]> git.lizzy.rs Git - rust.git/blob - .vscode/tasks.json
[rust.git] / .vscode / tasks.json
1 // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
2 // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
3 {
4   "version": "2.0.0",
5   "tasks": [
6     {
7       "type": "npm",
8       "script": "compile",
9       "label": "Build Extension",
10       "problemMatcher": {
11         "owner": "typescript",
12         "pattern": "$tsc",
13         "fileLocation": [
14           "relative",
15           "${workspaceRoot}/editors/code"
16         ]
17       },
18       "path": "editors/code/"
19     },
20     {
21       "label": "Build Lsp",
22       "type": "shell",
23       "command": "cargo build",
24       "problemMatcher": "$rustc"
25     },
26     {
27       "label": "Build All",
28       "group": "build",
29       "dependsOn": [
30         "Build Extension",
31         "Build Lsp"
32       ],
33       "problemMatcher": []
34     },
35     {
36       "label": "cargo watch",
37       "group": "build",
38       "isBackground": true,
39       "type": "shell",
40       "command": "cargo",
41       "args": [
42         "watch"
43       ],
44       "problemMatcher": "$rustc-watch"
45     },
46     {
47       "label": "cargo watch tests",
48       "group": "build",
49       "isBackground": true,
50       "type": "shell",
51       "command": "cargo",
52       "args": [
53         "watch",
54         "-x",
55         "check --tests"
56       ],
57       "problemMatcher": "$rustc-watch"
58     }
59   ]
60 }