]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - clippy_lints/src/assign_ops.rs
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[rust.git] / clippy_lints / src / assign_ops.rs
1 use rustc::hir;
2 use rustc::lint::*;
3 use syntax::ast;
4 use utils::{span_lint_and_then, snippet_opt, SpanlessEq, get_trait_def_id, implements_trait};
5 use utils::{higher, sugg};
7 /// **What it does:** Checks for compound assignment operations (`+=` and
8 /// similar).
9 ///
10 /// **Why is this bad?** Projects with many developers from languages without
11 /// those operations may find them unreadable and not worth their weight.
12 ///
13 /// **Known problems:** Types implementing `OpAssign` don't necessarily
14 /// implement `Op`.
15 ///
16 /// **Example:**
17 /// ```rust
18 /// a += 1;
19 /// ```
20 declare_restriction_lint! {
21     pub ASSIGN_OPS,
22     "any compound assignment operation"
23 }
25 /// **What it does:** Checks for `a = a op b` or `a = b commutative_op a`
26 /// patterns.
27 ///
28 /// **Why is this bad?** These can be written as the shorter `a op= b`.
29 ///
30 /// **Known problems:** While forbidden by the spec, `OpAssign` traits may have
31 /// implementations that differ from the regular `Op` impl.
32 ///
33 /// **Example:**
34 /// ```rust
35 /// let mut a = 5;
36 /// ...
37 /// a = a + b;
38 /// ```
39 declare_lint! {
41     Warn,
42     "assigning the result of an operation on a variable to that same variable"
43 }
45 /// **What it does:** Checks for `a op= a op b` or `a op= b op a` patterns.
46 ///
47 /// **Why is this bad?** Most likely these are bugs where one meant to write `a
48 /// op= b`.
49 ///
50 /// **Known problems:** Someone might actually mean `a op= a op b`, but that
51 /// should rather be written as `a = (2 * a) op b` where applicable.
52 ///
53 /// **Example:**
54 /// ```rust
55 /// let mut a = 5;
56 /// ...
57 /// a += a + b;
58 /// ```
59 declare_lint! {
61     Warn,
62     "having a variable on both sides of an assign op"
63 }
65 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
66 pub struct AssignOps;
68 impl LintPass for AssignOps {
69     fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
71     }
72 }
74 impl<'a, 'tcx> LateLintPass<'a, 'tcx> for AssignOps {
75     fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'a, 'tcx>, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr) {
76         match expr.node {
77             hir::ExprAssignOp(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
78                 span_lint_and_then(cx, ASSIGN_OPS, expr.span, "assign operation detected", |db| {
79                     let lhs = &sugg::Sugg::hir(cx, lhs, "..");
80                     let rhs = &sugg::Sugg::hir(cx, rhs, "..");
82                     db.span_suggestion(
83                         expr.span,
84                         "replace it with",
85                         format!("{} = {}", lhs, sugg::make_binop(higher::binop(op.node), lhs, rhs)),
86                     );
87                 });
88                 if let hir::ExprBinary(binop, ref l, ref r) = rhs.node {
89                     if op.node == binop.node {
90                         let lint = |assignee: &hir::Expr, rhs: &hir::Expr| {
91                             span_lint_and_then(cx,
92                                                MISREFACTORED_ASSIGN_OP,
93                                                expr.span,
94                                                "variable appears on both sides of an assignment operation",
95                                                |db| if let (Some(snip_a), Some(snip_r)) =
96                                                    (snippet_opt(cx, assignee.span), snippet_opt(cx, rhs.span)) {
97                                                    db.span_suggestion(expr.span,
98                                                                       "replace it with",
99                                                                       format!("{} {}= {}",
100                                                                               snip_a,
101                                                                               op.node.as_str(),
102                                                                               snip_r));
103                                                });
104                         };
105                         // lhs op= l op r
106                         if SpanlessEq::new(cx).ignore_fn().eq_expr(lhs, l) {
107                             lint(lhs, r);
108                         }
109                         // lhs op= l commutative_op r
110                         if is_commutative(op.node) && SpanlessEq::new(cx).ignore_fn().eq_expr(lhs, r) {
111                             lint(lhs, l);
112                         }
113                     }
114                 }
115             },
116             hir::ExprAssign(ref assignee, ref e) => {
117                 if let hir::ExprBinary(op, ref l, ref r) = e.node {
118                     #[allow(cyclomatic_complexity)]
119                     let lint = |assignee: &hir::Expr, rhs: &hir::Expr| {
120                         let ty = cx.tables.expr_ty(assignee);
121                         let rty = cx.tables.expr_ty(rhs);
122                         macro_rules! ops {
123                             ($op:expr,
124                              $cx:expr,
125                              $ty:expr,
126                              $rty:expr,
127                              $($trait_name:ident:$full_trait_name:ident),+) => {
128                                 match $op {
129                                     $(hir::$full_trait_name => {
130                                         let [krate, module] = ::utils::paths::OPS_MODULE;
131                                         let path = [krate, module, concat!(stringify!($trait_name), "Assign")];
132                                         let trait_id = if let Some(trait_id) = get_trait_def_id($cx, &path) {
133                                             trait_id
134                                         } else {
135                                             return; // useless if the trait doesn't exist
136                                         };
137                                         // check that we are not inside an `impl AssignOp` of this exact operation
138                                         let parent_fn = cx.tcx.hir.get_parent(e.id);
139                                         let parent_impl = cx.tcx.hir.get_parent(parent_fn);
140                                         // the crate node is the only one that is not in the map
141                                         if_let_chain!{[
142                                             parent_impl != ast::CRATE_NODE_ID,
143                                             let hir::map::Node::NodeItem(item) = cx.tcx.hir.get(parent_impl),
144                                             let hir::Item_::ItemImpl(_, _, _, _, Some(ref trait_ref), _, _) = item.node,
145                                             trait_ref.path.def.def_id() == trait_id
146                                         ], { return; }}
147                                         implements_trait($cx, $ty, trait_id, &[$rty])
148                                     },)*
149                                     _ => false,
150                                 }
151                             }
152                         }
153                         if ops!(
154                             op.node,
155                             cx,
156                             ty,
157                             rty,
158                             Add: BiAdd,
159                             Sub: BiSub,
160                             Mul: BiMul,
161                             Div: BiDiv,
162                             Rem: BiRem,
163                             And: BiAnd,
164                             Or: BiOr,
165                             BitAnd: BiBitAnd,
166                             BitOr: BiBitOr,
167                             BitXor: BiBitXor,
168                             Shr: BiShr,
169                             Shl: BiShl
170                         )
171                         {
172                             span_lint_and_then(
173                                 cx,
174                                 ASSIGN_OP_PATTERN,
175                                 expr.span,
176                                 "manual implementation of an assign operation",
177                                 |db| if let (Some(snip_a), Some(snip_r)) =
178                                     (snippet_opt(cx, assignee.span), snippet_opt(cx, rhs.span))
179                                 {
180                                     db.span_suggestion(
181                                         expr.span,
182                                         "replace it with",
183                                         format!("{} {}= {}", snip_a, op.node.as_str(), snip_r),
184                                     );
185                                 },
186                             );
187                         }
188                     };
189                     // a = a op b
190                     if SpanlessEq::new(cx).ignore_fn().eq_expr(assignee, l) {
191                         lint(assignee, r);
192                     }
193                     // a = b commutative_op a
194                     if SpanlessEq::new(cx).ignore_fn().eq_expr(assignee, r) {
195                         match op.node {
196                             hir::BiAdd | hir::BiMul | hir::BiAnd | hir::BiOr | hir::BiBitXor | hir::BiBitAnd |
197                             hir::BiBitOr => {
198                                 lint(assignee, l);
199                             },
200                             _ => {},
201                         }
202                     }
203                 }
204             },
205             _ => {},
206         }
207     }
208 }
210 fn is_commutative(op: hir::BinOp_) -> bool {
211     use rustc::hir::BinOp_::*;
212     match op {
213         BiAdd | BiMul | BiAnd | BiOr | BiBitXor | BiBitAnd | BiBitOr | BiEq | BiNe => true,
214         BiSub | BiDiv | BiRem | BiShl | BiShr | BiLt | BiLe | BiGe | BiGt => false,
215     }
216 }