             {
1215                 "id": "parenthesis",
1216                 "description": "Style for ( or )",
1217                 "superType": "punctuation"
1218             },
1219             {
1220                 "id": "punctuation",
1221                 "description": "Style for generic punctuation"
1222             },
1223             {
1224                 "id": "selfKeyword",
1225                 "description": "Style for the self keyword",
1226                 "superType": "keyword"
1227             },
1228             {
1229                 "id": "semicolon",
1230                 "description": "Style for ;",
1231                 "superType": "punctuation"
1232             },
1233             {
1234                 "id": "typeAlias",
1235                 "description": "Style for type aliases",
1236                 "superType": "type"
1237             },
1238             {
1239                 "id": "union",
1240                 "description": "Style for C-style untagged unions",
1241                 "superType": "type"
1242             },
1243             {
1244                 "id": "unresolvedReference",
1245                 "description": "Style for names which can not be resolved due to compilation errors"
1246             }
1247         ],
1248         "semanticTokenModifiers": [
1249             {
1250                 "id": "async",
1251                 "description": "Style for async functions and the `async` and `await` keywords"
1252             },
1253             {
1254                 "id": "attribute",
1255                 "description": "Style for elements within attributes"
1256             },
1257             {
1258                 "id": "callable",
1259                 "description": "Style for locals whose types implements one of the `Fn*` traits"
1260             },
1261             {
1262                 "id": "constant",
1263                 "description": "Style for compile-time constants"
1264             },
1265             {
1266                 "id": "consuming",
1267                 "description": "Style for locals that are being consumed when use in a function call"
1268             },
1269             {
1270                 "id": "controlFlow",
1271                 "description": "Style for control-flow related tokens, this includes the `?` operator"
1272             },
1273             {
1274                 "id": "crateRoot",
1275                 "description": "Style for names resolving to a crate root"
1276             },
1277             {
1278                 "id": "injected",
1279                 "description": "Style for doc-string injected highlighting like rust source blocks in documentation"
1280             },
1281             {
1282                 "id": "intraDocLink",
1283                 "description": "Style for intra doc links in doc-strings"
1284             },
1285             {
1286                 "id": "library",
1287                 "description": "Style for items that are defined outside of the current crate"
1288             },
1289             {
1290                 "id": "mutable",
1291                 "description": "Style for mutable locals and statics as well as functions taking `&mut self`"
1292             },
1293             {
1294                 "id": "public",
1295                 "description": "Style tems that are from the current crate and are `pub`"
1296             },
1297             {
1298                 "id": "reference",
1299                 "description": "Style for locals behind a reference and functions taking `self` by reference"
1300             },
1301             {
1302                 "id": "trait",
1303                 "description": "Style for associated trait items"
1304             },
1305             {
1306                 "id": "unsafe",
1307                 "description": "Style for unsafe operations, like unsafe function calls, as well as the `unsafe` token"
1308             }
1309         ],
1310         "semanticTokenScopes": [
1311             {
1312                 "language": "rust",
1313                 "scopes": {
1314                     "attribute": [
1315                         "meta.attribute.rust"
1316                     ],
1317                     "boolean": [
1318                         "constant.language.boolean.rust"
1319                     ],
1320                     "builtinType": [
1321                         "support.type.primitive.rust"
1322                     ],
1323                     "constParameter": [
1324                         "constant.other.caps.rust"
1325                     ],
1326                     "enum": [
1327                         "entity.name.type.enum.rust"
1328                     ],
1329                     "formatSpecifier": [
1330                         "punctuation.section.embedded.rust"
1331                     ],
1332                     "function": [
1333                         "entity.name.function.rust"
1334                     ],
1335                     "interface": [
1336                         "entity.name.type.trait.rust"
1337                     ],
1338                     "keyword": [
1339                         "keyword.other.rust"
1340                     ],
1341                     "keyword.controlFlow": [
1342                         "keyword.control.rust"
1343                     ],
1344                     "lifetime": [
1345                         "storage.modifier.lifetime.rust"
1346                     ],
1347                     "method": [
1348                         "entity.name.function.rust"
1349                     ],
1350                     "struct": [
1351                         "entity.name.type.struct.rust"
1352                     ],
1353                     "typeAlias": [
1354                         "entity.name.type.declaration.rust"
1355                     ],
1356                     "union": [
1357                         "entity.name.type.union.rust"
1358                     ],
1359                     "variable": [
1360                         "variable.other.rust"
1361                     ],
1362                     "variable.constant": [
1363                         "variable.other.constant.rust"
1364                     ],
1365                     "*.mutable": [
1366                         "markup.underline"
1367                     ]
1368                 }
1369             }
1370         ],
1371         "menus": {
1372             "commandPalette": [
1373                 {
1374                     "command": "rust-analyzer.syntaxTree",
1375                     "when": "inRustProject"
1376                 },
1377                 {
1378                     "command": "rust-analyzer.viewHir",
1379                     "when": "inRustProject"
1380                 },
1381                 {
1382                     "command": "rust-analyzer.expandMacro",
1383                     "when": "inRustProject"
1384                 },
1385                 {
1386                     "command": "rust-analyzer.matchingBrace",
1387                     "when": "inRustProject"
1388                 },
1389                 {
1390                     "command": "rust-analyzer.parentModule",
1391                     "when": "inRustProject"
1392                 },
1393                 {
1394                     "command": "rust-analyzer.joinLines",
1395                     "when": "inRustProject"
1396                 },
1397                 {
1398                     "command": "rust-analyzer.run",
1399                     "when": "inRustProject"
1400                 },
1401                 {
1402                     "command": "rust-analyzer.debug",
1403                     "when": "inRustProject"
1404                 },
1405                 {
1406                     "command": "rust-analyzer.newDebugConfig",
1407                     "when": "inRustProject"
1408                 },
1409                 {
1410                     "command": "rust-analyzer.analyzerStatus",
1411                     "when": "inRustProject"
1412                 },
1413                 {
1414                     "command": "rust-analyzer.memoryUsage",
1415                     "when": "inRustProject"
1416                 },
1417                 {
1418                     "command": "rust-analyzer.reloadWorkspace",
1419                     "when": "inRustProject"
1420                 },
1421                 {
1422                     "command": "rust-analyzer.reload",
1423                     "when": "inRustProject"
1424                 },
1425                 {
1426                     "command": "rust-analyzer.updateGithubToken",
1427                     "when": "inRustProject"
1428                 },
1429                 {
1430                     "command": "rust-analyzer.onEnter",
1431                     "when": "inRustProject"
1432                 },
1433                 {
1434                     "command": "rust-analyzer.ssr",
1435                     "when": "inRustProject"
1436                 },
1437                 {
1438                     "command": "rust-analyzer.serverVersion",
1439                     "when": "inRustProject"
1440                 },
1441                 {
1442                     "command": "rust-analyzer.toggleInlayHints",
1443                     "when": "inRustProject"
1444                 },
1445                 {
1446                     "command": "rust-analyzer.openDocs",
1447                     "when": "inRustProject"
1448                 },
1449                 {
1450                     "command": "rust-analyzer.openCargoToml",
1451                     "when": "inRustProject"
1452                 }
1453             ],
1454             "editor/context": [
1455                 {
1456                     "command": "rust-analyzer.peekTests",
1457                     "when": "inRustProject",
1458                     "group": "navigation@1000"
1459                 }
1460             ]
1461         }
1462     }
1463 }