]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - crates/ra_syntax/src/grammar.ron
Fix API of Attr
[rust.git] / crates / ra_syntax / src / grammar.ron
1 // Stores definitions which must be used in multiple places
2 // See `cargo gen-syntax` (defined in crates/tools/src/main.rs)
3 Grammar(
4     punct: [
5         (";", "SEMI"),
6         (",", "COMMA"),
7         ("(", "L_PAREN"),
8         (")", "R_PAREN"),
9         ("{", "L_CURLY"),
10         ("}", "R_CURLY"),
11         ("[", "L_BRACK"),
12         ("]", "R_BRACK"),
13         ("<", "L_ANGLE"),
14         (">", "R_ANGLE"),
15         ("@", "AT"),
16         ("#", "POUND"),
17         ("~", "TILDE"),
18         ("?", "QUESTION"),
19         ("$", "DOLLAR"),
20         ("&", "AMP"),
21         ("|", "PIPE"),
22         ("+", "PLUS"),
23         ("*", "STAR"),
24         ("/", "SLASH"),
25         ("^", "CARET"),
26         ("%", "PERCENT"),
27         ("_", "UNDERSCORE"),
28         (".", "DOT"),
29         ("..", "DOTDOT"),
30         ("...", "DOTDOTDOT"),
31         ("..=", "DOTDOTEQ"),
32         (":", "COLON"),
33         ("::", "COLONCOLON"),
34         ("=", "EQ"),
35         ("==", "EQEQ"),
36         ("=>", "FAT_ARROW"),
37         ("!", "EXCL"),
38         ("!=", "NEQ"),
39         ("-", "MINUS"),
40         ("->", "THIN_ARROW"),
41         ("<=", "LTEQ"),
42         (">=", "GTEQ"),
43         ("+=", "PLUSEQ"),
44         ("-=", "MINUSEQ"),
45         ("|=", "PIPEEQ"),
46         ("&=", "AMPEQ"),
47         ("^=", "CARETEQ"),
48         ("/=", "SLASHEQ"),
49         ("*=", "STAREQ"),
50         ("%=", "PERCENTEQ"),
51         ("&&", "AMPAMP"),
52         ("||", "PIPEPIPE"),
53         ("<<", "SHL"),
54         (">>", "SHR"),
55         ("<<=", "SHLEQ"),
56         (">>=", "SHREQ"),
57     ],
58     keywords: [
59         "async",
60         "use",
61         "fn",
62         "struct",
63         "enum",
64         "trait",
65         "impl",
66         "dyn",
67         "true",
68         "false",
69         "as",
70         "extern",
71         "crate",
72         "mod",
73         "pub",
74         "self",
75         "super",
76         "in",
77         "where",
78         "for",
79         "loop",
80         "while",
81         "continue",
82         "break",
83         "if",
84         "else",
85         "match",
86         "const",
87         "static",
88         "mut",
89         "unsafe",
90         "type",
91         "ref",
92         "let",
93         "move",
94         "return",
95         "try",
96         "box",
97         "await"
98     ],
99     contextual_keywords: [
100         "auto",
101         "default",
102         "existential",
103         "union",
104     ],
105     literals: [
106         "INT_NUMBER",
107         "FLOAT_NUMBER",
108         "CHAR",
109         "BYTE",
110         "STRING",
111         "RAW_STRING",
112         "BYTE_STRING",
113         "RAW_BYTE_STRING",
114     ],
115     tokens: [
116         "ERROR",
117         "IDENT",
118         "WHITESPACE",
119         "LIFETIME",
120         "COMMENT",
121         "SHEBANG",
122         "L_DOLLAR",
123         "R_DOLLAR",
124     ],
125     nodes: [
126         "SOURCE_FILE",
128         "STRUCT_DEF",
129         "ENUM_DEF",
130         "FN_DEF",
131         "RET_TYPE",
132         "EXTERN_CRATE_ITEM",
133         "MODULE",
134         "USE_ITEM",
135         "STATIC_DEF",
136         "CONST_DEF",
137         "TRAIT_DEF",
138         "IMPL_BLOCK",
139         "TYPE_ALIAS_DEF",
140         "MACRO_CALL",
141         "TOKEN_TREE",
143         "PAREN_TYPE",
144         "TUPLE_TYPE",
145         "NEVER_TYPE",
146         "PATH_TYPE",
147         "POINTER_TYPE",
148         "ARRAY_TYPE",
149         "SLICE_TYPE",
150         "REFERENCE_TYPE",
151         "PLACEHOLDER_TYPE",
152         "FN_POINTER_TYPE",
153         "FOR_TYPE",
154         "IMPL_TRAIT_TYPE",
155         "DYN_TRAIT_TYPE",
157         "REF_PAT",
158         "BOX_PAT",
159         "BIND_PAT",
160         "PLACEHOLDER_PAT",
161         "DOT_DOT_PAT",
162         "PATH_PAT",
163         "RECORD_PAT",
164         "RECORD_FIELD_PAT_LIST",
165         "RECORD_FIELD_PAT",
166         "TUPLE_STRUCT_PAT",
167         "TUPLE_PAT",
168         "SLICE_PAT",
169         "RANGE_PAT",
170         "LITERAL_PAT",
172         // atoms
173         "TUPLE_EXPR",
174         "ARRAY_EXPR",
175         "PAREN_EXPR",
176         "PATH_EXPR",
177         "LAMBDA_EXPR",
178         "IF_EXPR",
179         "WHILE_EXPR",
180         "CONDITION",
181         "LOOP_EXPR",
182         "FOR_EXPR",
183         "CONTINUE_EXPR",
184         "BREAK_EXPR",
185         "LABEL",
186         "BLOCK_EXPR",
187         "RETURN_EXPR",
188         "MATCH_EXPR",
189         "MATCH_ARM_LIST",
190         "MATCH_ARM",
191         "MATCH_GUARD",
192         "RECORD_LIT",
193         "RECORD_FIELD_LIST",
194         "RECORD_FIELD",
195         "TRY_BLOCK_EXPR",
196         "BOX_EXPR",
198         // postfix
199         "CALL_EXPR",
200         "INDEX_EXPR",
201         "METHOD_CALL_EXPR",
202         "FIELD_EXPR",
203         "AWAIT_EXPR",
204         "TRY_EXPR",
205         "CAST_EXPR",
207         // unary
208         "REF_EXPR",
209         "PREFIX_EXPR",
211         "RANGE_EXPR", // just weird
212         "BIN_EXPR",
214         "BLOCK",
215         "EXTERN_BLOCK",
216         "EXTERN_ITEM_LIST",
217         "ENUM_VARIANT",
218         "RECORD_FIELD_DEF_LIST",
219         "RECORD_FIELD_DEF",
220         "TUPLE_FIELD_DEF_LIST",
221         "TUPLE_FIELD_DEF",
222         "ENUM_VARIANT_LIST",
223         "ITEM_LIST",
224         "ATTR",
225         "META_ITEM", // not an item actually
226         "USE_TREE",
227         "USE_TREE_LIST",
228         "PATH",
229         "PATH_SEGMENT",
230         "LITERAL",
231         "ALIAS",
232         "VISIBILITY",
233         "WHERE_CLAUSE",
234         "WHERE_PRED",
235         "ABI",
236         "NAME",
237         "NAME_REF",
239         "LET_STMT",
240         "EXPR_STMT",
242         "TYPE_PARAM_LIST",
243         "LIFETIME_PARAM",
244         "TYPE_PARAM",
245         "TYPE_ARG_LIST",
246         "LIFETIME_ARG",
247         "TYPE_ARG",
248         "ASSOC_TYPE_ARG",
250         "PARAM_LIST",
251         "PARAM",
252         "SELF_PARAM",
253         "ARG_LIST",
254         "TYPE_BOUND",
255         "TYPE_BOUND_LIST",
257         // macro related
258         "MACRO_ITEMS",
259         "MACRO_STMTS",
260     ],
261     ast: {
262         "SourceFile": (
263             traits: [ "ModuleItemOwner", "FnDefOwner" ],
264             collections: [
265                 ("modules", "Module"),
266             ]
267         ),
268         "FnDef": (
269             traits: [
270                 "VisibilityOwner",
271                 "NameOwner",
272                 "TypeParamsOwner",
273                 "AttrsOwner",
274                 "DocCommentsOwner"
275             ],
276             options: [ "ParamList", ["body", "BlockExpr"], "RetType" ],
277         ),
278         "RetType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
279         "StructDef": (
280             traits: [
281                 "VisibilityOwner",
282                 "NameOwner",
283                 "TypeParamsOwner",
284                 "AttrsOwner",
285                 "DocCommentsOwner"
286             ]
287         ),
288         "RecordFieldDefList": (collections: [("fields", "RecordFieldDef")]),
289         "RecordFieldDef": (
290             traits: [
291                 "VisibilityOwner",
292                 "NameOwner",
293                 "AttrsOwner",
294                 "DocCommentsOwner",
295                 "TypeAscriptionOwner"
296             ]
297         ),
298         "TupleFieldDefList": (collections: [("fields", "TupleFieldDef")]),
299         "TupleFieldDef": ( traits: ["VisibilityOwner", "AttrsOwner"], options: ["TypeRef"]),
300         "EnumDef": ( traits: [
301             "VisibilityOwner",
302             "NameOwner",
303             "TypeParamsOwner",
304             "AttrsOwner",
305             "DocCommentsOwner"
306         ], options: [["variant_list", "EnumVariantList"]] ),
307         "EnumVariantList": ( collections: [("variants", "EnumVariant")] ),
308         "EnumVariant": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "DocCommentsOwner", "AttrsOwner"], options: ["Expr"] ),
309         "TraitDef": (
310             traits: ["VisibilityOwner", "NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "DocCommentsOwner", "TypeParamsOwner", "TypeBoundsOwner"],
311             options: ["ItemList"]
312         ),
313         "Module": (
314             traits: ["VisibilityOwner", "NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "DocCommentsOwner" ],
315             options: [ "ItemList" ]
316         ),
317         "ItemList": (
318             collections: [("impl_items", "ImplItem")],
319             traits: [ "FnDefOwner", "ModuleItemOwner" ],
320         ),
321         "ConstDef": (
322             traits: [
323                 "VisibilityOwner",
324                 "NameOwner",
325                 "TypeParamsOwner",
326                 "AttrsOwner",
327                 "DocCommentsOwner",
328                 "TypeAscriptionOwner",
329             ],
330             options: [ ["body","Expr"]],
331         ),
332         "StaticDef": (
333             traits: [
334                 "VisibilityOwner",
335                 "NameOwner",
336                 "TypeParamsOwner",
337                 "AttrsOwner",
338                 "DocCommentsOwner",
339                 "TypeAscriptionOwner",
340             ],
341             options: [ ["body","Expr"]],
342         ),
343         "TypeAliasDef": (
344             traits: [
345                 "VisibilityOwner",
346                 "NameOwner",
347                 "TypeParamsOwner",
348                 "AttrsOwner",
349                 "DocCommentsOwner",
350                 "TypeBoundsOwner",
351             ],
352             options: ["TypeRef"]
353         ),
354         "ImplBlock": (options: ["ItemList"], traits: ["TypeParamsOwner", "AttrsOwner"]),
356         "ParenType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
357         "TupleType": ( collections: [("fields", "TypeRef")] ),
358         "NeverType": (),
359         "PathType": (options: ["Path"]),
360         "PointerType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
361         "ArrayType": ( options: ["TypeRef", "Expr"] ),
362         "SliceType": ( options: ["TypeRef"] ),
363         "ReferenceType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
364         "PlaceholderType": (),
365         "FnPointerType": (options: ["ParamList", "RetType"]),
366         "ForType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
367         "ImplTraitType": (
368             traits: ["TypeBoundsOwner"],
369         ),
370         "DynTraitType": (
371             traits: ["TypeBoundsOwner"],
372         ),
374         "TypeRef": ( enum: [
375             "ParenType",
376             "TupleType",
377             "NeverType",
378             "PathType",
379             "PointerType",
380             "ArrayType",
381             "SliceType",
382             "ReferenceType",
383             "PlaceholderType",
384             "FnPointerType",
385             "ForType",
386             "ImplTraitType",
387             "DynTraitType",
388         ]),
390         "NominalDef": (
391             enum: ["StructDef", "EnumDef"],
392             traits: [
393                 "NameOwner",
394                 "TypeParamsOwner",
395                 "AttrsOwner"
396             ],
397         ),
398         "ModuleItem": (
399             enum: ["StructDef", "EnumDef", "FnDef", "TraitDef", "TypeAliasDef", "ImplBlock",
400                    "UseItem", "ExternCrateItem", "ConstDef", "StaticDef", "Module" ]
401         ),
402         "ImplItem": (
403             enum: ["FnDef", "TypeAliasDef", "ConstDef"]
404         ),
406         "TupleExpr": (
407             collections: [("exprs", "Expr")]
408         ),
409         "ArrayExpr": (
410             collections: [("exprs", "Expr")]
411         ),
412         "ParenExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
413         "PathExpr": (options: ["Path"]),
414         "LambdaExpr": (
415             options: [
416                 "ParamList",
417                 ["body", "Expr"],
418             ]
419         ),
420         "IfExpr": (
421             options: [ "Condition" ]
422         ),
423         "LoopExpr": (
424             traits: ["LoopBodyOwner"],
425         ),
426         "TryBlockExpr": (
427             options: [["body", "BlockExpr"]],
428         ),
429         "ForExpr": (
430             traits: ["LoopBodyOwner"],
431             options: [
432                 "Pat",
433                 ["iterable", "Expr"],
434             ]
435         ),
436         "WhileExpr": (
437             traits: ["LoopBodyOwner"],
438             options: [ "Condition" ]
439         ),
440         "ContinueExpr": (),
441         "BreakExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
442         "Label": (),
443         "BlockExpr": (
444             options: [ "Block" ]
445         ),
446         "ReturnExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
447         "MatchExpr": (
448             options: [ "Expr", "MatchArmList" ],
449         ),
450         "MatchArmList": (
451             collections: [ ("arms", "MatchArm") ],
452             traits: [ "AttrsOwner" ]
453         ),
454         "MatchArm": (
455             options: [
456                 [ "guard", "MatchGuard" ],
457                 "Expr",
458             ],
459             collections: [ ("pats", "Pat") ],
460             traits: [ "AttrsOwner" ]
461         ),
462         "MatchGuard": (options: ["Expr"]),
463         "RecordLit": (options: ["Path", "RecordFieldList"]),
464         "RecordFieldList": (
465             collections: [ ("fields", "RecordField") ],
466             options: [["spread", "Expr"]]
467         ),
468         "RecordField": (options: ["NameRef", "Expr"]),
469         "CallExpr": (
470             traits: ["ArgListOwner"],
471             options: [ "Expr" ],
472         ),
473         "MethodCallExpr": (
474             traits: ["ArgListOwner"],
475             options: [ "Expr", "NameRef", "TypeArgList" ],
476         ),
477         "IndexExpr": (),
478         "FieldExpr": (options: ["Expr", "NameRef"]),
479         "AwaitExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
480         "TryExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
481         "CastExpr": (options: ["Expr", "TypeRef"]),
482         "RefExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
483         "PrefixExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
484         "BoxExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
485         "RangeExpr": (),
486         "BinExpr": (),
488         "Literal": (),
490         "Expr": (
491             enum: [
492                 "TupleExpr",
493                 "ArrayExpr",
494                 "ParenExpr",
495                 "PathExpr",
496                 "LambdaExpr",
497                 "IfExpr",
498                 "LoopExpr",
499                 "ForExpr",
500                 "WhileExpr",
501                 "ContinueExpr",
502                 "BreakExpr",
503                 "Label",
504                 "BlockExpr",
505                 "ReturnExpr",
506                 "MatchExpr",
507                 "RecordLit",
508                 "CallExpr",
509                 "IndexExpr",
510                 "MethodCallExpr",
511                 "FieldExpr",
512                 "AwaitExpr",
513                 "TryExpr",
514                 "TryBlockExpr",
515                 "CastExpr",
516                 "RefExpr",
517                 "PrefixExpr",
518                 "RangeExpr",
519                 "BinExpr",
520                 "Literal",
521                 "MacroCall",
522                 "BoxExpr",
523             ],
524         ),
526         "RefPat": ( options: [ "Pat" ]),
527         "BoxPat": ( options: [ "Pat" ]),
528         "BindPat": (
529             options: [ "Pat" ],
530             traits: ["NameOwner"]
531         ),
532         "PlaceholderPat": (),
533         "DotDotPat": (),
534         "PathPat": ( options: [ "Path" ] ),
535         "RecordPat": ( options: ["RecordFieldPatList", "Path"] ),
536         "RecordFieldPatList": (
537             collections: [
538                 ("record_field_pats", "RecordFieldPat"),
539                 ("bind_pats", "BindPat"),
540             ]
541         ),
542         "RecordFieldPat": (
543             traits: ["NameOwner"],
544             options: ["Pat"]
545         ),
546         "TupleStructPat": (
547             options: ["Path"],
548             collections: [("args", "Pat")],
549         ),
550         "TuplePat": ( collections: [("args", "Pat")] ),
551         "SlicePat": (),
552         "RangePat": (),
553         "LiteralPat": (options: ["Literal"]),
555         "Pat": (
556             enum: [
557                 "RefPat",
558                 "BoxPat",
559                 "BindPat",
560                 "PlaceholderPat",
561                 "DotDotPat",
562                 "PathPat",
563                 "RecordPat",
564                 "TupleStructPat",
565                 "TuplePat",
566                 "SlicePat",
567                 "RangePat",
568                 "LiteralPat",
569             ],
570         ),
572         "Visibility": (),
573         "Name": (),
574         "NameRef": (),
575         "MacroCall": (
576             traits: [ "NameOwner", "AttrsOwner","DocCommentsOwner" ],
577             options: [ "TokenTree", "Path" ],
578         ),
579         "AttrInput": ( enum: [ "Literal", "TokenTree" ] ),
580         "Attr": ( options: [ "Path", [ "input", "AttrInput" ] ] ),
581         "TokenTree": (),
582         "TypeParamList": (
583             collections: [
584                 ("type_params", "TypeParam" ),
585                 ("lifetime_params", "LifetimeParam" ),
586             ]
587         ),
588         "TypeParam": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "TypeBoundsOwner", "DefaultTypeParamOwner"] ),
589         "LifetimeParam": (
590             traits: ["AttrsOwner"],
591         ),
592         "TypeBound": (
593             options: [
594                 "TypeRef",
595             ]
596         ),
597         "TypeBoundList": (
598             collections: [
599                 ("bounds", "TypeBound"),
600             ]
601         ),
602         "WherePred": (
603             options: [
604                 "TypeRef",
605             ],
606             traits: [
607                 "TypeBoundsOwner",
608             ],
609         ),
610         "WhereClause": (
611             collections: [
612                 ("predicates", "WherePred"),
613             ],
614         ),
615         "ExprStmt": (
616             options: [ ["expr", "Expr"] ]
617         ),
618         "LetStmt": (
619             options: [
620                 ["pat", "Pat"],
621                 ["initializer", "Expr"],
622             ],
623             traits: [
624                 "TypeAscriptionOwner",
625             ]
626         ),
627         "Condition": (
628             options: [ "Pat", "Expr" ]
629         ),
630         "Stmt": (
631             enum: ["ExprStmt", "LetStmt"],
632         ),
633         "Block": (
634             options: [ "Expr" ],
635             collections: [
636                 ("statements", "Stmt"),
637             ],
638             traits: [
639                 "AttrsOwner",
640             ]
641         ),
642         "ParamList": (
643             options: [ "SelfParam" ],
644             collections: [
645                 ("params", "Param"),
646             ]
647         ),
648         "SelfParam": (
649             traits: [
650                 "TypeAscriptionOwner",
651                                 "AttrsOwner",
652             ]
653         ),
654         "Param": (
655             options: [ "Pat" ],
656             traits: [
657                 "TypeAscriptionOwner",
658                                 "AttrsOwner",
659             ]
660         ),
661         "UseItem": (
662             traits: ["AttrsOwner"],
663             options: [ "UseTree" ],
664         ),
665         "UseTree": (
666             options: [ "Path", "UseTreeList", "Alias" ]
667         ),
668         "Alias": (
669             traits: ["NameOwner"],
670         ),
671         "UseTreeList": (
672             collections: [("use_trees", "UseTree")]
673         ),
674         "ExternCrateItem": (
675             traits: ["AttrsOwner"],
676             options: ["NameRef", "Alias"],
677         ),
678         "ArgList": (
679             collections: [
680                 ("args", "Expr"),
681             ]
682         ),
683         "Path": (
684             options: [
685                 ["segment", "PathSegment"],
686                 ["qualifier", "Path"],
687             ]
688         ),
689         "PathSegment": (
690             options: [ "NameRef", "TypeArgList", "ParamList", "RetType", "PathType" ]
691         ),
692         "TypeArgList": (collections: [
693             ("type_args", "TypeArg"),
694             ("lifetime_args", "LifetimeArg"),
695             ("assoc_type_args", "AssocTypeArg"),
696         ]),
697         "TypeArg": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
698         "AssocTypeArg": (options: ["NameRef", "TypeRef"]),
699         "LifetimeArg": (),
701         "MacroItems": (
702             traits: [ "ModuleItemOwner", "FnDefOwner" ],
703         ),
705         "MacroStmts" : (
706             options: [ "Expr" ],
707             collections: [
708                 ("statements", "Stmt"),
709             ],
710         )
711     },
712 )